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Advice NEEDED: How to find my magickal name. Any Suggestions?

I've been trying to figure out what my magickal name is, and i can't seem to get a good idea of how to even get started. Does ANYONE have any suggestions?

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I'm still searching myself, It will come don't rush!! My name is the nickname my Grandmother called me NeeRain' but, my Magickal name has not came to me yet!! I ask the God's and the Goddess everynight and until they tell me I will have no name.........
here is a beginning:
to begin, you must choose a calendar by which to record your birth. If a more esoteric one does not suit you, the standard Gregorian one will do. Record all digits of your birthdate, including the day, month, and year. Add together all of the digits to produce a number, than add the digits of this number together to produce a smaller number, and so on, until you have a single-digit number. Next, you must choose an alphabet for your name to be recorded in. For many ancient alphabets (Elder Futhark, Hebrew, etc.) the letters also held a numeric value, so it would be important to be aware of these values. Obviously, the alphabet (and calendar) you choose should match the tradition in which you intend to work. A simple way to use the current English alphabet would be to simply create a grid numbering 1-9 and assign the first 9 letters a-i a corresponding numeric value, then repeat for the next 9, and so on. Select a name or word that you are drawn to, or which has meaning for you, and try to spell it with letters from your chosen alphabet which, when added together (and re-added) will render the same result as the birth number determined above. You may change the spelling slightly if necessary (thus, 'Diana' could become 'Dianna' or some such). In the Western tradition, phonetic spelling is much more important than standardization (Shakespeare's name was spelled "Chaxper" on his marriage license!). This may differ based on tradition. Remember, all of our (un)common Western names originally had meanings, even though we have forgotten them over the years. Also keep in mind that in pursuing a pagan path, YOU ARE (RE)DEFINING YOURSELF. Therefore, it is important that the name you will go by be one of your choosing.
It is modified from Buckland's Big Blue

This is the way I did mine. I first drew the grid of nine, then spelt out my full name and birth numbers together. I added them, then re-added until it came down to a single number. It was strange, but the name I had already chosen was the same number, so that is the name I now use.

yes your question is a good one and the ansew is easy but doing it right is not. what you need to do is find a sacluded spot with no one to bother you preferibly i small strem. then sit or stand whateva your more comftabal with and look inside your true self remember all your life the things that you have said and done it may take minits or it could take houres but at some stage you will fell the need to say a word and it will sound so familer and comferting and that will be your magikal name but be carefull in the proses of recovering it some peapol cant handel the proses and dont tell your name to peapol you might not be abel to trust your name is the most strongst part about you its wher your magik comes from  

it's all about how you feel about certain things, if you like birds raven ..... is one thing if you like wolf this is another name could be bluewolf, or the moon or even the sea... find out what you have an afinity with...you could take a Goddess name ...

I took Freya because I indentify with her...it's all in relation to who you are...hope it helps

Dr. Kanis Xoadinn I agree with you.


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