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With the danger of a personal freedom banned in the future, what can a smart Neopagan do NOW?...

Following my examination of modern Islam and of the impact of so called revealed religions on our everyday life, I like to see what's gonna happen possibly and most likely next. I will like to know your perspective and I will tell you mine. Obviously I see in danger our Paganic freedom in a world largely dominated by Christians and Muslims. Besides ideological extremist thinkers like Al Qaeda or the Christians Opus Dei, the vast majority of the accolades are just following the dictates of their leaders. Then we need to prepare ourselves to fight for our Pagan Credo right of expression, before they will control our freedom, closing us in a cul de sac, like in a virtual prison and in a worst but possible scenario suppressing with violence our Credo and freedom.
Among many examples of today's repression of thought, I like to point out a fancy example, but meaningful, regarding the famous Portoguese soccer coach Jose Mourinho, actual coach of Inter Fc. Milan soccer club. Just today Mourinho was criticized by an Italian Muslim leader and also threatened with death by various Islamic groups, cause he had remarked that one of his players, the Muslim soccer player Mountari, was following too much strictly the rules of Islamic Ramadam, with the result of becoming too weak to play soccer decently.
Everybody can see that the coach was obviously concerned about the team and not surely interested or wanting to offend the Islamic Ramadam ( Muslims around the world are fasting during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, during which faithful followers abstain from eating or drinking during daylight hours... ). So that we can see again the well known Islamic fanaticism and intolerance at work here!...then its easy to see what is gonna happen next, when the Islamic world, in the years to come, at today's expansion rate, will dominate the masses....WARNING..red flag! Pagans!

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Linear, if you are bored, think about how I'm bothered by your childish superficiality... Would be certenly a relief for me not to hear in the future by your reply. I got enough of you.

Hannah, I repeat again with patience, that my point, if you can finally understand, is not to define what kind of danger or if there is any danger for us, even more if is a little or a big danger. THIS IS NOT the point! If you close your eyes is not said that I have too...what's happening today is not a matter of discussions, ITS JUST HAPPENING!
I already said that the analysis on Islam needs to be made in HOW we can deal with an hegemonic religion spread out in the world as a first religion of the world, a religion that is based on the annihilation of personal freedom.
Then what kind of danger and level of danger can be an object of a separate discussion, in which you can surely argue with my ideas on that. But here I'm just discussing about HOW to change the today behavior of the Islamic world that from the single Muslim accolade until to the extremists shows the signs, more or less intense, of a general intolerant behavior. THE DANGER IS ALREADY HERE! Do you understand obtuse woman! Defending your Pakistani origins doesn't give you the right to offend my soul and the victims of this insane Islam!!

In defence of our ALREADY enangered freedom we need to act in order to promote a revision of Islam, in order that the Islamic masses can be taught on the real nature of their past roots, that saw in the Sufism a complete different matrix from the violent intolerant modern Islam. We need to start this process of cleaning the dirt inside Islam. I believe strongly that instead of using soldiers, we need to promote a congress dedicated to this Islamic problem.

Then surely, if just we wanna be honest, we cannot think like Hannah, that is making borders among the various part of Islam. In fact Islam itself is not making any kind of serious action to delegitimize not just extremism but also his violent matrix based on the suppression of freedom.
To the eye of a free thinker, even more a tolerant Pagan, modern Islam is nothing more than a dictatorship religion, based on brutal suppression of personal freedom in the name of a old prophet.
The Muslim woman ( one of the many "gifts" that this "revealed" religion is spreading out to this world ) needs to wear burkhas even when its 90 degrees and more, if they don't do that and put a mini skirt, they can be killed or punished, as happened in Stockholm few months ago. Do we remember the story of the model that drank a beer in a bar and just for that "CRIME" she was punished ( was lucky, could a been worst...) with a formal whipping!! THIS ALREADY OUTRAGEOUS AND WAS NOT DONE BY EXTREMISTS!! Is a normal practice in the Islamic countries! HOW MANY TIMES I NEED TO REPEAT....

Now everybody of you that for any reasons disagree with me , neglecting any of the above, or denailing any of the implications of my CLEAR and detailed postings, will be considered from me enemies of civilized people and freedom lovers, Pagans or not. Watch your silly words please bros and sista in front of the Gods. And do not act naive with me, I do not exercise patience furthermore, neither I wonna be a political correct moderator.

