Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

  • Male
  • Matthews, NC
  • United States
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Looking for friends who can teach me

Profile Information

Matthews, NC
Relationship Status:
With Someone, Not Looking
Zodiac Sign:
Do you remember your past lives?
Path or Tradition:
Do you have a religion?
Neopagan, Spiritsm
Swimming pool construction, landscaping, apprintence to the dark arts ans religions.
Magic of choice:
Ceremonial, Evocations, Black Magic, Satanism, Crowleyan, Necromancy, Enochian, Spells, Ouija, Celtic, Sorcery, Other
Where you perform rituals?
forests, midnight cemetery, pagan circle, around a bonfire, valley, hills, mental ritual
How do you perform your ritual?
With sword and parchment, slab and dagger, wands and such. My swords and daggers are real, not props. Still learning and need a Master. Spells written on parchment, incantations vocalized and the the parchment is burned in the sacred flame. Commands follow and then the closing of the circle. I need someone to tutor me in more detail, its hard being a loner. I use ritualized sex whenever possible, (I thrust the dagger, not once but thrice. The virgin dies as sacrifice. The chalice fills with the virgins' blood, I drink the nectar of crimson flood. By light of moon and flames of death, she's passed away to eternal rest. While alone I stand blade in hand, and witness visions of mankind's' end)!
Cemetery of choice:
What about Drugs?...
I like, Viva Marijuana!, Viva Caffeine!, Viva Wine!, Viva Nicotine!, Viva Cocaine!, I use drugs for Magic, Other
What about dancing?
Dancin' for the Gods
Food orientation:
Favorite food:
Steak, Other
Type of Ethnic food you like:
American, Other
Preferred beverage:
Water, Hard Alcohol, Beer, Wine
Favorite Movies:
Rose Mary's Baby
Favorite Music:
Dark Metal, Industrial, Punk, anything that reflects the darkness of my own soul. (Korn, Cradle of Filth, Nine Inch Nails, just to name a few)! And of course, "Love is Colder than Death".
Favorite Books:
Necronomicron, Satanic Bible, and soon the Vampires Bible, Keys of Solomon, Enochian Majick, conjurations, and the passing through of the gates. Book of Ancient and Forbidden Knowledge.
Favorite Quote:
"He who fucks the longest, fucks the best, A swollen clit is ripe and bless'd. With stroking dick and my tongue's fast lickin', for a fruit that's for there for all the pickin' "( My Quote, My Life) November 27, 2008
Favorite Website: (Info Only - no other communities please)
My Space, Neo Pagan World.
Partner Preference:
Searching for a Neopaganic adventure?
Neopagan relation, Neopagan friends, Neopagan guide, Neopagan networking
Preferred Car:
Mercedes s600, Chevy 4x4 extended cab.
Any Pets?
Nope, ate em all
Pet Details?
Tasted wonderful roasted over open flame!
Colledge- Firearm design/gunsmithig
Erotic Orientation:
Goth, Shaved, Water Games, Tantric Sex, Other
Sex Drive:
Horny, Super Horny, Ultra Horny, Viagra Slave
Erotic,Tantric, SexMagick status:
Nympho, God of Love
People you like:
Hot wet and horny women. Witches fuck like animals when you get them hot enough. Women who like to watch me masturbate and cum on their breasts or clit. Firearm manufacturers, explosive experts, Special Opts, US Marine Corp, US Coast Guard, Militias, and civilian Para-Military Organizations. (I'm the founder of the "North Carolina Rangers"). We practice for no- quarters combat against cops.
People you hate:
Pastors, Christians, the Church, Politicians, Judges, District Attorneys, and every mother fucking Cop in America!
Political Orientation?
Democrat of course!
Favorite Archeological site:
Israel, Jordan, and North America.
Do you like Italian "Pandoro" Cake?
Don't know
Alien of choice:
About this site:
Too soon to say...hmmm...

Legion's Blog

My God

Posted on November 27, 2008 at 5:53pm 0 Comments

My god dwells within a black and darkened soul. My god demands my predation of the weak and unbelievers of the multidimensional realities of the god within.I seek the pleasure and wealth due to those of us who are willing to sacrifice the blood of unbelievers who dare mock us and commit acts of abomination against our faith. Grunge fucking is as much ritualized majick as any spell or incantation dared to be! My circles are drawn in blood, and what is left is blessed and consumed to consummate… Continue

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At 5:18pm on November 27, 2008, Legion said…
I desperately need to be become an apprentice of the dark arts, but so far all I've met are a bunch of arrogant punk asses who think they're too goddamn good to help me, so I broke their neanderthal faces and left their punk asses bleeding on the ground! I'm not violent by nature, but I don't tolerate a bunch of punk ass bullshit. I'm serious about my convictions,so don't fuck with them. I'm in the Charlotte, NC area, and if you THINK you're "all that" and can help me, let know through this page. NO PUNK ASSES NEED APPLY! My majick is old school, and am seeking old school Necromancers, Wiccans, Satanist, and Vampires to teach me what I desire. I'm the founder of " THE COVEN OF THE GOTHIC SITH", ( that's right, you read me correctly). This ain't no Hollywood bullshit, it"s the real deal! And yes, we CAN become very violent when provoked. I need to learn the discipline to bring that anger into use for the accomplishing of the otherwise impossible. You MUST be open minded when I tell you what I am, and why I'm on this stinking hell of a planet. (Has something to do with the end of days)'. If you're up to the challenge you won't be asking me for money, 'cause I ain't givin' you shit 'til you've proven yourself for real! Charlotte's full of wanna be's and I ain't one of 'em! Want to help
me regain what I've lost? Put your time and money where your fat mouth is, ( unlike the Church), and take me back to the old and ancient ways of Cthuhlhu, Dagon, and Leviathan (TIAMAT). Blessed be to the true brothers and sisters of darkness, the rest of of you will be roasted alive for human consumpyion! Therefore . . . fuck you!

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