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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

well i don't really want to sounds like i am new to this, but i was wondering if anyone has experience with casting or calling for a mentor to come into your life?
i've mainly been solitary for most of my life and i have had internal mentors (like using active imagination like carl Jung has [except even jung had frued at one point]). i am just mainly taking a class of "transitition into adulthood" (a psychology class)...and i realized i really haven't had too many physical mentors mainly just ones that i have found in my own mind through meditation.....so i was wondering if anyone knew of a existing spell/rite to call for a mentor before i just created my own.....
i really would apperciate the help ^_^

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I would just try to do a google search for local pegan or wiccans in your community. If that doesn't worklet me know and we can try to find another way. spell or something. good luck.
probably making your own would be more powerful because it would be personal to your situation. here is a couple finding spells i use.

1) Gather heliotrope and bay leaves in a dream sachet and sleep with it under your pillow. You should dream of where to find this mentor.

2) Set your usual meditation preparations. Envision your idea of a mentor- do be specific. use a symbol that u could use for mentor- like a book or graduation hat or something. Picture a silver strand attached to the object/objects at one and and attached to your naval at the other end. See yourself reeling in the objects, using the strand. Do this for as long as is comfortable.

i hope these help, if not create your own. use things u are comfortable with and used to using( candles, crystals, herbs...) and what feels "right". And remember sometimes things are just not meant to happen a certain way, so they wont. if your not meant to have a mentor right now, you wont. and their is not much you can do about it.
i hope these help!
All one needs is a guardian in ones travels during spells. If you want a mentor - this day and age, you be careful. Most will try to pull you into something and this is usually not beneficial for you. To really know if they can be trusted feel their aura. If it is warm to you and not just you being attracted to them, it is good to get to know them, after a time you can begin to see if they really know what they are talking about. If you really want to get deep - study a goddess or god that interests you. Learn how to evoke them. I say goddess because the goddesses usually are better at understanding gay men. When you get to know one of them - (I use goddess Cerridwyn). From her cauldron Cerridwyn helps us attain our goals. You want a mentor ask for one to be given to you by a goddess. If you do a spell that you are not powerful enough to handle you will be in deep shit. I have been a shaman since I was 4 years old. I just found this out through a fellow shaman. Some people are born with the gift. I was and did not even know it until last week. In other words, what I am saying is that I know what I am talking about. Later I will tell you about some of the deep crap I got into when I was younger and just tried stuff.


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