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I have been a practicing solitary witch for years and do most of my cleansing and spells without props. I do use candles occasionally. But I have always been taught that our power comes from within our own selves with being able to focus and truly believe. I know alot of people who use props such as athames, candles, crystals, and stones, but use them only to help them focus on their intention. I use incense and sage for clearing, but I have never used herbs for anything. I have always been told that crystals and stones contain energy. So my question is if it the power comes from within and how strong our belief is then what would be the purpose of using herbs, crystals, and stones? I understand the concept of using things to help focus on your intention, but I would like to get others opinions on this. Also, I would like to know others opinions on calling upon the Gods/Goddess for assistance if we truly hold the power ourselves? In my quest of trying to figure out what it was I believed in I have learned a lot about other beliefs and religions. And one thing I have found is that we all pretty much believe in the same thing, the only differences is in the entities/deities that one believes in and the way one may perform a ritual. Love to hear feedback. Blessed Be

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I don't use much. I use candles occasionally, sage, salt and certain herbs for certain things... but even that is rare. I use my mind. I meditate and focus until I gain the earth energy/Goddess energy.. then push it where it needs to go. Most of what I was taught was from an elder; a crone; who instilled in me that we all have access to the energy of the earth with or without tools.
That is how I work also, mostly with my mind. I know props help some folks focus, but I find handling things distracting. I don't like using names either; I visualize forces as forces without personifying. It's just how I'm comfortable.
Well, in my opinion (which is sort of Shinto) everything in Nature has an energy. That being said...Yes, power comes from within and all of those things have power within them that can be directed by you will. As for Gods/Goddesses I would tread carefully. Names have power and Ancient names have not always been used by those with the best intentions.
well, you are completely correct. all tools are used for psychodrama. They are simply there to remove the barrier of disillusion. Magick, in the purest form, is mental. That was my fear, for a while. That anything can be accomplished with the power of the mind. It is a powerful realization indeed.

you don;t need things to do magick ...you can have all the tools and the dodahs but if you don't focus and are not true to your craft then its not going to work ...you can do all this in your mind eyes it also takes works to see all of it in your mind just a quiet place alone...with yourself....

Depends on your personal belief!

Your instincts are good.  Tools have only the importance we give them.  If we believe we cannot accomplish our goals without using an athame, specific candles or herbs, then we will probably be unable to achieve what we set out to do.  As I personally see the specific gods/goddesses as archetypes for traits or goals we wish to accomplish, the same holds as with the tools.  Your mind/heart is where the magic lives.  Intent is what is necessary.  This is where you must be very clear or nothing you set out to accomplish will come to pass.  My heart is the desire and my mind the driving force to accomplish magic, and unless the two are working together, no athame, candle or incense will matter.

I think it depends on personal belief and if you feel you are strong enough to focus - thats the key.  To focus energy and direct it takes practice and sometimes a "prop" is required of that person feels that they need something to focus on or into.   I generally dont use much - just incense, maby a few candles and meditation but then all my rituals and Path ways are generally done outside as I focus better out of doors as I feel more connected to the Earth and the Elements.  A quicky spell at the airport or car to work can work wonders though if you truelly believe.

Well, that depends on your path.  If you are a non-Wiccan witch, then you don't need tools unless you wish to use them.  If you were to study Traditional Wicca, by contrast, you would need the 4 tools of Wicca and you would need to be able to use them in the specific ways that Wicca teaches the Rites, or what you were practicing would fall outside the definition of Wicca.  As an eclectic witch, you don't need tools unless you value them.

 The meaning of ritual is of meekness as I understand the meaning of it. Lighting a candle is taking time away from yourself  to be a participant in the place of Source of enlightenment. Getting what you want  is not always what is best for you. Using the materials of Wicca keep you focused upon HARMLESSNESS and upon the path of Creation. Take the time to light a candle and believe when  you blow it out in consciousness of the light you brought forth that you do affect reality in out Source. Blessed Be. 


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