Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

  • 40, Male
  • orladno, fl
  • United States
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Goat's Friends

  • Jessica
  • Linda
  • Meagan
  • Ali
  • geminiqueen1988
  • Sehkmet kalikalmata
  • leslie
  • WiccanLover AKA Mir
  • Kevin Aughey
  • Avy
  • Kayonna Ameana
  • Earth's Outcast

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Profile Information

saint cloud
Relationship Status:
Married, With Someone, Not Looking
Zodiac Sign:
Do you remember your past lives?
Roman Soldier
Path or Tradition:
Do you have a religion?
Neopagan, Spiritsm, Secular/Non religious/Agnostic/Atheist
cant tell u
Magic of choice:
Evocations, Mental, Wicca, White Magic, Earth-Gaia Magic, Wicca, Spells, Ouija, Pendulum, Runes, Celtic, Sorcery, Crystals, Natural Magic
Where you perform rituals?
inside your house, forests, in the bath tub, fields, pagan circle, mental ritual
How do you perform your ritual?
very secluded and alone, in my own circles with my own shit.
Forest of choice:
usually the most far out place i can find away from civilization and prying eyes.
Among my preferred tools for Magick rituals:
Magic sword
What about Drugs?...
I like, Viva Marijuana!, Drugs for artificial inducted trance
What about dancing?
I hate dancin'!
Food orientation:
Carnivore, Fish eater, Other
Vegetarian's dilemma: Do you think eating meat is a crime?
Hell No!
Favorite food:
Spaghetti, Pizza, Steak, Hamburger, Belgian Waffle, Fried Eggs, Cotton candy, bananas, Italian peperoni, meat balls, hot dogs, Chicago stuffed pizza, Macaroni & cheese, Ballpark hot dogs, Fettucine Alfredo, Nachos, Burritos, Black Angus steak, Grilled anything, Other
Type of Ethnic food you like:
Italian, American, Mexican, Chinese, Congolese, Japanese, Spanish
Preferred beverage:
Soda, Water, Hard Alcohol, Beer, Wine, Juice, other
Favorite Movies:
violent ones, stupid funny ones and "zeitgeist" watch it, itll make you hate being american
Favorite Music:
death metal, alternative, industrial, heavy metal.
nine inch nails, tool, manson, slipknot, lamb of god, cannibal corps, slayer, mudvain, shit like that
Favorite Band:
Favorite Books:
educational, spell books... shit like that
shit i can learn from. if i want somethin fictional, ill watch a movie
Favorite Quote:
what doesn't kill you, will make you stronger
Favorite Website: (Info Only - no other communities please)
Partner Preference:
Searching for a Neopaganic adventure?
Neopagan relation, Neopagan friends, Neopagan guide, Neopagan networking
Erotic Orientation:
Normal, Shaved, Tantric Sex, Confidential, Other
Sex Drive:
Normal, Intense, Horny, Super Horny, Ultra Horny
Erotic,Tantric, SexMagick status:
God of Love
People you like:
People you hate:
asshole, pushy, arrogant kind of people
Political Orientation?
our government is so fucked up it makes me sic!
How would you like to end up?
Best City in the World:
An Old Egyptian Vampire is inside the Great Cheope Pyramid at Giza, do you enter?
No fuckn way!!!, I let CNN enter first!!

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Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 3:04am on March 10, 2014, attah ibrahim said…

Dearest One.

I am Mr Ibrahim Attah, I have something very important to shear with you. contact me through my Email Address: ibrahim6@gmail.com. for more details.

Ibrahim Attah.

At 10:50pm on January 7, 2009, WiccanLover AKA Mir said…

At 11:24am on January 3, 2009, WiccanLover AKA Mir said…

At 9:17pm on January 2, 2009, leslie said…
hi goat! doesn't matter if it was induced by hallucinogens. i'm sure you could tell the "reality" of the experience. the easiest way to get back to that "place" is to learn to lucid dream. there are many many ways to learn to do that. it's basic programming your subconscious to "wake up" in the dream, and inside the dreamworld. after that, you can go where you want. you think of the ancient guide, and you'll find him. start by asking yourself all day long, every day, as many times as you can "how do i know i'm not dreaming rigfht now" and "is this a dream"? and truly ask yourself that question several times a day. your mind will remember those questions while you're dreaming and ask itself the same when you're asleep. it's a process, but it starts there. some people do it right away and it takes a while for others.... also, tell yourself that you want to find your hands in your dreams, or that when you look down at your hands during a dream, that you will remember that you *are* dreaming. is there an email address i can reach you at? i have to much tp type out in one message here, but would love to help you and am absolutely certain i can. there are mediatative tricks too, but lucid dreaming is the best way, with more control over the experiences. the key to it all is becoming conscious during dreamsleep. you'd be suprised at all the things that are going on when you're dreaming that *you* are not aware of on any conscious level and how things change drastically when you can "wake up" during this time. send me your email address and i promise i can help you find that spirit again. i had a feeling you'd experienced that gift, and something must want it to happen again.... you know, that seems to be how this stuff works. maybe there really aren't any accidents! happy new year too. :)
At 4:57pm on December 2, 2008, leslie said…
I understand being busy - no worries. Reply whenever you can. Do you astral travel? Just curious - trying to find other -out-of-body-experiencers.... I could teach you a few things if you aren't already practicing (astral travel) - if you're interested. It's amazing! The most amazing experiences I've ever had in life, I can honestly say, have come through out-of-body experiences and lucid dreams. For me, many answers lie within the parts of our consciousness that in charge during "sleeping" and dreaming. Anyway....Drop me a line when you have some time. til then.... ;)
At 8:57pm on November 23, 2008, leslie said…
i'm bored mr goat. what're you doin'?
At 12:41pm on November 17, 2008, leslie said…
Hi - I'm new here too. Thought the same thing - need something else besides myspace -
Also relatively new to The Craft, even though I've read the Tarot and dabbled for years, I'm starting to get a little more serious about things in my old age. ;) Anyway, nice to "meet" you.... :D

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