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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Hello, I am new to this and am to be initiated into a coven soon, but I have some questions and some concerns. Anyone I can talk to?

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Comment by Ffawn on October 27, 2009 at 6:01pm
Before You Join A Wiccan or Pagan Coven
(by Patti Wigington)
You've found the coven that you think is right for you – in fact, they're
PERFECT!! -- and they've asked you to join. So now what do you do? Before you
say yes, ask yourself the following:

Can I fulfill the time commitment required of me?

The coven may have some obligations that its members are expected to fulfill.
Can you show up on time and prepared for meetings? Do you have the time and
energy to devote to studying, reading, and learning whatever requirements are
set for members? If your coven meets every Saturday, but that's the day your
kids have soccer games, will you be forced to make a choice between your coven
and your family? If you can't devote the required amount of time to this coven,
it may not be wise to join just yet.

Can I follow the coven's rules?

In many traditions, the secrets of the coven are oathbound and initiatory --
which means you can't go home and blab to your spouse about all the stuff you
did in ritual. It's also not uncommon for a coven to require that members' names
be kept confidential. If you can't stand the idea of not sharing your new
secrets with family and friends, you might want to hold off on joining a coven
that requires secrecy and privacy of its members.

Can I continue to get along with everyone in this group?

Group dynamics are a tricky thing, particuarly when you're the "new person" in
an established coven. It's important to figure out whether you can get along
with everyone, not just now but later on. If there's one member who rubs you the
wrong way, figure out whether it's something you can live with, or if it's going
to make you brood and get angry later on. Decide this before you commit.
Depending on how the other members of the coven view this person, you could be
in for some problems further down the road.

Is there room for me to grow spiritually and advance in my studies?

Are members expected to learn and grow, or does the High Priest/High Priestess
just want a group of followers? If it's the latter, and there's no set course of
spiritual advancement, you'll need to really think about what you can gain from
joining this group. Not only should each member bring something of value to the
coven, but the coven should provide benefits in return. If you want to advance
and learn, but all you're being offered is a chance to be part of a "Weekend
Wiccan" group, you may want to reconsider.

If something happens and I choose to leave the coven, will it be accepted?

Traditionally, if a member leaves a Wiccan coven in good standing, their names
are removed from the coven roster, their magical tools are returned to them, and
they are sent off into the world with warm blessings. Occasionally, however, a
coven may make it difficult for departing members. If the coven you're looking
at makes any mention of causing any trouble with members who leave (listen for
the term "Witch Wars" here), you'll need to seriously think about whether this
is a group you wish to be part of.

Will my family or spouse support me in my decision to join a coven?

Whatever your spiritual path, it's far easier to walk if the people who love you
are supportive. If you've discovered Wicca and your spouse or parent is worried
about you possibly burning in Hell, you could have a problem. While it's
important to find ways to grow spiritually and network with like-minded people,
it's equally important to keep harmony in your home. You may need to hold off on
joining a coven or group until you can honestly discuss the topic with your
family or spouse and address any concerns they might have.

Making a Final Decision

If you're able to honestly answer "yes" to every single one of the above
questions, then this might just be the right coven for you. Accept the offer of
membership with grace and dignity, and do your best to uphold your end of the
coven's oath. After all, a coven is a small family, only better – because you
get to choose your coven!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a Solitary and choosing to stay
that way. Thats the wonderful thing about Wicca, you do what is right for YOU.
Comment by strangehappenings on October 27, 2009 at 11:38am
Hello Brandi. I'm here if you have a question. How wonderful that you've found a coven!! I'm a solitary right now, but I have been in a coven before. I miss many aspects of that. I'll help you if I can.
Carol aka strangehappenings
Comment by Sam Morgan on October 27, 2009 at 7:35am
Hi Brandi, congraulations on becoming a coven member. What are you questions and concerns? I will try to answer some of them.

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