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why are christians thinking wiccans are sinners

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its true. im exudous 22:18 it says "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live". and christians still read this and believe it. now, most christians today dont start their very own witch hunt- thank goddess!!!- but some do believe out of fear and what was taught to them that it is not only at sin- but witches should not be talked to, touched, looked in the eyes, and so forth, because witches will hex them. or by talking to us, we will somehow make them sin because of our 'evil' ways. That and ignorance and close mindedness. they refuse to hear anything about what wicca is- so they will never learn.

Hunter said:
The bible is against witchcraft and that its the devil's work, and a lot of christians feel that if it's not Jesus its the devil.
yes, it does say that visions are witchcraft. but, thier are prophets all over the bible. Moses, Abraham, Isaiah, and Jesus himself. i think that SOME christians can understand, they just dont want to.

Cassandra said:
That is what I wonder also. They think Wicca is evil. Plus in the bible it says that witchcraft of any kind (spells, tarot, having visions, etc.) is from the devil. I just think that they don't know how to accept something that is different and that they don't understand.
where does it say it is witchcraft to have visions in the bible? i am a new wiccan, raised christian, and would like to use this on some of my old church folks. oh, and the reason christians hate wicca is because their bible says thar all forms of witchcraft are evil, and if you practice ir, or use so much as a fortune teller that you will go to hell. i cant remember exactly where it is, but i can find it if you need it.
All I can say is Ignorance breeds hate, Tolerance breeds understanding. If people would look outside their neat little boxes and see the big picture, we could all just agree to disagree and Coexist.
many reasons. But not all christains belive that. I myself am somewhat a christain but I consider myself eclectic so i also practice witchcraft. I found that the other christains around me seemed to think wicca was a sin. I think that was simply because they did not understand the religion and if the studied it a little they would no longer think that way.
Exactly. But if you look at how old the bible is and how many different versions there are of it, the words could of been changed slightly. Its like that game where you whisper something in someones ear and they have to pass it on to the next person and so on. Well, by the time it gets to the last person it will most likely not be the same as what the first person has said.

vovl-concisus-vita said:
where does it say it is witchcraft to have visions in the bible? i am a new wiccan, raised christian, and would like to use this on some of my old church folks. oh, and the reason christians hate wicca is because their bible says thar all forms of witchcraft are evil, and if you practice ir, or use so much as a fortune teller that you will go to hell. i cant remember exactly where it is, but i can find it if you need it.
It's a matter, imo, of fundamental doctrine: the so-called 'First Commandment' of the "Decalogue" (Exodus 20:2-17) states simply that: you will not have any gods before me.

Sadly, the followers of the New Testament have chosen to take this as a cultural imperative that they are to impose on believer and non-believer alike. In the game of organized religion it's the same sore of action that corporations take in
business every day to take market share from the competition.

Like Dr. Goebbels said during the last War, it's all a matter of perspective: "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, then people will eventually come to believe it."
(Please note in this instance I do not hold the Christian doctrine as it applies to themselves from their first commandment is a lie; rather the lie exists in their delusion that they have a right to impose the same on those unwilling to accept it.)

Religious dialectic aside, it's their shortcoming, and one best responded to with the Amish smile. (For those of you who have ever been into the Pennsylvania counties you know of what I speak...)
it says some where in the bible that all other religions were started out of sin, ask any church goer and they will tell you that all religions r all after the same thing finding a high power almost a way to answer the simple question why r we here but all in all blinding us from reality
There is no one answer to this question. I think the answers lies on several levels. First, pagans don't recognise a central head such as catholics, who have the vatican and pope. Most christian religions recognize some form of leadership that tell them what to believe and how to act. Pagans don't. And because they don't, they can't be controlled. Someone who can't be controlled is usually percieved as dangerous, a sinner, if you will. And because the christians are so good at following their leadership, and have been told that we are dangerous sinners, they treat us as such. Most christians never give it more thought than that. Which is interesting because I've had some interesting interactions with christians who can manage go get past what they've been told (and remember to think for themselves) and they have discovered there's nothing very threatening about what I believe. My own mother, who is very Catholic, and I have some very interesting conversations on spirituality vs religion. While she may pray for my soul, I don't think she really believes it is in mortal danger. But that is because we talk and listen to what each of us has to say. Don't give up on the christians, there are some out there that can be reasoned with.
Then you'll probably enoy this little filk by Leslie Fish:

Most "Christians" are taught that anything that is different is "Bad". My parents are of the "Older Christian" religion where all other religions and teachings are shunned. I was brought up this way but did not agree with this, this caused a lot of arguments in our household and at church. No matter what faith or religion you tend to be or fallow there will always be someone there stating that you are a sinner and there way is the only right way.
Paganism was here long before Christianity. Religions borrowed much of what they teach from the pagans; especially the druids. Christians just changed it around so it looks like it was something from their religion. Hmmm, kind of like getting a report off the internet and turning it in as your own, when you were in school, or still in school. Then the Christians burned the books of the pagans, burned the pagans at the stake. What better way to get rid of the evidence. I believe there is a higher power whether it be god, zeus, or a goddess. I was raised a Roman Catholic and had to attend Catholic school every summer for 2 months. It sucked but I did learn a lot (don't piss a nun off ). I now do not believe in going to a church built by man, wearing my best suit to impress, or just to make everyone think I am so not evil. Now I am at peace because I go straight to the higher power by way of meditation and with my guardian in tow. Could this be what the Christians call the guardian angel - well, my angel is a fairy princess (name with held) I can see her as I travel into the other realms and she helps me to maintain. Here I go again running on at the key board. I now go


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