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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!


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Trish Rodriguez said:
To me it seems that the stories of covens are much like the stories I have of my young years in the catholic religion. The reasons are clear why we all have chosen this particular path in which to follow. My largest one is that I didn't want to be forced to believe what they wanted me to and that I could see the Great Mother in all things I do. I think that there4 should be a happy medium for all that combines the freedom of your own beliefs and the structure and kinship of the coven. For now and maybe forever I will be solitary.
Because it feels good and that it what matters to me.

how nice.... thanks for sharing your view... blessed be
Phaedre said:
I was solitary my enitre life...except for an occasional circle with a few friends. But the universe called me to join an eclectic pagan coven 3 years ago....and it's amazing. I still love my private communions with the fae, the gods, nature...but being in circle and raising energy and celebrating the sabbats with friends who have become family is an amazing feeling. There are wonderful aspects to both. But I would urge anyone who has only experienced solitary practice to go find a public ritual someplace and discover the wonder and magic of group energy raising.

i wouldn't mind that too, my friend in the Philippines told me he's been invited by a coven near our place.... im so excited.... when i get back home to my country, i'd look for them.... and.. we'll see.... all the best for me... i hope i enjoy being in a coven also
Magick ALWAYS works best when it comes from the heart... Heart,Mind, Hand ( to write, then get rid of it, if necessry.
Solitary is less stress, but it's still a lonely path. The other factor is, no matter how much you know, the " witchy community " will not accept you as a witch. Sounds horrible I know, but as with ie: Catholic or ANY others, a " higher up " must proclaim you as a witch." Puppy Papers ". Does not sound right, but really think about it.
Bless Be,

penelope said:
Trish Rodriguez said:
To me it seems that the stories of covens are much like the stories I have of my young years in the catholic religion. The reasons are clear why we all have chosen this particular path in which to follow. My largest one is that I didn't want to be forced to believe what they wanted me to and that I could see the Great Mother in all things I do. I think that there4 should be a happy medium for all that combines the freedom of your own beliefs and the structure and kinship of the coven. For now and maybe forever I will be solitary.
Because it feels good and that it what matters to me.

how nice.... thanks for sharing your view... blessed be
penelope said:
Bonnie said:
Might sound pompous, because I'm a High Priestess. They are both good. Only problem with Solitary is for one, the same energy as with a Coven, will NEVER be found. The interaction. That being said, a Coven can and is hard. There's far too many that feel they are the " Only Ones " and demand attention, at ANY expense. It's also hard to get them to " think outside the box " and do a Ritual. I ONLY use the same Ritual for the Sabbots. ALL others are done by me. Reason is simple.... If one cannot find something in the coarse of one month to do a Ritual for, then they need go back to church and simply be sheep.

oohhh.... may i know how hard it is to be a High Priestess?

Takes a lot of hard work, but I enjoy the challenge. The High Priestess ( HPS ) has the final word so it is said. Though yes, it may come from my mouth, I ALWAYS talk to others in the Coven and that includes the unheard of " Students ", as I may miss something. I also give my High Priest ( yes, he's my husband, but it would NOT matter if it were any other male rither ) a lot of latitude so far as final decissions. Wicca is GREAT, but does have a few flaws. Though it was around before Christianity, and the Druids " helped " them figure out when Jesus was born ( Love them Druids ) it was the frmale that was the be all, end all. The High Priestess made ALL the rules, they forgot they may have created their own Dogma. To every Sun, there's the Moon. To Good, there's Bad. Yin Yang. Duality. So, in this Coven, be it the HP, or student, it's ALL yaken into REAL consideration.
Bless Be,
well depends. I am part of a coven but more personal workings are done as a solitary. I enjoy doing sabbats and esbats with my coven by also enjoy doing magickal workings on my own.
Solitary! Still, I get together with my friends for Sabbats. I find it rather weird to get together with other people for casting. We all have such different ideas about magick. The beauty is that we're all right because that's what it is for us!
I am Solitary but I have a few friends that I exchange notes with but we mostly just make sure that we're not having major problems.
well, I am solitary, and it works for me. I think that it depends where you are in your path, for me I need to feel at liberty to practice whenever wherever and with whomever I choose, I am a very free spirit and dont know how I would react to a new structure, or way of doing things. I am sure its a wonderful thing for some, I know of many people who are very happy bwing part of their coven, and people who are a little uneasy about them. I think it depends on the person, but for me, my freedom increases my spiritual strength.

blessings to all
solitary. People have baggage and the more they bring the harder it is to maintain the clarity needed to truly practice but I do love and have always benefitted when there are three. Its the only group I have found success and center with..
I'm a soldier and as such there are rules for religious meetings. Our "coven" has to meet on the nearest Saturday to the full/new moon. And a chaplain has to attend for spiritual guidance.

I don't know about you, but I have not seen a military chaplain with a pentagram on their uniform, and I have never seen a military grave with a pentragram. That is why I choose to practice alone. It's difficult at times, but when I do feel the touch of the goddess it more than makes up for the hardships.

It's kind of funny but as a male who worships the goddess I feel a bit more comfortable, a bit more at peace when she guides me. I just hope that the stains of war can be forgiven in the end.

considering that 80% of us are solitary, not by choice of course...it's just that we don't all have access to a coven.  Many of us are still afraid to open up or even admit to being Wiccan/witches...I have done both....not all covens are bad, but some have HP who have issues they want to be the ONLY one with all the knowledges and with being the one coven with the true way...I do solitary practice but I am lucky enough to have friends who are of the same faith, so we do meet for big rituals. I find that I get very good results by myself. it can be lonely and I am hoping for a day when we will be free to practice openly...because lets remember that the witchcraft laws were abolished not so long ago, and in many countries it's still illegal


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