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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Over the past month or so I find myself getting irritated with Pagan wannabes. You know the ones that enter Paganism so they can be like Harry Potter or Samantha from Bewitched. I have tried to explain that Paganism is much more than spells and magic, that it is a way of life. Usually I am pretty open to anyone willing to learn, but this month I just want to shake some sense into people. I know I will get over this... it is just a temporary "madness", but in the meantime... I am so irritated that I want to just yell at someone! ARGGGGHHHHH

Does anyone else go through this, or am I just getting old and crabby? lol

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What? You mean that because I watched a movie or TV show, and read a book by a real witch, I don't know better than you? LOL! There will always be those who know everything because of TV or some book. *sigh* I hate to say it, but if we don't help and encourage them, we will be the ones who lose. Not only will they turn away, they will become our most vocal critics. Yes, they are just children (regardless of age) and we must be patient. But it is very annoying and frustrating.
Thanks for the responses! To be honest it doesn't have to do with anyone on this site... it is about a group of people at work who started by asking questions about Paganism a few months ago.. then started casting spells and talking like they knew all about everything... one is still going to church on Sundays with his family.. but thought he would "give the spells a try". They have created a coven.. but don't know anything about Goddess or any Gods... other than the one their parents talk about on Sundays. They seem to think because they are a group they can be a coven of witches... just because they say so. I tried to warn them.. but they look at me like I am completely nuts! I am afraid for them... but also frustrated. On the one hand I want to wash my hands of them.. on the other hand I really am afraid for them. They are heading for disaster but don't want to listen to any warnings. All I can really do is pray for their safety.. but frankly if they throw something in the face of the Goddess.. they are asking for disaster no matter what I do. ARGGHHHHH
I would say it's not just young people. It's mostly people who learn about witchcraft through popular culture. For instance, I'm a hereditary witch, and my family has much different views on magick. It's not a special ritual for us. We're doing it all of the time. My great grandma was hilarious, though. She would dress up her fortune reading to entertain people. It's the same now; people just want flashes and bangs. I don't think it much matters as long they're getting a good message.

"it is about a group of people at work who started by asking questions about Paganism a few months ago.. then started casting spells and talking like they knew all about everything... one is still going to church on Sundays with his family.. but thought he would 'give the spells a try'"

I think the problem behind that kind of casting is the attitude not that he is still going to church. All religions are trying to explain the same things anyway. But, it sounds like he's doing it for the bangs and whistles.

Sy Calaelen said:
yeah i agree, some people i know are obsessed with the demons from Charmed, they believe they are real. My old neighbour (the girl mentioned in the post before) would wear a pentgram necklace openly but perfom spells that were against people, she bosted a lot about his which drove me mad. She often performed spells she made up to shut people up, or to inflict pain against others. She took Wicca to a dark place... anyway, going on a bit... but Wicca/Paganism is a lovely and very positive lifestyle, i jus wish most young people wouldn't see it the way Hollywood depicts it.

DragonKnight said:
Well… there are also the ones that waste your time, and never get past the part where they’re suppose to practice this openly, and not hide it, then keep you guessing as to exactly what they are learning. It’s like they want to learn just enough about who, what and how to worship, and can not get past this part… like they’re learning exactly what they need to know to “piss” people off in their lives, Mother and Father or authority figures of sorts.
I agree, its not all about magick spells and hexes or trying to fix everything that you feel is wrong in you life through a whishing spell, but I also think that we must give these kids credit for exploring outside of what some communities would consider the norm. all of us who have been through this journey know that it takes time to find your path, and with this comes unwanted opinions and heavy criticism. I think we shhould encourage these individuals to keep searching, with giudence of course, and without them getting sucked into the tv version of magick, which is more based on fantasy than real spititual growth. I have had many encounters where people think that I go to magick or mediation to forgett about my current situations, but its the oppisite, I do it to understand and help myself grow as an individual, to appretiate the world and its divinities. I hope people keep exploring all possibilities, even if it starts out as a past time or a way to get some attention from their peers, because the bottom line is, that if they are real and seriouse about taking this as their path of life the nonesense will stop, and if their not, well they wont last long and they will move on, either way its a win win for us, now we just need to be a little patient, and hope they find their way quickly and safely! blessings too all!
terry said:
I agree, its not all about magick spells and hexes or trying to fix everything that you feel is wrong in you life through a whishing spell, but I also think that we must give these kids credit for exploring outside of what some communities would consider the norm. all of us who have been through this journey know that it takes time to find your path, and with this comes unwanted opinions and heavy criticism. I think we shhould encourage these individuals to keep searching, with giudence of course, and without them getting sucked into the tv version of magick, which is more based on fantasy than real spititual growth. I have had many encounters where people think that I go to magick or mediation to forgett about my current situations, but its the oppisite, I do it to understand and help myself grow as an individual, to appretiate the world and its divinities. I hope people keep exploring all possibilities, even if it starts out as a past time or a way to get some attention from their peers, because the bottom line is, that if they are real and seriouse about taking this as their path of life the nonesense will stop, and if their not, well they wont last long and they will move on, either way its a win win for us, now we just need to be a little patient, and hope they find their way quickly and safely! blessings too all!

