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Grey haired pagans

This is a group for men and woman who have been following the pagan wicca path for more than twenty years. If you identify with the crone, more than the maiden, please join me in sharing your experiences when it was not so easy to be a witch.

Members: 17
Latest Activity: Sep 17, 2021


Discussion Forum

Grey Cat Druidry

Started by RavenHeart~ Apr 9, 2017. 0 Replies

The Gray A

Started by RavenHeart~. Last reply by RavenHeart~ Aug 3, 2016. 1 Reply

pagan grandparents

Started by lori. Last reply by RavenHeart~ Jan 27, 2016. 3 Replies

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Comment by Grayce on September 17, 2021 at 7:38am

          Blessed are those that travel a path to enlightenment. I am so happy to be among you. I have quietly searched for kindred spirits. I ask for nothing. I am Pagan, a child of the earth, quiet and simple. I engage in ceremony only when asked. Being a 63 year old grandmother keeps me fully active in life's challenges. I have preformed two Pagan/Wiccan weddings but avoid most situations that would draw too much attention. 

Comment by Cain Berlinger on December 10, 2016 at 11:48pm

I sure won't say that being 64 is great, but its not bad. The worst part is losing your friends to one thing or another. Love and disease will do it overtime. I wish them well. I just discovered my true bi-sexual nature and its blowing me away, literally in many ways. I miss the counseling being a pagan often provides. Getting back in the saddle means hanging out where my buddies hang and getting to know people again! 

Comment by John on March 27, 2016 at 5:26am

Ah finely a group in my age group I can relate too.I'm 57 and getting older isn't all that bad. Hey I can get seniors discount at some stores.

Comment by Nessarose on July 5, 2010 at 6:23am
I just turned 50 sometimes I feel it my bones but for the most part I feel great and am blessed with the magic of life and the wonderment of all that is everyday. I believe making someone smile,feel better or find hope is a powerful natural magic we all possess BLESSED BE
Comment by Ragnorok on December 29, 2008 at 8:30am
I was planning on some hard egg nogg mixed with some Godiva hot chocolate and hitting the sack early, I'm only 37 but I feel like I should be in my 70's. I guess I partied to hard in my adolesance &teens.
Comment by Fibro Witch on December 27, 2008 at 4:10pm
Does any one have plans for December 31st? Other than drinking hot coco, and going to bed early?
Comment by Taliesin Soladraig on December 20, 2008 at 8:25am

The misty dawn has broken on this shortest day.
The Holly King, in winter's green, is ready for the fray.
For half a year the leafy crown has rested on his brow.
To take the crown and cut him down is his brother's vow.

For six long months he ruled within his forest hold.
Throughout his reign, the foliate king, felt himself grow old.
The crown of leaves grew heavy still, the end was in his sight.
His weapons honed and armor shone, he readied for the fight.

The younger king was born, to issue challenge bold.
And take his place, with youthful grace, his brow to wear the gold.
His battle skills sharpened, the verdant crown, is his by right.
With shield of yew and sword new he went forth to show his might.

Twin brothers take the field, to battle for the crown.
The steal blades sing, they fight to bring each other to the ground.
With fatal strike the crown of green falls from his regal head.
He's proved his worth, the blood pours forth, his brother lies there dead.

The misty dawn has broken on this longest day.
The Oaken King, in summer's green, is ready for the fray.
For half a year the leafy crown has rested on his brow.
To take the crown and cut him down is his brother's vow.
Comment by Ragnorok on December 13, 2008 at 7:36pm
Merry Meet to all I am relatively new to the site. Wanted to stop by and pay my respects to those who have walked the long mile.
Comment by Taliesin Soladraig on December 9, 2008 at 1:05am
I have been walking the wooded path now for 25 years this coming Beltane. I associate very much with the sage. I feel older each passing day. And I have earned every grey hair

Members (17)


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