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A Muslim man, in San Petersburg ( Russia ), killed a daughter just cause she was wearing a miniskirt, which is probably seen as scandalous for the Koranic law, he actually hired three other Muslims to murder the young girl!
Unfortunately this is not an isolated case but one of the many cases of intolerance and madness against women ( and more... ) from Muslim believers.
This didn't happen in the middle of somewhere like an Arabic village but in one of the most important city of Russia...
Certainly it's not the first time that we heard about similar atrocities and I personally frankly got enough...
I always had hard time in believing that this kind of acts are belonging to a genuine doctrine of the Koran or an interpretation of it...
I know that in the world there are "good" Muslims, but today there are too many horrifying and unacceptable acts made by them in the name of this religion, that I start almost to believe that the vast majority of them share a real brutal belief... I would like to know your opinion at this regard and overall if you think that it would be nice if President Obama, who strives for a "reconciliation" of USA with the Islamic World, will ask the most influential spiritual leaders of Islam to clarify once and for all if the religion of Mohammed is really a violent intolerant credo as it seems unfortunately often... and if these kinds of acts, which are really extreme and foolish, made always in the name of Allah, are legitimated or not by the Koran and by the contemporary spiritual leaders!!... So that finally we will be more aware of the real nature of Islam, because without a CLEAR explanation, a black shadow will be always surrounding them and their religion...

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In order to clarify and summarize my position on this topic, since I saw kind of confusion in many replies here, I say that: it is not in my meaning an invitation to destroy or erase Islam, absolutely not, but instead to get a modification of the most fanatical intolerant part of this religion. Not to mention the cancelation of all the elements of fundamentalism from Islam. Obviously this action needs to be taken by their spiritual and political leaders.
Even more a particular attention needs to be taken by the nations of the world where Islam is internally arising, so that a special eye needs to be devoted on controlling that the Iman that guides a community of every mosque need to be not a fanatical fundamentalist preacher..

Further I like to say that Islam in the form of Sufism was part of my spiritual training in my youth and I loved and still love and revere spiritual Sufi masters and heroes as Mansur Al-Hallaj.
That I also lived in my youth in Islamic countries and surely I don't consider myself a racist at all!

However I like to extend, without any doubts, this invitation to eradicate the components of fundamentalism and intolerance, to other Religions, Pagans or not. Among the non Pagans surely: Judaism and Christianism!...
You are absolutely right, in my opiniom, the main question is to eradicate the fundamentalim not he Islam culture. We are not against any culture or religion, but we are against the fundamentalism wich puts in risk our freedom of thought and action. As Neopagans we are fighting against ignorance and prejudice not against people. Each one of us has the right to believe in anything, as the Ancient Roman people we can live together in peace with our beliefs.
However, as last hope and ultimate tools of definitive mass Westernization of Islamic countries, I still believe in the sparkling intoxicating power of the American Trio ( Mc Donalds, Coca-Cola & Pop-corn... ) added with the invincible Italian "Napolitaine Pizza"!... superlol ...
Maybe we'll even have Oprah, Starbucks, Nutella and KFC over there eventually!! But seriously, it seems that 'westernization' is a reasonable hope to combat fundamentalism growth in this manner.
you know from our private conversations that I already clearly explained to you my political and ideological "fears"...
Plus I tried to explain, in many ways, in the forum "my Romanized vision" of future Paganism, with the result to be pretty much ignored, misunderstood, when not personally attacked and from time to time insulted.
I saw people here first ignoring basic issues, like Islamic antagonism against Western World ( US first..! ), then jumpin' on the wagon of heroism, telling me that they served with courage the nations through military services of their relatives in the US army!... in front of this contradictory behavior what can I do?

If you add to all of that, from the Neopagan community, a strong generalized reluctance to accept, or just ignorance about history and the repetitive paths of history, I'm clearly not at my best here, with brothers and sisters that are not lookin' to similar perspectives and consequences! ... so that I have a choice to cry or... being sarcastic!... choosing the second option, let me just add that the Trio ( Mc'D - Coke and Pop-C... ) has proven itself in USSR, promoting and accelerating the westernization of the famous infamous Communist nation, that was by the way built on another fundamentalist utopia and bullshit credo called Communism!!...

