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Pagan Author PUSH



I did it...I finished the book!

Check it out my Pagan Family!!

Added by Rowan Canterbury on October 25, 2011 at 12:28pm — No Comments

listen here to words of wisdom beyond my years

i have noticed that people automatically assume that darkness is evil and that light is good.

heed my words when i write them.

darkess does not always equate to evil, as light does not always mean good.

merry meet, and merry part, and merry meet again!.   :)

Added by Jonathan on October 14, 2011 at 6:54pm — 2 Comments

With autumn approaches the Halloween season and a time for understanding

Feel free to share this and publish this, all I ask is that you use it in its entirety and give credit as it is. I also ask that you email me so I can track it.  My goal was to get local publications to share this and in turn start to add wisdom to the community as a whole.



With autumn approaches the Halloween season and a time for understanding

Max Holton

The season is upon us where the autumn produces vibrant colors in the trees, the…


Added by max holton on September 22, 2011 at 9:42am — No Comments

When will you open your eyes and see me for what I really am?

   Every year I meet a woman who declares me "the green man" and every year she invites me to Beltane but she always proves herself unworthy before the ceremony. They see wild animals respond to my voice. The weather change with my mood. They see me play my flute. They feel the maypole opening them up like never before. I give her the best sex she's ever had in her life but not as good as it could be. I won't give her the whole enchilada because she can't prove herself worthy of that…


Added by Chetan Skala on September 8, 2011 at 1:12pm — 2 Comments

"Girl put life on line in to save Wash. state boy" this warms my heart to no end

please follow this link to the story http://news.yahoo.com/girl-put-life-line-save-wash-state-boy-070434933.html

 for slow internet, here's the writen story below



LONG BEACH, Wash. (AP) — As Charles Ostrander flailed in the turbulent waves of the Pacific, it was another 12-year-old who put her life on the line to save him — the first in a series of responders who eventually… Continue

Added by Nicole troyer (SongWeaver) on August 11, 2011 at 10:24am — 1 Comment

Cherished Members - Please block messages from any Spammer suspects.

To all cherished members of this community - We do not welcome spammers here and delete them!

I'm talking about the person-bots who start up profiles only to be able to post comments on your profile with messages like "buy this" or saying they like you but want you to email them at such & such email because they are fishing for your personal email.

How to MARK their profile?

Go to the suspected spammer profile and on the…


Added by Rebecca (Community Moderator) on August 10, 2011 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Help Contribute To The Pagans In Afghanistan!

A message i received from WitchVox today, & I think everyone should contribute if they are able to.




"Greetings, Forest Moon is gearing up for Troop support as we are now sponsoring and endorsing a group in Afghanistan and expect more to follow. We are looking for the following:

1.Candles of all types

2.Various Incense and censors

3.various oils and oil burners

4.Pagan books

5.Pagan music

6.various herbs and any mortars and…


Added by Rowan Redthorn on August 10, 2011 at 12:42pm — 2 Comments

Sabbat: Lughnassad/Lammas/Lughnasadh


It is known as Lughnassa/ Lughnasadh in honor to the god Lugh's wedding to Mother Earth. Also known as Lammas, it is celebrated on August 1st. and Lughnassa on August 7th. However the those who follow the Celtic Tradition celebrate it on the first Full Moon in Leo. Other names are August Eve and the First Festival of Harvest.…


Added by Rowan Redthorn on August 1, 2011 at 12:00am — 1 Comment

Father's Love

Hedylogos guided my tongue

Whilst Peitho had her's

And Pothos had us both

I was lost in her eyes

As Hymenaios whispered

In my ear

We lost ourselves in

Each other

So Eros stole the show

Enter Bona Dea

Who guides the seed

To Earth

And sweet Alemonia

Waters the rich soil

Maia gives her a hand

Vitumnus sparks life

Deverra meets this beauty

She's there to keep her…


Added by Decimus Marcius Malleolus on July 23, 2011 at 11:40pm — 1 Comment

Friends of Spirit

People come in and out of your life for reasons unknown to us

Some are plesant some are rude & then we fuss


Some have a spark that we simply cant ignore

We fuss & fight yet we still want more


Some friends are close they cant see without eachother

They lean when in need cause they no no other


Disagreements happen & pain is felt

In the end, no one holds guilt


If friend is true they will love…


Added by Ember Moon on July 18, 2011 at 9:06pm — No Comments

i need a few good web sites,so I could have more pics..thank you

i need a few good web sites,so I could have more pics..thank you

Added by rick on July 12, 2011 at 2:33pm — 4 Comments

Present Energy

Hello all I am looking for others to share expeiences or just plain frienship.. Please hit me up at anytime....