I agree. I have to work on my patience!! Anybody out there got some extra to spare? lol
I have to say a young Pagan that not all of us are careless posers. However there are a lot. I get tons of my peers asking if I can make this guy/girls fall in love with them or can I give this person herpes. (I know I know but I was seriously asked to give a girl herpes) And I'm like Just because I'm pagan does not mean that I go around granting wishes and doing "magical" favors like a flipping genie.
So at that point I go into the fact that I do very few spells and when I do it's only White Magick (With a K). People don't understand that I do less spells and more meditation and self-searching. They try to play with fire and let things lose that are dangerous. Yet when you try to save people from their ignorence they spit in your face.
I like Charmed, the Craft, and etc. But I also know that it's Holloywood and a misrepresentation of the religion. It hurts me when people shun me when I refuse to do the magic they see in the movies. They don't see the differences in the magic that they are asking for and the Magick that I practice.
They I tell them that I'm not Wiccan but Electic Pagan and they just look stupified. lol.
Oh well. We just have to try and educate and stomp out the misconceptions.
Much Love
This post wasn't directed to anyone on this site... it is about people I work with who have created "a coven" because they decided to be Pagan. They have no knowlege of what Paganism is... and they don't want any info on it either. In the beginning they came to me about Paganism and wanted answers, when I couldn't find the answers I would come home find it and give it to them and I directed them to books they could read. They have been "Pagan" for about 4 months... and "know it all". They started coming to me about the spells they had done and I warned them to be careful. Since that time they give me attitude and have become braggarts about their "coven". When I ask them about the so-called coven they snicker and tell me it is a secret and they don't let "new comers" in.

I love some of the shows ... such as the old Bewitched or the movie Practical Magic... but they think they are documentaries rather than hollywood! LOL I don't know.. I am done being angry with them.. instead I just wish them luck (they are gonna need it) and have wiped my hands of them. If and when they decide to take Paganism seriously and not a joke... I will still be around.. until then... well.. it is all up to them.

Erik said:
I'll be the first to admit, I am no authority on any subject. While yeah, I have read many books, I do not have the practical real world experiance to honestly give advice. Its one thing to read how to... say rebuild a car engine, and it is another thing to actually put one together. A friend of mine said this in passing, and it hit me like the bag of nails it should have: "If all you're doing is reading, then all you're doing is regurgitating new age BS". He could have said the sky was blue while he was at it. He made me realize (without actually addressing it any further) that I am sorta like "those people", all talk and hype, with no real substance or personal experiance to call my own. I can read these books all day, but unless I get off my duff and go into the field and work, I am only defeating text on a page and not learning about my self. I do get off my duff, but not as often as I think I should. I think of my self like an athlete; I should train often, but only do so once a week or so.

I think the problem is not fully these kinda of people's fault, as there simply aren't enough (or any?) decent role models for people to base their realties on. I know thats a strange statement, but not as strange as a 35 year old claiming to be Harry Potter. If all we know about magic(k) comes from TV, then its only natural for someone to use the TV reality they know as a world view.

I've seen and been this creature before, it is not specific to Paganism. When I was a goth, it was the kids who shopped at hot topic and tried their hardest to convince me Deftons and Manson are the most gothic bands (yet cringe when they hear Bauhaus). For my punk friends, it was the blink182 crowd. And again later in my life, it was the system crackers calling them selfs hackers and not thinking there is a difference. Its not the same group, but to me is the same personality archetype. We really cannot do anything to stop this, as people will naturally build their own realities to escape the one they are in (maybe escape was not a wise choice).

I believe another poster hit the nail on the head, by suggesting an educated person try to give them some direction/guidance/training. Ya know, the ol' run down. When converting to a new religion, or simply adopting elements of other cultures into your own, it can be confusing and without a teacher, can lead people to fill in their own gaps. Combine this with our natural tendency to fantasize, and you can start to see where most people stray. Rofl, of course, there are also some that are simply nut bags and cannot be helped.

I heard your venting, and if it means anything, I apologize if I 'speak out of line' or without a position of authority.
yes thats how new bees are
If people believe that it is how it is on TV then they need a realtiy check, tell them to read some books about it or let them know how it is from your POV. Sometimes peope think they got the right idea about things when its really just ass backwards. Anyhow, those might be posers but atleast they are for it ad not against it. I know I am new here but I aint no spring chicken. And I am far from a wannabe in any respect,

Sometimes youve got to let people see for themselves that it isnt about waving a wand or twiching your nose. If were that easy then paganism or the craft would have no problem being the top religion or way of life for all people to live. Dont let the turkeys get ya down.

Your not old and crabby, We all want to choke someone from time to time. Nice avatar btw. Personally, if someone were see a square and just look at the four 90 degree angles but not see what actually went into the square and what you can do with it. They see the square filled with what the mainstream wants them to see. Not whats really there. The more popular something becomes they more misconstrued and mis informed it can get. YOu can also think of it as the telephone game too. Anyhow have a great day I hope that this has hopefully opened a door.
Everyone begins somewhere we all begin at birth you at one time began your path you have experience and wisdom to share but did it all not begin with the calling these people are being drawn here for whatever reason so they may begin their journey. And with help from people like you they will find their way .


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