Regarding also Linear, as I wrote in an e-mail, I think that he will do much better in searchin for another community where he can show his personal "brilliant" ideas, instead of posting his bull here.

Finally I will consider, as a Pagan Western Human rights defender, everybody here that in any way defends Modern Islam, which is totally degenerated from his matrix, to be responsible and participating of their credo and actions! Actions that range from suppression of personal freedom to mass killing ( 9/11 ). To be clear I mean also who underestimate the facts above exposed or just manipulating my thoughts in order to sound politically correct to be responsible and to be part of this Islamic modern clan.
I invite everybody posting here then to pondering better before to write in the future. I won't excuse anybody that will try to minimize the issue, neither the Gods will.

Am I clear?
right on!
and ouch, dont leave ;) lol
Again Hannah!...
What happent in Sweden is just normal "everyday" extremism that is always seen in Islam and is not made by a group of extremists but is shared by the large multitude of Islamic followers. You can fooled somebody here but not me. The Quran has nothin' to do with what is happening today in Islamic countries. As I said several times ( Hannah are you reading my postings? ) the Quran is blatantly ignored, interpreted and manipulated for the benefit of this new violent intolerant Islam.
At this point Hannah, when not only facts are in contradiction with your messages but you are even ignoring what I always said, it will be imbarassing for me to keep reply to you.
You are so smart in observing my "fundametalism", cool then use the same method with Islam.

Do not try to polluted the water here with your hypocrisy and remember that who is defending the right to his freedom, even with a violent reply, is NEVER a fundamentalist.

Remember sister...now go in Pakistan where freedom and women still beaten everyday by the Islamic popular intolerance.
no one will support this because for the most part we're passive or dont care
and that won't change
if it does you can always say i told u so and do something instead of getting, wait i dunno what you're doing
The assassination of the young woman in Sweden, that was "guilty" to dress a mini-skirt instead of the omnipresent burkha, was decided and ordered by a normal Islamic family, actually the same family of the victim!! Do you believe that?...
A family that was not affiliated to any Islamic extremists groups...a normal Islamic intolerant popular prototype model family!!...so that we can see, once again, as intolerance lives in every aspect of the Islamic society!

I have also to say to some of you, that puerile teen sarcasm is not welcomed by me in this community, especially for serious issues like this one....then please keep in mind that if you try to mess around trying to bull me I will be really directly with you, whether you a young or old folk.

CONSEQUENTLY: After all the informations that mass media can provide us, my continued remarks, on these repetitive acts of violence and suppression of freedom in Islamic countries made in the name of Hallah, I consider everybody that refuses to recognize this facts, trying to minimize this threat and even worst to justify or even deny what is EVERYDAY happening in Islam, is not just guilty of carelessness for the victims of this brutality but guilty to participate spiritually in those crimes and with the makers of them!