Added by purple dolphin / the Charmed One on June 24, 2011 at 5:05am — 3 Comments

One Night Stand (It's called sippin whiskey)

I see you dancing on the floor

I take a seat at the bar

A double shot of jack

On the rocks

It's called sippin whiskey

And I'm gonna take my time

You see my eyes

Tracking every move of your hips

We both smile

I take a sip

You dance out the song

Movement is effortless for you

Your body melds with the beat

And become a hybrid

Of fluid motion and sound

I take a sip

And watch updates on…


Added by Decimus Marcius Malleolus on June 22, 2011 at 5:13pm — No Comments

the tall man cometh

Greetings to all and my deepest apologies for being gone for so long i have been dealing with some personal maters but i am back now and would love to hear from all my old friends and hopefuly make some new ones as well. I hope all is well and may your hearts be filled with mirth blessed be

Added by Draggonlance on June 21, 2011 at 6:47am — No Comments

Hello everyone

Well hello everyone!! First I would like to say thank you for letting me be apart of the group. Second if there is anyone that could maybe help me as far as where I really need to do as far as starting from the beginging so I may get a deeper understanding. I have been drawn to Neopagan for awhile just need alittle help on how to get started. thank you to all the respond.

Added by amy jackson on June 3, 2011 at 11:25pm — 9 Comments

Sleep Apnea

The boat bobs gently on the water

Rocking in sync with the beats of my heart

I spread my arms

And fall back

I see the sandy bottom

It beckons me to swim to it

I look up

Flickers of light bounces on the water's surface

Dancing in pulsetic rhythm with the waves

My chest begins to burn

I feel a panic in my chest

Kicking off from the bottom

I dart up towards the specks of light

The surface gets closer

Yet it seems too far… Continue

Added by Decimus Marcius Malleolus on May 29, 2011 at 10:25pm — No Comments

How do you repair your shell??

When you have tried and tried, bent over backwards and they still dont see you for whom you are...time and time again they rip your very breathe from you just to leave the gaping wound to show they were once there. How do you turn off the love you have for them? When it is clear that you were never more then a mere plaything for their time and ticks, Where as it was your soul that you intertwined with what you thought was theirs, the lives of a family you foresaw has come to ruin and you still… Continue

Added by Safyer on May 26, 2011 at 10:15am — No Comments

Synchronicity as a tool

I've just had a little reminder of the message that synchronicity sends to us. John Lilly referred to it as coming from the CCC, Coincidence Control Center. I see multiple coincidences as a message from "Universe/God/Source/pick your word" to let you know that you are on the right track and "Life/Universe/The Planet/pick your word" is gearing up to shift into a higher or more elevated, or clearer energy.

You may…


Added by Patricia Bryant Resnick on May 24, 2011 at 8:04pm — 4 Comments

Empathy's Last Stand

The arrogant soul

Thinks he knows all

How foolish are we

Who don't see as he does

Who don't understand

The great wisdom

That he shares

Speak on high

Oh mighty orator

Sprinkle us with truth

Share with me

Your great catalog of knowledge

Oh little

Insignificant me

Flaunt your expansive


Before my humbled eyes

All of academia looks to you

Champion of their recycled ideas

We appreciate your… Continue

Added by Decimus Marcius Malleolus on May 22, 2011 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

People In Society

Is there anything wrong with being a Wiccan or Pagan?


I had someone dear to me say that (I'm a Wiccan) it isnt normal to be a Wiccan, that normal people today just dont DO that. It was really hard to listen, but I just said, "It's Right To Me.."


But do you think it's wrong? I feel as if everyone has their own thoughts & feelings about everything, nothing is truly WRONG. People in Society today just shun what they dont understand, & after today, I feel…


Added by Rowan Redthorn on May 18, 2011 at 5:46pm — 17 Comments

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