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hhahaha, im going to be 23 next month, wow.

23, wow, ive got a lot of stuff to think bout. heheahaha. i do wish i had a boyfriend, tho, someone to celebrate SAMHAIN with. yaaaaayyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyya halloween, my faverote time of year. anyone who wants to find my, look for eiother my name on facebook, or sluna2387 on yahoo. happy samhain to everyone

Added by genevieve nicole drouin on October 28, 2009 at 9:00am — No Comments

Venezuelan Spiritism, a NYT Video article

NYT Video Article, click here

I found this interesting and very related to Wicca / Neopaganism etc. because of the rituals, the channeling, and the mix of religions for this annual Venezuelan (and others) celebration.… Continue

Added by Rebecca (Community Moderator) on October 28, 2009 at 8:00am — 2 Comments

Boycotting Discovery Networks for misrepresenting Wicca

This is a letter I wrote on the boards of the Discovery networks and I copied and pasted to here.

October 27, 2009.

I just finished watching an episode of "A Haunting, 'Spellbound'" and I feel hurt and dicsriminated against. There was a previous discussion on the Discovery netowrks boards last year about this episode and it is closed now. I didn't see this show until today, and I felt I had to reopen this topic. For the Dicovery channel to allow this show to be aired more than once,… Continue

Added by strangehappenings on October 27, 2009 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

I welcome all to speak with,

Hello, I am new to this and am to be initiated into a coven soon, but I have some questions and some concerns. Anyone I can talk to?

Added by Brandi Nikole Assevedo on October 27, 2009 at 1:02am — 3 Comments


hello im new just looking for people to talk with so mail me if your intersted

Added by Lunar Wolf on October 26, 2009 at 8:19am — No Comments

Request for Depression Aide

I'm afraid that I'm beginning to fall back into depression. I thought that I had my abandonment issues under control, but recently It feels like it's catching up with me. My mom has even begun to consider psychologist's help, and if worst comes to worst, medicine. Please I need help, I hate what's becoming of me. I'm always hungry, dead tired, and just in a horrid mood lately. In the last week I broke into tears more than 5 times, for basically no reason at all. I'm honestly scared. I'll answer… Continue

Added by Lenore on October 25, 2009 at 6:25pm — 2 Comments

Broken Heart

Two years had passed and I can still remember all the memories Cass(my one and only love) and I have shared together for five years. For that five years of having her as my woman, it never came into my mind that one day, she will tell me that she don't love me anymore. But, that's life. I know that everything changes.

Cass for me is the most beautiful and jolly person in this world. She always loves to dance and we both love… Continue

Added by william moore on October 18, 2009 at 8:31pm — No Comments


Greetings and Blessings!
Some may know me as N E M A from a moon or two ago however KalmWolf is my given name so hellow and blessings to all. I am also located at http:/KalmWolf.covenspace.com.

Added by Michael KalmWolf Steele on October 15, 2009 at 7:30am — No Comments

Beautiful Blue

Clear drops of health

Purifying dewy dots

Wisp, circle with the air

Over the Earth that holds you

Purify the mind and heart and soul

Purify the physical body

All from inside shall

Be one and syncronized with you

As perfect, clear, and healthy

Cleanse our bodies so we are not ill

Cleanse our minds so we may think clearly

Cleanse our hearts so we can love

Cleanse our souls, erase our debt

We will flow endlessly

As… Continue

Added by Anna(Azuren) on October 14, 2009 at 7:45pm — No Comments

Newest Poem "CATHARSIS"


I gaze in amazement, my heart wonders where the smile on your face went, I don’t have a clue as to who the hell I am facing when you chasing, insults and slights that don’t even exist, pointing at the skeletons in my closet when you have a grave yard in your basement.

Once, I remember you asked why is it so difficult for me to share my heart, never knowing I had planned to give it to you from the start out of love but never on demand, command you could never… Continue

Added by Obsidian Sphinx on October 6, 2009 at 1:11pm — No Comments

I went to pagan pride day

At battery park in new york city it was pagan pride day, was amazing and at first I felt in awe of how many pagans there were in New York but as say to all next year we must all come show allthat we are a force to be recon with that we are now thousands strong , and growing

