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Ok, finally we have someone doing something. HumorHotlines.com has announced a new hotline, only this time, its not a joke. When they receive one million votes to legalize marijana, they will present the petition to President Obama to request a bill be placed to legalize marijana. The number is 516-833-3983. If you are iffy abouit this, think on this. It will boost the economy. It will allow the government to tax marijana, which helps. It allows the courts to keep from having to pay millions of tax payers dollars to persecute the users of marijana that get caught every year, etc. Now, doesn't that make a difference in YOUR life, even if you don't yourself smoke pot?

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perhaps this petition will change his mind.
As someone who has never even tried Marijuana I still think it should be legalized.I think anyone who is unsure about topics such as this should watch Penn and Teller's B.S. it's on Showtime they address this issue in season 2 in the episode "War on Drugs". They look at the issue from both sides and I couldn't believe how anyone could still be against it after watching this.
I'm a long time smoker and i love that you added this blog. Their is so much money to be made and so many patients who depend on medical marijuana. It would be a waste to not see the value in something so natural and so available.
i dont smoke. but i know alot of people who do...alot...even i can see that if we legalize marijuana not only will we save money..in like persecutions and stuff...but it would also allow us to tax it out the ass, and in the end bring in even more money than were saving....[it would help save our economy]...like cigarettes the people who smoke aren't going to give it up...not that pot is addictive like that....trust me i know....they like the feeling they get....how can we allow tobacco, somethig that is addictive [nicotene], and harmful to us [unlike marijuana; unless you like smoke and drive or something] to be legal and be completely against marijuana, tobacco killed like 150,000 people just last year....thats like 400 people everyday
I agree pot should be legalized, even though I haven't smoked for about 25 years. I was one of those 1 in a billion that had negative side effects from pot. Yeah, I know no one else believes it either.I do think if it was legalized there should be some warnings.. similar to the side effect warnings on any other legal drug. It scares me that some people I really care about use pot a LOT, but they are never really sure what the pot could be cut with. They say they believe their dealers would never do that... but how do they really know? Legalizing pot would be safer and financially beneficial if it were legalized.

That said, I have a question. Legal drugs like benzos and narcotics are legal, with a presciption... but that doesn't mean they aren't also sold on the streets... illegally. What would be the recommended daily dose? How would that be decided? Some people I know are never NOT stoned.. others just use it recreationally. So who makes that decision? If you went over the recommended daily dose... how would you get a refill? Would it then be illegal to get more on the streets? Would it be sold over the counter or would you need a prescription? These are questions that are bound to come up if the idea of legalization is brought before congress to decide. So what are the answers?
Pot can be dipped in formaldehyde for one .. something about getting a better high.. even though lethal. Also hashish and in one case I read about some powdered drug ( I can't remember the name of it.. sorry old brain cells here LOL) was found mixed in with pot before it was dried.

The reason I ask the question is that you and I both know if this ever gets to congress.. there will be a lot of discussions about it. No legal issue is as simple as we want it to be. People need to think rationally about how to respond. If it is a prescription or over the counter, how it should be doled out.. what kind of warnings or side effects will have to be listed. In our country it isn't as easy as saying "yup it is legal now" there has to be all the red tape that goes with it. For anyone who is willing to fight for the legalization.. they need to be informed and all on the same page as to exactly what they want, with proof to support it. Name calling to the political machine will get us no where.. after all people have wanted pot legalized for over 20 years.

I think of someone (I can't remember who) that was speaking about legalizing gay marriage.. said that unless there was a consensus of exactly what was wanted and how.. and that there was not just an outcry but a leader willing to take up the cause, that the men and women we voted into office won't listen. I believe that wholeheartedly.
I agree. I have no issue with anything you have said in your posts. My issue is with our goverment, they are mostly run by the fundamentalist christian groups, pharmaceutical companies, the American Medical Association and the NRA. Those organizations are extremely powerful... no congressman is going to run against them. So what do the American people do about it? How do we get across to them that it is what the people want? I live in the bible belt. This state actually banned abortion a year ago.. until it went to a vote and the state government was told NO. It was a first as far as I know that the fundamentalist christian right was defeated on anything.Maybe now is the time... all I know is that whether I smoke or not.. I dont' want to be defeated because I am just a whacked out stoner. I want the legalization to mean something... and the only way that I can see that happening is for all people to get on the same page and want the same things.
This is off topic, but I too live in the Bible Belt. It's really annoying losing friends because the people around here are so close minded. But yeah, I didn't know you lived in the sweet home alabam.
I strongly feel that it should be legalized..but for those "stoners" and recreational and/or medicinal users that still feel the nagging presure from the feds not to..as long as it carries the same restrictions as any other mood altering substance( i.e. alcahol)and people give uncle sam his cut then it is the only logical evolution to this "war on drugs". If the fed. government cant get it's head outa the fiscal hole it's in it's because of how slow and tedious burocracy must be..now we all agree and there are good hints and advice about what to do in favor of pot becomeing legal. The rest is up to me and you..lets see what the future holds....
So, for some, this is a very touchy issue. I however, believe that the pro's do outweigh the cons. Some people (mostly rebellious teenagers) smoke to tick their parents off, some smoke because medically, it helps 'stimulate' a reaction that counteracts say, anxiety or belemia. Some smoke just for the sake of getting high, but really, I would rather use something that comes from the earth, rather than anything man made, like Hydrocodine for instance. It's a more natural choice than alot of what is 'offered' legally. I think pot should be legalized for many different reasons. But to simplify what you have already heard, because it is illegal, people want to do it more. If it were ok, you would really have a less chance of getting into something far worse because its illegal. Thats my opinion anyway. Like I have serious anxiety and sometimes tea and meditation arnt enough. Sometimes I can't even get that far because I'm too tightly wound. A joint helps get me to a place where I can really open my mind and connect to things on a much deeper level. But it's not for everyone. My mom throws up when she trys (only twice and 30 years in between). So it's not like anyone is forcing it down your throat.
I myself am against marijana but not against its legalization. If cigarettes and alcohol and such are allowed why not one more?


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