This is a letter I wrote on the boards of the Discovery networks and I copied and pasted to here.
October 27, 2009.
I just finished watching an episode of "A Haunting, 'Spellbound'" and I feel hurt and dicsriminated against. There was a previous discussion on the Discovery netowrks boards last year about this episode and it is closed now. I didn't see this show until today, and I felt I had to reopen this topic. For the Dicovery channel to allow this show to be aired more than once, if at all, is appalling. This is not Wicca. We don't even believe in the 'devil', though we do recognise a form of horned god. On the other board there was a woman who claimed to be the mother in the episode and she stated that the show was only loosly based on a book. She went on to say that they misconstrued her interviews by ommitting some of her statements and that the end scene with stuff coming out of the walls was nothing like what happened. She was hurt by the directors portrayal of the events and the was it slanted what she said. She expressed great remorse that the show came out the way it did.
This episode is a blantant misrepresentation of my religion to perpetuate fear and misunderstanding of Wicca. It is so skewed and contorted so that it instills fear in those who aren't educated in aceptance of other religions and makes it look 'evil'. To me it was so ridiculous and offensive and I felt helpless knowing that some people, that I may come across in life one day, will have based thier view of my religious beliefs and myself on THAT episode. With the information they were given, it would be terribly wrong. I am not going to watch "A Haunting" ever again and I am boycotting all the Discovery networks for a period of at least one year and possibly more until an apology is produced to the Wiccan community and that episode and any other that is intoloerant is taken out of the line up. I am going to sperad the word of my boycott to others.
I believe that the director did take great liberties to scare and shock its audience without care of the harm he was causing and the perpetuation of hate against Wicca. I am not going to 'lash out' at other religions for past wrongs as so many do in religous debate, as it is not my place and I think it is wrong and not a step in the right direction toward acceptance. I will live my life as an example of a kind, thoughtful, person who believes in Wicca. That is how I will represent myself. I will, however, hold organizations, the media and idividuals who contort and misrepresent my beliefs to others so it is seen as 'evil', accountable when they lie to get leverage, money or ratings. I expect more from the Discovery channels.
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