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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Hello, I was brought up in a christian family. I was always tought that I am not free untill I am 18. I am not aloud to make any choices for myself unless my parents apporve. Now, ( aginst my parents wishes ) I am studying Wicca. My only problem is that i dont have any friends or family that can help me. if i have questions about wheather or not i did something right, if I have the right equipment, where to get tools, herbs, insence, ect. or even how im going to get money to pay for the stiff i need , there is no one to help me. I joined this website with hope that i will meet some kind people who are willing to help me as I move forward on this path. I f anyone has any word of advice for me feel free to say it. Im always open ears. Thank you. JacquelynKay

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I'm sorry, but I'm not Wiccan, I can still be your friend though. (and good show learning Wicca, sometimes you just have to find the right path for yourself, as I did, to both Mom and Dad's annoyance, and of course i don't care what they think, so HA to them)

BB Zalrok
please feel free to contact me at any time. i'm a hereditary eclectic and can help you with almost anything except telekinesis as i am trying to master it myself. and if you just need someone to talk to about anything either i am there as well. good luck to you and blessed be.
jacquelyn i think every one here would be happy to help with advice just for the asking! how to deal with parental disapproval is a lot harder... i'm 42 and i STILL havent got round to telling my mum to her face! lol. as for tools... isn't it always better to make them yourself?
Don't worry, your not the only one that has grown up in a christan house hold. I've been studdying Wicca or Paganism for five plus years now, and I've learned alot. My best advise is to read as much as you can and form your own opinions about the many issues. Oh, and try going to Magickaschool.com and go the the courses where you can sign up for a free course on Intro to Wicca. That should get you rocking and rolling. Oh, and give me a shout out if you need to.

- Merry met, Merry part, and Merry met again -

Nikki 'Willow Phoenix'
I was raised christian as well in a household that thought that any form of magic was of tha Devil. The internet is a fairly good source for free Wiccan knowlege in fact if they ask for money it's probably bogus.
The main thing to remember is there isn't necessarily a "wrong" way of doing things. Remember the Wiccan Rede
'These Eight words the Rede fulfill: "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"' As long as it doesn't hurt anyone you can do just about anything .The tools are easily obtained. For example: any knife could be an athame you just have to believe in that knife. If you study the symbology behind the main ritual tools you may find that you can use different things for your altar items. These things may be more innocuous looking than a say a bowl with a pentagram in the bottom of it. A symbol that you could use instead of the pentacle is the Triquetra. Most Christians mistake this symbol as being a representation of the trinity when it actually refers to the Three Aspect Goddess.
I hope this helps I'm willing to answer any more questions you might have just let me know.
Oh wow. This is my exact problem!!! I just got through explaining to my mother that I am not a christian any longer. She then proceeded to throw in my face the old "THEN MOVE OUT OF MY HOUSE!" speech. So far, I've been finding useful things around the house to use in my rituals. The only problem I have is getting candles and insence and such like your problem. I do hope we both find help, though!
Make your own incence by drying and grinding the required plants - they keep really well in airtight cintainers and you can get the ingrediends easily - grow easily to if you are selective about it (mint, lavender, citrus peel, pepper corns, bay leaves and rosemary) are the main ones I use. Candles can be made. Just keep the old stubs and buy the wick fom the store then melt it down. Use drawing crayon for the coloring and egg boxes for the shape. Hope this helps
Hello Jacquelyn.
I am exactly the same. I am studying Paganism against my parent's permission and I'm sure if they knew they would have an excorcism on me lol
So I don't know how much help I can be but if you help me, I'll help you.
i do not study wicca, but i do consider myself a pagan. The only advice I can give you is to find a store that sells insence, crystals, ect. and go there. Most inscence and crystals are pretty cheep.
ok get a job if you can i know it can be hard to find work i can help you if you need some look read man myth and magic book first then rember thet thare know turing back once you get into wichcraft LOOK WHATEVER YOU DO DO NOT GET INTO BLACK MAGIC it come back worst off then you will think look frend it tacks time to read book to understand wicca or pagenisem you may have to hyde your books be kind to mom and dad even if they dont understand you im shore they love you only you can change your life magic can help read books by ray buckland and scott cunningham jest save your money to get your owne place and if you want to be my frend that be cool i try to help you ok jest rember to keep the fath to your to you dont talk to your family on it
there are often Occult Stores in your area, no matter where you are. Witches try to make themselves available for all young practicing. Kinda like a priest and a catholic boy, except a lot less likely your help will rape you in her office. However, being that was sort of raised on the Wiccan religion, you are more than welcome to come to me. I have no friends here, which makes me sad, but I am actually very knowledgeable in this subject. My stepfather attempted to convert me to Catholicism as a child, and put me through Confirmation Courses in his church. But I am still a firm believer in Wicca and he knows it. He can't keep m away from it. JacquelynKay, you are amongst friends lol Hit me up anytime, Ronni Kristine
Making your own from natural ingredients found around the areas a good way to start and it teaches you a lot about things to so. Incence can be made by grinding down to a grainy "powder plant ingredients like leaves (mint, losemary, lavender) peels outer layer (orange, lemon) or flowers (rose, jasmine) and rocks are found along river beds and ocean shores which can be used (lying around for centuries exposed to the elements they work great). Seed pods and other items can be collected and statues cah be made form potters clay. The "religion" does not have to be expensive - just use your imagination after all nature is what its all about.


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