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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Has anyone else noticed that in the new testiment of the Bible, Jesus and his disciples claimed to follow "The Way". Well, Wicca (all paganism) is known as the way. Do you find it somewhat consequential that Jesus dissappeared from history for 20 years, came back and could heal the sick, cure the blind, turn water into wine, etc. He was practicing! He was himself a Pagan! and his followers, especially John, were also Pagans! Christians just call them miracles to seperate themselves from us.

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Nothing really new. There have been stories around for as long as I can remember that Jesus was actually a Pagan witch. I do believe he lived... but as for the son of god.. ummm... nope. LOL I actually believe a theory I heard that Jesus and Judas were trying to get people to understand that the Jewish religion at the time was materialistic and greedy.. that they didn't care about their people. All was well.. including Jesus being arrested (preplanned by both of them) but they didn't count on him being killed. They believed that at that time Jesus's followers would raise a stink and have him freed. Which is why Judas killed himself... out of sorrow and a plan that went terribly wrong.
i offten wandered that very thing my granny never would talk bout that part of the bible, and there are a lot of things in there that would lead you to believe they only tell you what they want you to know about the life of jesus, i mean theres the hole thing with mary magdaline, i personally believe they were truely married too but thats a hole nother disscusion thats just my 2 cents MM
yes. i've noticed, especially with the story were jesus had the three fish anf five loaves -or something like that.-
and even the time he put clay on the blind man's eyes to let him see again once he washed his face at the jordan river.
so i see your point.. they were pagans in a sense..
Thank you Nicole, I like your theory and think the vatican would definately have left that out, being witch haters as they were.


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