So that at the end these people can be seen not just as a friends of criminals but also as an enemy of the Pagan/ Western civilization and of our precious and fragile freedom!
I agree with you. Already the pagans in Greece face difilties with the Christian Orthodox church.Can you imagine what the situation will be with the Muslims. And this video is for the pagans who sympathise with Islam.You can't serve two masters.Fellow pagans Let not the sun of Islam blind you. http://www.pare-dose.net/files/video/islam.html
Dear Hanna. I used purposely the Judeo-christia-islamic term “you can’t serve two masters. To point out that a monotheistic religion will never accept or tolerate the polytheistic world view (pagan).You will always be called an infidel, kafir, unbeliever, ghoim, ethnic an so on.The polytheists had no problem accepting other faiths.A small example.In ancient Greece there were temples for Isis, Osiris, Serapis (Egyptian deities) and synagogue in Delos. In Athens there was an altar for the unknown god of other faiths. So if you are a follower of monotheistic religion "you can’t serve two masters is aplied, (nobody can deny that), if you are pagan no problem, there are no restrictions, A pagan is a free human ,free of fear for god..
Dear Founder.Thanks for the invitation.Having taken some courses in cooperative religions, middle-eastern politics, and Arabic language I acquired good knowledge about Islam. I lived for 18 years in Islamic countries and traveled a lot, while I was a sympathizer of the Sufi path. Here the issue is not about the about the Islamic mystics and scholars that passed the ancient pagan knowledge to Europe through Spain , or the Mughals in India with their arts, or the other open minded gentle Muslims like the Sufis, but about the new type of Islam that rose from the Wahabi imperialism spreading through out the World. A small example, recently I was watching a documenter about the Kazaks of Mongolia, the ones that use the eagles to hunt the wolves. The community has 3 religions,Shamanism,Budhism and Islam. The little Kazak boys are learning, actually memorizing by heart the Koran in Arabic language, without understanding the meanings. When they pray they face Kaba.The same in Indonesia the most populous. So we see indigenous cultures embracing Islam. The situation in Middle East, Central Asia and parts of Africa is tough due to intolerance. Every day thousands of Muslims are entering the West. From Middle East to smuggle someone to Europe will cost 3000-5000 Euros. With the income like 1-2 euros a day is impossible to have that money.The elite-rich Muslims can visit any time the West they pose no threat.What about the ones from the war torn and poverty zones, they adhere to the fundamental and fanatic version of Shariah law. There are brotherhoods in Islam. The oil rich Arabia has all the funds needed to establish brotherhoods.. In Islam there is the cause of “Dawa”, where a muslim will go to a far away community to check out their problems and to help.You have to view Islam as a political-economic Pan-Arabic imperialism,. Is not coincidence that Islam is the fastest spreading religion. When I visited Nepal there were a handful of Muslims. Now I see that there are mosques. The same with the islands at the Gulf of Siam. Islam is replacing the ethnic cultures with the Wahabi Arab like nationalism .Wahabi is the clan that spread Islam and the ruling class of Arabia. Osama bin Laden being one of them. (Partners in petro-chemicals with Bush). In the States the situation is more tragic. I see brothers becoming Muslims, for many is a good way to get away from the hood, the drugs and the crime. The preachers of that Islam should have tolerance, compassion and open mind. Always into the mosques and jamats (communities) the fundamentalist elements will try to infiltrate, as the nature of Islam is missionary. Each one of them becomes a priest, a warrior of Islam ready for Jihad with the ultimate goal to turn the world into Islam. In Islam, they say there is no priest, no intermediary between Allah and men, but each man becomes a zealot and starts to prosyletize.The more he proselytizes the more he is assured of paradise. The preacher that teaches hatred and intolerance poisons his own people and the community. These should be segregated from the community. All the Afro-Americans embracing Islam should consider the greatness of your pre-Islamic civilization, the Nile,Axum,Nubia,Timbuktu,Yoruba,your pagan,animist,shaman beliefs. The Araps captured you and sold you as slaves to the West. This situation still going on with the non-Muslims of Sub-Sahara and South Sudan. Alas if the Zulus didn’t face the enemy face to face. That’s valiance. I don’t see any reason for the kamikaze blowing up themselves along with the innocent people. Where did you read that in Koran?
Thanks Adonis for your postings that supports my vision, confirming the reality of the Islamic threat and your defense of the human rights to freedom.

Hannah, ironically you're right in your last post when you say "..You do not need to be affiliated with extremist groups to be an extremist. Extremism is a belief and a lifestyle, not a status...". This thought is partially correct.
In fact what's happening in Islam is: that the large majority ( note please: I said the large majority of Muslim people, not just few fanatics and the terrorists! ) of Islamic people are little extremists just cause are blind fanatical followers of a manipulated religion for intolerant extremists with an extreme goal of an hegemonic supremacy in the world, what they call the Holy War in the name of Hallah!...
We need then to reframe this religion with the deactivation of the intolerant violent part, until we have time to do that...
Instead I'm perfectly correct: The majority of Islam share fanaticism and intolerance which are the first two big problems, making them extreme thinkers and then consequently extremists. Then the most refined product of this delirium of fanaticism and intolerant ignorance creates the perfect landscape for Islamic terrorism.
The stories I and others provided here and worldwide are referred not just to terrorist acts but also to normal Islamic people actions.

Regarding the Islamic Spiritual Leaders, they are actually the ones that are pushing Islam towards intolerance and violence.

Now Hannah please stop and give up with your stubborn messages, that shows, only to say the less, just your blind perception and a pathetic defense of your ancestors Islamic origines...


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