Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

  • 53, Male
  • Baltimore, MD
  • United States
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Ragnorok's Friends

  • Jeannie
  • wanna_be_shawn
  • Alexandra Iris
  • Cameron S.
  • deleted
  • Damien Fire Water
  • Teri whittlinger
  • Bree
  • Wintermoon
  • Lil_Raven
  • BlueMoonWater
  • Kate
  • Steveo
  • Taliesin Soladraig


  • 1.
    Cartoons Christmas Songs - You're a Mean One Mr Grinch
  • 2.
    Bob and Tom - Dickens Cider (1)
  • 3.
    Soundtracks - Scary Movie - waaaazzzzzzzzzzzupppppp!
  • 4.
    Comedy-Sesame Street Smokin' Pot

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For all the visions & voices that guide our paths lead us not to the asylum, but safely home

Profile Information

Between Rock&AHardPlace.
Relationship Status:
Married, With Someone
Zodiac Sign:
Do you remember your past lives?
Common person, Viking, Neanderthal, animal, artist, Solitary Magus, Mr./Ms. Nobody
Path or Tradition:
Unorthodox Pagan,
Do you have a religion?
Neopagan, Spiritsm
Working Man/Family Man/Married Man
Magic of choice:
Asatru, Ceremonial, Evocations, Mental, White Magic, Earth-Gaia Magic, Circle, Greco-Roman, Spells, Druidry, Pendulum, Oracles, Omens, Clairvoyance, Shamanism, Channelling, Alchemy, Runes, Sorcery, Crystals, Sex Magic, Natural Magic, Scrying, Divination, Other
Where you perform rituals?
inside your house, forests, in a car, on a beach, in the bath tub, other, fields, on a quiet street, midnight cemetery, pagan circle, ancient ruin, rooftop, around a bonfire, mountains, valley, hills, mental ritual
How do you perform your ritual?
It depends on the ritual Some are very complex Some are simple! being solitary at this point and time there are some rituals that I am unable to perform. otherwise the question sounds like your asking for instructions for a how to video!
Cemetery of choice:
Gettysburg National Cemetery, Catacombs of Rome, Valley of the Kings ( Egypt )
Forest of choice:
Lake Waterford Park, Downs Park, Herring Run, The Redwoods,The Black Forests in Germany, The Rain forests of Central America
Beach of choice:
Key west if I ever get there, The Gulf of Mexico, Ocean City MD.every beach I haven't named.
Among my preferred tools for Magick rituals:
No disgusting medieval stregheria, Magic sword, Evil mask, Other
What about Drugs?...
Viva Wine!, Other
What about dancing?
I dance around a mystic fire, Dancin' for the Gods, Other
Food orientation:
Carnivore, Fish eater, Sushi lover, Other
Vegetarian's dilemma: Do you think eating meat is a crime?
Favorite food:
Spaghetti, Pizza, Steak, Hamburger, Pancakes, Belgian Waffle, Fried Eggs, Cotton candy, Sacher pie, Minestrone, Lentil soup, Mediterranean anchovies, bananas, mexican tomatoes, pop corn, Nutella, Baratti's Crema di Nocciole, Beppino Ocelli's Butter, Kosher dill pickles, Italian peperoni, meat balls, hot dogs, Chicago stuffed pizza, Oroville Redenbocker popcorn, Ballpark hot dogs, Fettucine Alfredo, Nachos, Burritos, Black Angus steak, Grilled anything, Other
Type of Ethnic food you like:
Italian, American, French, German, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Spanish, Scottish, Russian, Iceland, Other
Preferred beverage:
Soda, Water, Hard Alcohol, Beer, Wine, Juice, other
Favorite Movies:
action,thrillers, suspense
Favorite Music:
eclectic, everything but whining love songs, top 40, or country
Favorite Books:
Anthem, Stranger in a strange land, Eyes of the dragon, the Art of War,Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy,
books Ive bound myself
Favorite Quote:
A Frog and a Scorpion are at a riverbank.The Scorpion asks the frog to give him a ride across the river.The Frog replies No you'll sting me and we'll drown The Scorpion says If I sting you then we'll both surely drown. The Frog thought about it for a moment and invited the Scorpion to climb onto his back.Halfway across the Scorpion stung the Frog and the began to sink.The Frog said Why did you do this?the Scorpion replied I couldn't help it ,it's my nature!
Partner Preference:
Searching for a Neopaganic adventure?
Neopagan friends, Neopagan guide, Neopagan networking
Preferred Car:
1971 Baracuda
Any Pets?
Pet Details?
rescued fox hound,do kids count?
some college/LIFE
Yes 3 ,2sons&adaughter
Erotic Orientation:
Normal, Swinger, Other
Sex Drive:
Uber Horny
Erotic,Tantric, SexMagick status:
Satyr, God of Love, Wizard of Sex other
People you like:
People who don't cut you off in mid sentence,people who are worthy of respecting&giving respect.People I can trust and count on. I am laid back working on the relaxing I was uptight for a real long time, but I'm real easy to get along with.
People you hate:
I really don't hate anyone. but if I can't trust or respect you I just want nothing to do with you.People who play games with you and twist things around.
Political Orientation?
I feel that politicians abuse the power that they have been given,and that unfortunately that there are not enough checks and balances to keep them humble.There are alot of issues that Im either for or against the only way your going to find out is if you ask.
How would you like to end up?
fancy coffin, Mummified, left on Mount Everest, buried inside a wall, Green burial, other
If you will be mummified, where?
family little pyramid, Egyptian pyramid, Pyramid building San Francisco, Piramide di Caio Cestio in Rome, Dracul Vlad cemetery Transylvania, other
Favorite Archeological site:
Stone Henge, Valley of the Kings
Best City in the World:
Amsterdam,if I ever get there
An Old Egyptian Vampire is inside the Great Cheope Pyramid at Giza, do you enter?
Yes absolutely!!, I let CNN enter first!!
Do you like Italian "Pandoro" Cake?
Don't know
Do you hate our Questionnaire or...??
Hell yeah!!

