Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

This has been something that in my tradition the tools feel better suited to the elements that I have chosen, and I will explain my reasoning behind it.

Okay! first and foremost all you really need is the will and the word, everything else is window dressing and status symbols.The one absolute is the Book of Shadows.
Water= Chalice, bowl, cauldron. reasoning is self explanitory.
Earth= Pentacle. it represents the unified materialistic ie also coin prosperity.
Air = Fan or Wing, it is customary to smoke&cleanse those prior to rituals.
Fire = Wand or Staff,Brooms, used for the casting of circles, cleansing ritual space.
Spirit/Akasha = Athame, the ore is born of the Earth, transformed by Fire, given skill by Air,
and tempered by Water, and all these give the blade a soul Akasha.
But to tell a blade that is not aloud to cut is like, telling a rooster not crow at dawn.The idea of having a
blade that doesn't cut is an oxymoron

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Comment by Ragnorok on December 29, 2008 at 8:53am
You burned your Book of Shadows, cause a house guest was messing around with it! That was Foolish! First it shouldnt have been where they could have gotten to begin with. Second, If you consecrate your tools, you don't have to worry about contamination from non-pagans. I say this because unless you like going through the world as a VICTIM,the only one who has power over you and your belongings is you.

In fact in every case of a curse that a friend has come to me for help with, was nothing but self induced drama and miss placed guilt. Even if has a negative intent towards you, its as simple as this, You have No Power over ME! So you can choose to let the mundanes rule over you, or you can rise above.
Comment by erthgoddss on December 28, 2008 at 7:54am
I am not Wiccan, so perhaps this is addressed to Wiccans only? I have all of the items you mentioned other than the BOS. IMO... all of the items you mentioned are good ones... but also include to keep them safe from other people handling them. For instance, IMO, if you wear a pentacle necklace... keep it under your clothes. It is not modesty, it prevents contamination from non-pagans or those who wish you harm. I live alone, but because I often have people in the house... and some of those people like to handle things they shouldn't, all of my items are locked away in a drawer... my portable altar if you will.

BTW, the reason I no longer have a BOS is because someone who was visiting was "messing" with mine, I didn't know this person well and was not comfortable with someone soiling it. I burned it. Perhaps it was just paranoia, but imo... anything that has been cleansed and blessed should not be handled by another person.. especially if you don't know their intent.

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