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Hello, I joined wicca about a year ago. I consider myself very new to the faith and have a few questions.

1st.) Can a male worship the goddess?

I have worshipped the goddess for a while, and she seems to answer my prayers, but I recently met a wiccan female who told me that the Triple Goddess was to be a maiden for the females of wicca. I do not believe it is so, but would like some more guidance.

2nd.) What other gods and goddesses are there for me to worship?

I have not been able to find something like this, and would appreciate all the help I can get. Thank you.

3rd.) Can i cast spells without special items?

I do not have access to any religious materials. I can keep a secret book of shadows, but my parents, both christians, found out I was wiccan by walking into my bedroom uninvited and saw me on this site. They have forbade me from owning a lighter (easy for me to sneak) candles (not as easy but possible) inscense (same as candles) or knives (so i cannot have an ath'aam [i think i spelled it right.]) I may be able to sneak these items, but then there is a money issue. They won't let me get a job, so I cannot purchase these items. Is it possible for me to cast spells without these items by using my spirit energies (fire, earth, water, air, and spirit)? I have been practicing with them and can tune into some sort of source if I try enough. For more information on that, just ask.

p.s. Remind me not to try to alter the weather in anyway by means of spirit energies. I tried to create a simple thunderstorm a couple of nights ago, and the next morning, there were three tornadoes in the city.

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1) In my opinion the Goddess is energy. She is not a form or a person. She is the life and breath of the earth. The God is her consort. The God is also energy. When two forms of energy entwine, energy is magnified. When a human being takes that energy and forms it into their own magic... it becomes power. It doesn't matter if you are male or female... the earth energy is there for anyone.

2) What are you drawn to. Are you interested/fascinated by the Norse? The Celtic? The Roman or Greek? The name of the God or Goddess you use depends on what you are drawn to. I have always known the Goddess name I use... I just didn't know it was a Goddess until I did some research into the mythology I was interested in. Search on the net for really long lists of Gods and Goddesses in the mythology you are interested in.

3) Yup. A Pagan woman, a crone, told me once to be a true witch all you need is a candle and a butter knife. LOL I have used that before... and it still harnesses the power you seek. When you can control it ... you can also meditate and gain the power you want... candle or not... and send it where you need it to be.
Ok, thanks guys, i really appreciate it. This makes me feel much better. I will check out Walden's book store or Books a Million next time I am in Dothan.

so a candle and a butterknife, lol.

one more question, do certain colored candles have different meanings and uses? I have heard they do. Thanks in advance.
Yeah Erik, thanks. That really encourages me to improvise and use my imagination. I have read a bit about the deities putting this as a challenge for me, and I agree. Anyways, I will try my best, and hopefully please the god/desses. I certainly am not going to give up my faith because of my parents, we are to pushed away from each other to let their approval bother me, but they have made this quite a challenge. But our conflicts aren't much for yall to worry about. Anyways, thanks for the help yall (you all if you prefer, sorry I live in the south and thats a common word down here), I have not gotten anything but nice encouragements from yall, and I really appreciate it.
ok. I do, I would just like them to be happy, through that love.

Does that make sense?


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