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why are christians thinking wiccans are sinners

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Ruled by the Moon said:
Fantastic! I love the way you think!
Mr. Seth said:
I could go on and on about this one, but what it all comes down to is simple as fuck; Christians think that their religion is the right one, and that all others are wrong. Part of their mission is to convert as many sinners as possible to their faith, without ever realizing that their faith was stolen from pagans to begin with. They have a particular hatred for Wiccans because spiritual their ancestors fought very hard for many centuries to stifle the beliefs that Gerald Gardner revived with Wicca in the 1950s.

At least, that's the non-offensive company line I usually give to people curious about what makes Witchcraft so "dark and evil".

The reality is Satan, everyone's favorite red-skinned goat-dude from Hell, was lovingly crafted by the guy who wrote the Book of Revelations to resemble a multitude of pagan deities such as Loki and Pan; even Satan's horns are supposed to resemble the antlers of the Horned God. Thus, when crusaders swept across Europe spreading their religion at the point of a sword, would-be pagans came to realize that their gods weren't gods at all, but rather this "Satan" mother fucker attempting to trick them.

Of course that's a bunch of bullshit, but still at best we're talking about a bunch of invisible men in the sky here, and at worst we're talking about fictional characters. Quite literally, every religious debate there's ever been can be summed up by two dudes arguing about which is the better fantasy; Lord of the Rings or Star Wars?

Does it really fucking matter? Can't we be entertained by either one?

This was true many years ago yes but if you take time to talk to a christan they may not agree with you and they may something about not wanting to partisapate in any thin g that allows satan into there heart but very few still claim to be the absalute religon
i agree with all of what evrey one has sed here!LOL
It goes back to when Roman Christians finaly out numbered the Pagans, then Pagans have been demonized as fallowers of siatin. Besides every one has to have some one to beat up to justify their own existance, not to mention demonizing Pagans was a way for the church to control its fallowers. To prove my piont Id like to point out that when christians were out numbered by Pagans, it was perfectly acceptible to allow Pagans to use the church property to practice (this showed that the church was no threat) then when the christians out numbered Pagans...well lets just say the rest is history.
This is an old smart and "dirty" system of terrorizing people, that the so called revealed religions ( also known as the three sisters Judaism, Christianism and Islam ) uses to manipulate reality in order to get power and surrender!... I have to say also that the spiritual Leaders of them rely on ignorance of people, that is guilty, in my opinion, to accept "tout court" any suggestions from them...
i'm pretty sure you meant "why do christians think being wiccan is a sin?"
sweety, it's not that being wiccan is a sin in the eyes of a christian, it's that being anything but christian is a sin in the eyes of a christian. most christians believe their god is the only god and that those who choose not to follow that one god are "worshipping false prophets" or "idol worshippors". it's kind of like when you have your favorite pair of shoes. no other shoe can compare to your fav, even though there are plenty of shoes out there, some older than yours, some better some worse. but to you, that shoe is more important than anything.now imagine if i present you with the same type of shoe, but only for me? well, chances are good you'll condemn me for it, because you would be afraid that my shoe just might be better than yours, which in your eyes is impossible.
do you understand the coorelations?
At the most basic level, Christians live by self-imposed morality but don't recognize it as self-imposed. They truly believe that the spirit world is only divided into Heaven and Hell. In the Judeo-Christian religions and sects obedience to "God" is good and disobedience to "God" is evil, and therefore, according to Christianity, of Satan. They think Wicca is a sin because it is considered "disobedience" to God, who according to Christians commands that you be a Christian (go figure, huh?) and allow Jesus to take over your life and give you what you need and that what you want is not as good for you as you think is (independently of the degree research, study, personal experience, experimentation or any other factors that allow one to make a quality decision). You must be told what is good for you. Plain and simple, it's a bulls*** school of thought that started at a time when the Church was the Government (think French Revolution) and would castrate, decapitate, torture, iron maiden, and many more of those lovely things to anyone who disobeyed them [see Deuteronomy 13:9-10]. At the end of the day One True God + One True Religion = One Ruling Authority (please keep in mind that I'm talking about the school of thought not the religion as a whole. There have been about 34,000 denominations of Christianity throughout history, and no one can classify them all by the way most people practice it today). The solution, plain and simple is just not to care about what they say. The fact that you chose your path and that you what it based on what it is takes priority over everything else. Keep your path sacred to you, and no that it can be mocked, ridiculed, and you can be persecuted, but it cannot be taken away from you unless you hand it over. Don't fall into the trap of feeling that you have to defend your view points. You can educate, but people who want to argue to prove something that can neither be proven nor disproven are ignorant and not worth your time. If you spend too much time defending your path you'll devalue it's meaning to you and it'll become a liability not an asset.
perhaps not just jealousey, for some powerful christians I believe that they think attacking is the best form of defence!!! By teaching that pagans/wicca is a sin, then they can stop pagans and followers of wicca from perhaps publically voicing their beliefs in the family and the workplace, and being able to explain the pagan/wicca way to others, there by making other people question their faith/religion.

I know that even as a newbie to the pagan/wicca path that if I was to tell other people that I am a pagan they would not speak or work with me due to their christian beliefs. In my job I have to be able to work with every body I meet.

Sorry if this has been voiced by others but have just joined the website.

everything ive read in this thread is right but - -**********************************when the bible was put together everyone was pagan. to make everyone convert (i think its this group->) the vatican killed all the pagans***********************************. to make the transition easier many holidays were converted from pagan holidays- other religions did this also. so the correction was never made (christianity was a blood bathe through the ages). now they do believe that if anyone isn't baptized, or believes in jesus, or doesn't sin/confession etc etc you will go to hell. and yes they are hypocrites (holy water), but this is because of the type of religion it is- it follows the institution of authority. its better to believe in what you want! "live without chains"
I am christian and I do wicca. So I call myself a christian witch. I know other christan wiccans too.
because centuries ago the catholic church placed a stereo type on pagans saying we worship the devil by portraying the devil in the likes of the horned god yule and saying witchcraft is the works of evil.
Chains... Infinite Undiscovery for XB 360 have chains connecting this the Moon to the Earth. The Order of Chains are like Christianity, The DreadKnight is like the Pope, and Veros the Moon God is Like YHWH/Jehovah/Allah. Many games can be compared to Christianity's dark past and ignorant present. You just have to have an open mind to see it. Oh Christ, why did you come here? All you did was mess everything up and cause way more Chaos then your ancestors combined. Don't come back Jesus, you''l just make this world even worse...

Well I'm done.
Blessed be LK


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