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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

When I'm bored I like to watch televangelists rant and rave about nonsense. I rarely if ever learn anything from these sessions, but all the same I think it's important to face the reality of how twisted many Christians really are (they DO rule society, after all). It's also a quick way to anger up my blood and give me a little energy boost -- kinda like a cup of coffee or an energy drink.
Anyway today I saw something a little more disturbing than usual. Apparently, this local (Orlando, FL) preacher recently moved, and his new neighbors invited him to a community picnic. Knowing how sinful people can be, the preacher said he was reluctant to go but didn't want to seem unfriendly. So he went and against his better judgment even brought his wife and kids.
At first, he said, they all enjoyed some light conversation delicious hot dogs. But as soon as the hamburgers finished grilling, some of the adults popped open some beers and (gasp!) ACTUALLY DRANK THEM!!!
The preacher went on to loudly demean himself and his whole congregation, telling them that the world is full of Lost Souls who know not of Christ, people who may attend church but still drink and curse and watch devilish television shows. To associate with these people any more than necessary, he said, is just as sinful as engaging in their activities. He called for the congregation to pray for his forgiveness for even giving his neighbors a chance.
"...for these were no neighbors," he said, "these were blind agents of Satan's will who spat on God when they refused an offered seat in this very House of God!"
Never in my life have I witnessed such intolerance. Heard of it, maybe, but never witnessed. And in my own city!
So, my question to you guys; how far is TOO far? Christians mock and scorn us because we occasionally light a couple fucking candles and read bad poetry to invisible people, and we just take it. After all, we pagans ARE a pretty strange bunch, aren't we? We have to accept how we're treated -- fair or not -- and move on, right?
Maybe, but that doesn't mean we have to sit on our damn hands while that same intolerance is pointed at the rest of society. I mean C'MON man; they're out there giving people crap for associating with people who drink beer! Sure, it may only be the lunatic fringe who goes along with something like that, but you and I both know that the vast majority true-believing Christian out there would at least give the above sermon a moment of consideration.
As far as I'm concerned, even that single moment of consideration is way too much. This is the United States of fucking AMERICA and personally I wasn't raised to put up with crap like this. So I don't. Now whenever I feel like watching televangelists, I'm gonna picket in front of a church, even if I have to do it alone.
To do otherwise would to be a pussy, and that's one thing I ain't.
So again, I ask; how far is too far, and have they gone too far yet?

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Christians went too far when they tortured, killed, maimed and burned us a "few" years back. They aren't gonna change... we have to. That is why I for one do not make it a secret of my beliefs.

I recently purchased a beautiful moon-goddess wall hanging.... and hung it inside my screen door ...on my front door. The neighbors who have a door right next to mine were overheard (not by me) talking about the "devil worshipper" who lived behind that door. LOL What makes it even funnier is that the "Christian" couple that live there consist of a registered sex offender (he was convicted of raping 3 men) and his wife. They have the nerve to look down their noses at me? I don't think so! Besides I did it for a friend. He is gay and lives next door... he is upset that there is a "rapist-christian" (his words) living a few feet from him... and puts "Jesus loves me" posters on their door... he convinced me to put up something to counteract them. LOL

I find that I am tolerant of most people and their beliefs.. unless it is wagged under my nose or pushed on me.... I tend to get a bit snotty... ok...maybe mean spirited would be a better term... when that happens. I have a few friends who are kinda-sorta Christian... in other words that is the way they were raised so they go along, to get along.. but don't really believe in most of it. I have friends who are christian, Pagan and one who believes we are from outer space (no he isn't in a cult or a Scientologist.. it is just what he believes). I love them all. I don't associate with people I I don't like.

I hate to categorize "ALL" christians as bad. Just like there are Pagans I wish I had never met.. there are Christians who I could live without. People are People... some are just vile... unfortunately... those few are the ones we base our knowlege and feelings on.
i will just plainly respond HELL YES they have gone too far for far too long as well. I live in the fucking bible belt....we're talking southern baptist...they are the worst EVER! I can't even sit in a restaurant with my boyfriend, who has several piercings, without getting dirty looks and overhearing hateful remarks.....i've kind of gotten used to it though. It a sad thing when you build such a tolerance to discrimination. I've lived here my entire life though....so maybe that is it....i just feel outnumbered lol. Even the Dr.'s in my town will tell you that you need to go to church!!! INSANITY! The real question I have is when will they learn to draw the line, when will they realize that there are other ppl in this world that aren't like them but also that aren't bad b/c they aren't like them? I am wondering if that makes sense...it does to me. It's not a crime to be an individual....do what you do...be what you are....and be fucking proud of it. People that don't like it will get the fuck over it...they won't like it....but they'll eventually just turn their head instead of pouring out hate. (OR I REALLY FUCKING HOPE SO B/C OTHERWISE I DON'T THINK I CAN TOLERATE THE HUMAN RACE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE) LOL. Ok i'm through ranting.
Peace and love!!
Oh Donna... LOVE THIS QUOTE!!!


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