Its also well known, at least in Italy, that the Napolitaine Pizza eased up the Intolerant sadistic criminal fundamentalism of the Roman Catholic Church Inquisition, giving a break at least at nite, when the Christian monks went to eat at the Pizzeria-Osteria, to the poor heretics that were waiting to be tortured or burned... witches included!....
hey i m a muslim and i really hate muslims like these who think/say this is sin and that is sin etc...muslim community divides into 3 parts: first part is modern,second is not modern and 3rd is modern but doesnt seems because of the pressure they live (like most ppl in Iran)..
i hate these kind of people(mean who kill someone cuz of outfits)..there is a certain thing in the Koran, that you cannot kill a human!!..it is one of the biggest sin..

these who killed ppl for İslam are just have brains that are washed by some ppl who want to manipulate them in the cover of religion..

and also i noticed that this forum is against islam? shouldnt it be a pagan forum,not an anti-islam or anti-religion forum??

unfortunately in my opinion ( and not just mine ) your religion is ranking higher today as one of the most burning questionmarks for our safety and freedom!...

Regarding this community, I think that even a blind man can "see" that this forum is NOT against Islam or anything else, rather than to be an honest and reliable channell of infos and a source of reflections on the challenging today's world.

In particular, we ( or I ) dislike extreme interpretations of this so called "revealed religion", not just in the blatant case of Islamic factions like AL Qaeda, but in the vast majority of modern Islam "customs", as they are interpreted with too much suspicious "passion" from many of their leaders and mullhas...

I thought it was clear that we like to underline in this community the gratuitous discrepancies of modern Islam from the original credo of Mohammed.

Since you are Muslim, you can maybe better help me to understand where Islam is "pointed" or going today. Think that we are ( or I'm...), if you like, kind of a little bit ignorant on your religion so that you can better explain, understanding what's happening today.
Especially I'm curious to see and UNDERSTAND how come Islam, that had roots in a sublime loving credo like Sufism, after brutally suppressing it, can generate the Bin Laden militaresque delirious belief or the tyrannic despotic modern Ahmadinejad's Iran...?... can you tell us also about the meaning of this "Holy war" against western world?... I can go on and on, but I stop...

I stop here waitin' for your reply... hoping also not to hear a defensive reply, neither a remark on my community, but hopefully an answer on the issues debated here and more generally in the world....

ps. ... from my part I'm surely not a supporter or a fan of modern intransigent & fanatical Islam, and I will keep posting videos on what I believe to be crimes of modern Islam, at least of a part of this degenerate form of Islam, that unfortunately seems to be spreading out in the Muslim society today...

as you said, since Im talkin' not about my personal vision but regarding historical facts, is not a question of "edit the Koran" , but as I explained, is just a matter to clean out the gratuitous new adds that modern Islam made on the previous ancient Islam that was mainly Sufism!... also as we know Sufism was deeply influenced by Buddhist and Hindu mysticism... and more. ( Please notice that Buddhism and Hinduism are considered part of the Pagan Religions or Neopagans!!.... )
So that its just a matter to take back Islam to his real native nature that has little or nothing to share with this modern fanatical & fundamentalist Islam... I like to underline that the Islamic leaders are not the only one that are involved in this "manipulated" Islam, but the whole religion and Muslim people!
So that a return to the primeval religion (Sufism) will be surely auspicious!

Regarding Canada I don't know since I'm not just Italian but "man of the world"...

re Rome ( also known as Roma .... yeah why this weird spelling!...) she was just just.... just great.....
I have been Reading, this back and forth debate. I must say, I find it interesting.

Codename Crisis
we are going out of topic here, however to answer you: actually im not arguing neither want to, what i say usually are facts...
yeah dear friend IT is a waste of time the way you are entering this discussion... seems that you just want a pretext to argue with me...
what you say everybody knows about ancient religions like Buddism or Hinduism...the interesting part is that the are still considered part of the Neopagan family.. i was just underline that aspect in my previous post... make a note and please in the future dont bother to post without any serious consistent content or i will ignore your postings, furthermore, if out of topic or just gratuitous personal attacks to my persona, even delete them...

ps. if you have complaints about me, i suggest that you can start a discussion about me with a topic dedicated if you like to do so....
I find it interesting, so many people have fought over this. Wasting lots of energy, on something they can not change, or even hope to even shift a different way. Honestly all opinions don't change a religion, the people in that religion have to change. For the better or for the worse, it's their path, not ours.

Codename Crisis


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