Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Getting Established! January1st,2009 Azure Studios

Everyone has an idea where they would like to have in life. House,Marriage (regardless of gender),Family, & of course some kind of Career.Well for the most part I have most of that, with the exception of the career that would really suit me.A lot of people have a good idea by the time their finishing High School.Some have it down straight from childhood.Most don't have a clue and take jobs to pay bills, and live paycheck to paycheck struggling to get by.

Yes I have talents to put me on top..A few of those talents didn't surface until about 7 years ago.All of it was self discovered so yes there where flaws along the way. I just want to get my self established in our community as a supplier of wands and chalices.

So over the months ahead you will see some new stuff popping up in my photos, feel free to leave honest feedback on them.I'm not worried about trying to please everyone's tastes but if you see something that you like let me know. Right now I am getting in the habit of producing on a regular basis with the materials I have on hand.

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