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Short and sweet, I would like to talk to anyone, man or woman who has had this experience and values it. What do you find most pleasing about it what do you find is difficult?
Blessed Be

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Astral projection is my hardest subject i was never able to do it
Most pleasing is knowing that my spirit is free in following a path ever-mysterious. Most difficult is to have the courage of following my convictions, but this too, is fun.
One of the things that enjoy most about being a solitary practitioner is the freedom and flexibility that it can afford me in rituals and spells but at this point I am reaching out to connect with solitary practitioners for discussions and socialization and just to stretch my horizons a little. I am very much enjoying writing my book of shadows. As for specific challenges, I still have work to do on astral projection.
I have been practicing Solitary Eclectic about 2-3 yrs. now, originally more from necessity than though choice. There just weren't that many pagan shops, or more specifically open groups/covens, in my area to turn to for guidance which made it difficult. However, I did ALOT of online research & acquired a small library of Wiccan books that I 'consumed' and that helped me hone my skills. Eventually I came across a couple friendly people who were practitioners and I have slowly developed a small network of friends who are active in the local pagan community. I now belong to 2 study/discussion groups, I'm taking Tarot classes, and participate in as many classes & events as I can find & afford. I am fortunate to have met a former HP and an HPs and they both are now giving me guidance & encouragement in my studies. Even so, I am still practicing solitary primarily because I like the freedom of expression it allows me, it's what I am most comfortable with, and because I'm not ready yet for a specific Trad &/or coven work.
I found a website called witchschool.com and I like it a lot so far. They offer all types of on-line classes, some are free and some are not, but the cost is reasonable even for those that requite tuition paid. I am starting at the beginning and working my way through for a couple of reasons: #1: Through my solitary search, I know that there are key pieces of information and necessary experience that I need in order to get to where I want to be. and #2: It's sort of a refresher course on some of the things that I already know. They test you at the end of each assignment so you can see where you might want to spend some of your time and focus your power. I am really enjoying it and it's a way for me to focus my studies as well as expand my horizons.

Michelle said:
I have started to practice Wicca about a year ago. I am still doing research for my book of shadows. right at the moment, I am finding that my research is very helpful. I found that I am very connected to Ancient Egypt. Ever since I was a little girl, I was interested. Now my spiritual path is now revolving around Ancient Egypt mythology and history.

I am still quite insecure in trying a ritual. I am not quite sure what to expect. Honestly, I am not quite sure on how to cast a circle. Though, with some practice, I should get the hang of it soon.
I am a solitary practicing witch. I don't consider myself wiccan or druid or anything other than pagan. Many years ago an older woman told me that in order to be a practicing witch all you really need is an athame and a candle. I find that to be true. I don't have the means or needs to buy a lot of stuff I don't use on a daily basis. I don't follow any structured ways. I don't think I would do very well in a structured coven. I enjoy my freedom to communicate... and be communicated with.. by the Goddess. The only thing I have found difficult is that sometimes I used to feel unsure about a spell or blessing. I learned over the years that once you do a spell or blessing that you TRULY BELIEVE in... it is easy to put it behind you and move on. Most of the pagan ways come with time and patience.
Have you read any books about Om Sety? Also, I don't know if you're a DeadHead or not, but they just came out with a whole collection of their concert music from a concerts that they did in 1973. Oddly, or not so oddly enough, Ancient Egypt and Egyptian myths were an influence on them.

Michelle said:
I have started to practice Wicca about a year ago. I am still doing research for my book of shadows. right at the moment, I am finding that my research is very helpful. I found that I am very connected to Ancient Egypt. Ever since I was a little girl, I was interested. Now my spiritual path is now revolving around Ancient Egypt mythology and history.

I am still quite insecure in trying a ritual. I am not quite sure what to expect. Honestly, I am not quite sure on how to cast a circle. Though, with some practice, I should get the hang of it soon.
I have been trying to get the meditation prayer down but can't seem to clear my mind of everything. It is like one thing will disappear and another one will pop right on in. I just started about a week ago. So I am still workin on getting the supplies for my first cleansing. But I do know for a fact the meditation prayer really works and calms me down makes me feel relieved of all stress and such. Don't know if this is what you were talking about but I decided to comment to see wat you or anyone else would say to it. Blessed Be
hi Lyn,

I am new to the pagan life and i know this is the path i am to walk .. my life partner has been a witch for many years and has been pacticing solitary.. where we live there are few that we know of... if ever you would like to chat send us a line.. or checkout his book that just went online.....poemhunter.com/stevetrimmer/ or just google him .. his forward really tells alot of who he is ... i myself and still learning ....are you of a mercury energy ? we value who we are....

Bright Blessings...
Ixchel, You mentioned working with tarot. Get a deck you really resonate with and hold it in your hands, shuffle it, split it and keep shuffling until the cards are yours. Believe me, they will be. Try the 3 question lay out, simply the yes or no. Then lay out a pattern of your choice. It doesn't need to be the celtic cross. Include your self now and what is really you. The source of the problem or concern and the near future and what is passing away. Who is with you in spirit. If you are learning in a class don't feel resticted to the dominate patterns of others and their interpatations. When you work with the deck for yourself you'll find you way to your own interpetations. Keep working, it pays huge benefits to your personal spititual growth.
BB, Lyn
Dear Grimalkin , I am so sorry for directing my answer to Izchel instead of you. It was about the tarot. Lyn

Grimalkin del Freya said:
I have been practicing Solitary Eclectic about 2-3 yrs. now, originally more from necessity than though choice. There just weren't that many pagan shops, or more specifically open groups/covens, in my area to turn to for guidance which made it difficult. However, I did ALOT of online research & acquired a small library of Wiccan books that I 'consumed' and that helped me hone my skills. Eventually I came across a couple friendly people who were practitioners and I have slowly developed a small network of friends who are active in the local pagan community. I now belong to 2 study/discussion groups, I'm taking Tarot classes, and participate in as many classes & events as I can find & afford. I am fortunate to have met a former HP and an HPs and they both are now giving me guidance & encouragement in my studies. Even so, I am still practicing solitary primarily because I like the freedom of expression it allows me, it's what I am most comfortable with, and because I'm not ready yet for a specific Trad &/or coven work.
Ixchel, I am sorry I sent my answer about tarot to you. It was meant for Grimalkin.Lyn

Lyn Moore said:
Ixchel, You mentioned working with tarot. Get a deck you really resonate with and hold it in your hands, shuffle it, split it and keep shuffling until the cards are yours. Believe me, they will be. Try the 3 question lay out, simply the yes or no. Then lay out a pattern of your choice. It doesn't need to be the celtic cross. Include your self now and what is really you. The source of the problem or concern and the near future and what is passing away. Who is with you in spirit. If you are learning in a class don't feel resticted to the dominate patterns of others and their interpatations. When you work with the deck for yourself you'll find you way to your own interpetations. Keep working, it pays huge benefits to your personal spititual growth.
BB, Lyn


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