Added by Sehkmet kalikalmata on October 6, 2009 at 6:11am — 1 Comment

A Vampires History of Vampire Gods and Goddesses

A Vampires History of Gods and Goddesses

In a word? Jealousy. If one word could summarize the legends, myths and truths of vampirism it would be plain, unoriginal and simple pedestrian jealousy. Jealousy of humanities limitless connection to the Divine. Jealousy of our light and soul. Jealousy of our youth in terms of how old we are as a species. Jealousy is at the fore front of any justification or purpose a vampire may have to feed. Jealousy. Jealousy because the very life giving… Continue

Added by Obsidian Sphinx on October 1, 2009 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment


Poem & Spell…

Templars, Illuminati, Free Mason’s fall, The children of Ptah bastardized by greed thought they could keep it all. Hide it all. But Isis, Maat, and Thoth the thrice great, rules the moon so like the tide, true earthly power is doomed to rise and fall.

There’s just not enough liquor to drown the melancholy and malcontent. The joy that turns sour when once you though it heaven sent. What makes life sour? The lack or the abuse of power? Both eventually give… Continue

Added by Obsidian Sphinx on September 30, 2009 at 1:21pm — No Comments


Crying Marionette

written by Alberto a.k.a. "THE BAORNESS" Kennedy

On March 29, 2009

It’s hard. To be the discards of a shattered heart that loves you. So use, to being used and it somehow felt so good to be abused by her beautiful evil. Her tears of poison I kissed away, I couldn’t stay away though I’ve always known, I have to stay the hell away.

Her voice, honey laced cyanide, I’ve tried and tried, existed and survived, without her toxic… Continue

Added by Obsidian Sphinx on September 30, 2009 at 1:00pm — No Comments

The Witch's Ballad

By Doreen Valiente

Oh, I have been beyond the town,

Where nightshade black and mandrake grow,

And I have heard and I have seen

What righteous folk would fear to know!

For I have heard, at still midnight,

Upon the hilltop far, forlorn,

With note that echoed through the dark,

The winding of the heathen horn.

And I have seen the fire aglow,

And glinting from the magic sword,

And with the inner eye beheld

The Horned One, the… Continue

Added by Pamela Vila on September 27, 2009 at 4:12am — No Comments


Love is like wine so thick and velvety smooth slightly burning as it soothes and flushes your face with its presence filling you with a majestic decadence as it adorns you with an unparalleled warmth, that it leaves inside of you. Never in back of you or in front of you but always and forever proud, tall and faithfully at either side of you.

Its touch exorcises demons from your very foundations; revelations are discovered through the eyes it gives you no lie can exist when your heart… Continue

Added by Obsidian Sphinx on September 25, 2009 at 3:15pm — No Comments

Poem "THE BUM"

This Poem is for my Father who passed away about 4 years ago or so. Though I knew him and still remember his face, his voice and his smile and the inflections behind his words. He was never really there. Odd thing is after my my moms divorced him he became more and more unstable and after a couple of romances and years he became homeless. He tried to get it together but the Streets of L.A. and being homeless for 13 years took it's toll. He died on the streets. With no one to claim his body.… Continue

Added by Obsidian Sphinx on September 24, 2009 at 12:56pm — No Comments



I am so blessed that my true friends are never jealous of me. They just accept me as I am and I them. Jealousy accomplishes nothing. I think this emotion out of all the others is the most hilarious. I honestly do. I mean really? You’re going to waste time from your life being angry and wanting what another person has or has accomplished? Really? You are not even going to make any attempt in achieving any type of happiness for yourself that may be equal to or at the very… Continue

Added by Obsidian Sphinx on September 23, 2009 at 12:59pm — No Comments

Poem entitled "SOMETIMES..."

Sometimes I…

Sometimes I forget I am as fallible as anyone else, I am so much more than just myself, I breathe the same air that everybody else does because What is? Has been and always was.

I am not better than you, because of what I have or what I do. I’m the same as you, because just like you? To my own self I’m true always doing what I got to do, to get myself and everyone else I love up, above and surviving on through.

I constantly remind myself that money… Continue

Added by Obsidian Sphinx on September 23, 2009 at 12:51pm — No Comments

information on the 13th Zodiac

My source for information is here at this link


Ophiuchus the 13th sign of the Zodiac - also known as Serpentarius, the Serpent Holder.

The constellation Ophiuchus has been known about since ancient times, but you wouldn’t know it.

It was never added to the Zodiac chart as astrologers said that the Sun went straight from Scorpius into Sagittarius, disregarding the fact that… Continue

Added by Cameron S. on September 22, 2009 at 12:29pm — 2 Comments

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