Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

  • 51, Female
  • Deptford, New jersey
  • United States
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Strangehappenings's Friends

  • Brandi Nikole Assevedo
  • Okacha Da-shay
  • Nikki
  • anand
  • Ronnie L. Weeks ~ Osiris Dragondark
  • Steveo
  • raincrow
  • Sehkmet kalikalmata
  • Gary Warchylde
  • Kevin Aughey
  • nakava
  • Talon GreyWolf
  • Amethyst_Blessings
  • Rebecca (Community Moderator)

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Profile Information

Relationship Status:
Not Looking
Zodiac Sign:
Do you remember your past lives?
Common person, Druid, Country bumpkin, Solitary Witch, other
Path or Tradition:
Do you have a religion?
Neopagan, Spiritsm
currently unemployed - but going to school full time
Magic of choice:
Evocations, Mental, Wicca, White Magic, Earth-Gaia Magic, Circle, Egyptian, Spells, Druidry, Pendulum, Seance, Clairvoyance, Shamanism, Channelling, Alchemy, Runes, Celtic, Crystals, Hermetic Magic, Natural Magic, Scrying, Reiki, Divination, Tarot, Other
Where you perform rituals?
inside your house, forests, in a car, on a beach, in the bath tub, other, fields, on a quiet street, midnight cemetery, pagan circle, around a bonfire, mountains, valley, hills, mental ritual
How do you perform your ritual?
Varies greatly, from the smallest thoughtform, to meditations to impromtu circles with friends in an emergency asking for guidance or blessings for another. Most times I am alone calling the 4 elemental corners, asking the Goddess and God to stand with me. I use candles - A LOT, and I work with insence and stones - A LOT. I am a bit of an elemental herbalist. I use many of the herbs I grow in my cooking spells. I always consider how the elements and planetary aspects may affect my spell work. I am constantly keeping tabs on when the moon is void of course and planetary aspects before I do a spell. I have thought forms and visualizations going through my head all the time. Occasionally, I will have very ornate rituals during Sabbat or Esbat with my friends, though we are not a coven so to speak, we do pull some excellent energies. Primarily though, as far as day to day goes, I am fairly informal and just throw my MOJO down every couple of hours or so when I get a thought or a need to go in a certain direction. I always back myself up with a small, impromptu spell or thoughtform. Works for me!! :)
Beach of choice:
Cape May, NJ
What about Drugs?...
I hate
Food orientation:
Carnivore, Fish eater, Sushi lover
Vegetarian's dilemma: Do you think eating meat is a crime?
Not really..
Favorite food:
Steak, Hamburger, bananas, Kosher dill pickles, Italian peperoni, meat balls, Chicago stuffed pizza, Macaroni & cheese, Fettucine Alfredo, Nachos, Burritos, Black Angus steak, Grilled anything
Type of Ethnic food you like:
Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Spanish, Other
Preferred beverage:
Water, Wine, Juice, other
Favorite Movies:
The Notebook, The Long Kiss Goodnight, Any Star Wars, Any Harry Potter, Any Lord of the Rings, Any Adams family (so silly - I know) The Professional, Blues Brothers, Vampire Flicks, Anything with Johnny Depp in it. Into the Wild is very deep.
Favorite Music:
Frank Sinatra, old blues, KT Tunstall, Maroon 5
Favorite Books:
I read constantly... constantly
Favorite Quote:
" 'I dwell in darkness with out you'... and it went away??!!!!" -- Willow
Favorite Website: (Info Only - no other communities please)
myspace: I'm "strangehappenings" on there, too.
Partner Preference:
Searching for a Neopaganic adventure?
Neopagan friends, Neopagan networking
Preferred Car:
I like old muscle cars. I also like the entire Audi line and Volvo has some nice little hatchback thats frackin hott!! But I really love motorcycles. I aspire to get a Yamaha Stratoliner, and WWII BMW side car motorcycle and I also like the Yamaha Raider. Not into Harley's or the attitudes of most of thier riders. I refuse to put them on a pedistal and they don't like that too much. LOL!!
Any Pets?
5 cats
Pet Details?
-Ray the orange tabby (rescued from the shelter in April '08), 3 years old
-Maui the grey rivercat (rescued from an abandoned Building on the delaware river in 2003), 5 years old
-Guiness, a siamese tourtie point (rescued from the shelter in April '08), 8 years old.
- Bailey, grey fat tabby (dropped off on my doorstep the weekend that Jimmy Stewart died), 12 years old
-Coconut, the old white mama,(rescued from under a bus when she was eight years old) shes 18 now.
Biology, Environmental Science,wetland and preservation science = college for the rest of my life.......
not yet but we will be working on that
Erotic Orientation:
People you like:
Kind (most important), Funny (very important), thoughtful - not selfish. Open to all the interesting things I do, but you don't have to follow, just don't criticise. I like inclusive people.
People you hate:
-Jealouse people
-Childish gossip types
-People who think they can talk down to me - they learn quickly that they can not - may not. I am very intelligent - though I spelling is not my forte. :)
-People who try to interrupt my happy because they don't have it themselves.
Political Orientation?
I voted for Obama!!
How would you like to end up?
Favorite Archeological site:
A grass blade in my front yard....
Best City in the World:
Charleston, SC

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Strangehappenings's Blog

Boycotting Discovery Networks for misrepresenting Wicca

Posted on October 27, 2009 at 11:00am 4 Comments

This is a letter I wrote on the boards of the Discovery networks and I copied and pasted to here.

October 27, 2009.

I just finished watching an episode of "A Haunting, 'Spellbound'" and I feel hurt and dicsriminated against. There was a previous discussion on the Discovery netowrks boards last year about this episode and it is closed now. I didn't see this show until today, and I felt I had to reopen this topic. For the Dicovery channel to allow this show to be aired more than once,… Continue

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At 7:57am on July 26, 2013, chris sanborn said…

merry meet

At 11:29pm on October 27, 2009, Brandi Nikole Assevedo said…
Hello Carol! Thank you for taking the time to respond to my blog, and I would be ecstatic to have you as a friend on this site. If you wouldn't mind of course. Well thank you again!

At 9:42pm on November 13, 2008, Amethyst_Blessings said…
Buried @ Photocasket
Buried @ PhotoCasket

Thanks for the Friend request and add!!

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