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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

i will ask a question but i wish to see many people awnser with there own opinions

why are we pagans is because we are different is it because we maybe feel different about things to people we know maybe it because we are saw through other peoples eyes as "different" and maybe classed as strange but the question is why? why are we classed as strange and "different" is it because we are helled in awe of the people we know and maybe we are classed as "different" because when people hear the word pagan they think of the norsepagans(the vikings)and all the savage things they done but why will theese people judge us like that for loving the forests,the world,the animals and all people regardless of race or religion where as some religions may. I myself belive that it it human instinct to judge people you dont know to determain what you think is right and wrong by apperance until you manage to pluck up the courage to walk over and ask them. where as most pagans will not judge people by there apperance and the way they act but as a person and a soul in this world with equall rights regardless of religion included but now i end with the final question why are we so non-judgemental is it how we where born to be or is it how we choose to be that gives us the power to trust and not to judge because if we choose that path can we teach others to follow the path of which i speak?can we stop racial discrimination and the judging of random people or is it to big a task for us? i wish to know your views on this please reply if you have the time

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I am Pagan because there are several faiths that I've come across whose tenets I find to be true, but not any one faith in particular as a whole. I was brought up as a Protestant and stayed that way until about 22 or so when a friend of a co-worker at the time introduced me to her beliefs. Since then, I've come across many things outside the box of Christianity that I believe to be true; not Absolute Truths - I'm not that smart - but little things I've proven to myself or that have been proven to me. Judgment or lack thereof is never something you're born with, personally. You're either raised that way or you choose it later for some reason or another. Above all, though, don't waste time waiting for a Utopia, or energy trying to create one; we're only mortals and are only capable of so much. Heaven will come in its own good time.

Also, I highly recommend a spelling/grammar checker.
ehhh screw grammar and spelling this aint a english lesson
*small chuckle* If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right.
I am pagan because i found out that all people of this world started out this way. My family abandoned their Ancestral Gods for Jesus and his Father. So I figured I should love the Gods my way. I read several books about the ancient Gods of my heritage, Polish, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Irish, Welsh, Norwegian and Canadian. I was and still am, apalled that my ancestors allowed themselves to be converted by the Church! Of course the Gods still love my family, but Their cries of love and harmony go unnoticed by many people. I am plagued by Thier sadness and Their grief over their Childrens' abandonment to a Loner who just likes to steal other Gods' children for His own selfish greed. I find that all religions hold part of the entire truth, but it will take a lot of people to figure out what that truth is. It may or may not happen in my life time, but I am hoping it will.

hmm but still we must love others even if they dont love us because you never know what might happen and anyway i got it quite bad i live in england and theres hardley any pagans in england compared to america mainly due to the fact of the church of england and that the whole countrie has a history of being the most god fearing countrie in the world in the 11th century and thats stuck
I think Driretlan said it best, we are only mortals and are only capable of so much. Yet at the same time being mortal is what gives us our strengths and insights. We are worldly because that is what we were crafted to express. Everything in nature is Judgmental, from birds who like to nest in certain trees and even some on the ground, to Fish who like certain temperature of water. being judgmental is what makes our world our world and it is a gift, not a curse, that must be learned from and expressed properly. Saying "we" are non-judgmental is like saying paganism sprung from christianity....it is completely backward. After all in saying such a thing what is one doing but judging themselves?

Sorry to have skipped over your first question but i felt it was important. Next, you asked why are we so different? We are pagan for one simple reason.....there are not enough words to give each and every persons beliefs a name. Everyone walks a different path, though some paths tend to merge only to separate, if only for a short time, later. Many teachers, masters and prophets disagree with their peers and predecessors. If you agree completely and have nothing to change or add from your own experience, you are not having a mystical, pagan or occult experience-you are simply accepting another's experience as your own truth. Being different is what brings us together as a community.

One of my favorite quotes from a movie comes from "Across the Universe" it simply says "Its not what you do that defines who you are, but rather how you do it." That is so true in today's world. I know many of my pagan friends have different lifestyles. Some are the richest people i know and, no one knows about their views, except those who are close to them. I know people, much like myself, who are not afraid of what someone else thinks. I would gladly die for my lifestyle, sexual preference or beliefs, and though i see everyone as an equal i do know that there will be times others will not see me the same way, but that's ok. In my short 22 years on this great, blue and green planet i have made tons of friends, from across all faiths, and think i have gotten good at relating what i believe to most any paradigm i have come across.

Thank you for taking the time to read and Merry Meet.


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