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Ragnorok's Blog

A Witch's Sanity

Posted on February 12, 2009 at 6:22pm 1 Comment

The sanity of a witch will always come into question. Especially as we progress further along with psychological advancements. An example clar-audience & clar-voyence, the abilities to hear & see events that haven't happened are being attributed to mental illness.

Now before I even voice my opinion on this let me state that surviving through life everyday could make you crazy.

E.S.P. is the one thing that just about every witch strives for. Whether it's through… Continue

Taking the Taboo out of Sacrifice

Posted on January 12, 2009 at 6:00pm 0 Comments

In our modern era of witches just the mention of the word sacrifice, brings to mind the paths covered in blood.I just stopped myself from stereo-typing them as darker faiths.Blood Magic is one of the more potent forms of magic out there it is also dangerous.People get very unsettled about animal sacrifices to begin with and not to mention in this country it is illegal.Besides I never saw the point of sacrificing an animal for my magic, it's not like the poor creature can speak up and say he's… Continue

Getting Established! January1st,2009 Azure Studios

Posted on January 1, 2009 at 5:30pm 0 Comments

Everyone has an idea where they would like to have in life. House,Marriage (regardless of gender),Family, & of course some kind of Career.Well for the most part I have most of that, with the exception of the career that would really suit me.A lot of people have a good idea by the time their finishing High School.Some have it down straight from childhood.Most don't have a clue and take jobs to pay bills, and live paycheck to paycheck struggling to get by.

Yes I have talents to put… Continue

I'm not here to play games. get into dramas. And if the members here are for playing head games. they shall play alone. what you see is what you get . if you cant take me at my word. then see ya.

Posted on December 30, 2008 at 8:21pm 0 Comments

I'm not here to play games. get into dramas.
And if the members here are for playing head games.
they shall play alone. what you see is what you get .
if you cant take me at my word. then see ya.

The broom Closet

Posted on December 29, 2008 at 10:11am 0 Comments

Over the years I've seen some stuff to whiten your hair, in my case make you go bald.

Anyway we all have our little secrets that we hide away from the world,

from each other. Some we think so big & horrific,and others just embarrassing.

But truth be told it is those secrets that brought each and every one of us

into the Craft.

I myself am not going to divulge any details other than to say that 1981 was a very busy year.

By the time 1982 rolled around I… Continue

Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 9:42pm on December 30, 2011, nurul azam said…

                                         wellcome to the new beginninG

                                                 happy nEw year

At 8:29am on December 31, 2010, nurul azam said…
At 8:46am on August 16, 2009, Stef said…
nice pix
At 6:00pm on April 7, 2009, BlueMoonWater said…
Hey Rags, havent bumped into u in a while and wanted to say hello and hope u r doin great!!
At 4:56am on January 6, 2009, Lil_Raven said…
Thank you for the kind words..I am happy you added me and look forward to becoming friends
At 9:12am on December 31, 2008, Jade said…
your work is absolutly gorgous!!!! beautiful!!
At 12:36pm on December 26, 2008, Franklyn Blender said…
Greetings Ragnorauk! Nice to meet you. Thanks for the friend invite. My That is a pretty cool name for a cat Boozer lol. Never could get mine to even taste the stuff lol. Have a Great Weekend!
At 11:52am on December 26, 2008, Damien Fire Water said…
Thanks for the add!!
At 2:33am on December 23, 2008, Kate said…
Salutations to you as well. Your Pics are awesome.
At 2:32am on December 23, 2008, Kate said…
I have studied with a lot of friends. I do Know John (Merlin) and his Wife Lenora (hopefully we are talking about the same John)

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