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I read somewhere that just because you choose a Pagan path, it doesn't mean you can call yourself Pagan, Wiccan, etc. Not at the beginning anyway.

So, when CAN you call yourself that (Wiccan, Pagan, etc.)?

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A Pagan is some one that can and does worship more than one god/goddess. Simply that. The particular path you choose is irrelevant in this case. If that is what you believe, that is what you choose, that is where your heart-mind-soul are, then you can call self a Pagan.

Bright Blessings,

However, you cannot call yourself a Witch.
Lady Lunar Whisper said:
However, you cannot call yourself a Witch.

Why? I am not being snarky... I just don't understand your comment. Paganism pre-dates Wiccan... so why is there a time limit on calling yourself a witch?
A Pagan does NOT have to be a Witch, BUT a Witch has to be a Pagan. Wicca has the same beliefs as the " others ". While in your heart you could " Self Initaite " yourself and commendable too, I will add, but like I've said in another discussion, Christianity took from US. Cloaked their religion to " appear " like ours. So, in answer to your question, someone has to Declare you a witch. In your heart, that's GREAT, but the Wiccan Community does not see it that way at all. They may not want to hurt your feelings, nor do I, but I was asked and I tell it like it is. One MUST " Work At " being a Witch and this MUST be documented by the mentors. I once thought it to be a slap in the face, but after ALL the hard work I've done, I now understand it. You cannot be a Christian without a Priest saying you are... This is only one thing stolen from US.
Bless Be )0(
Lady Lunar Whisper said:
A Pagan does NOT have to be a Witch, BUT a Witch has to be a Pagan. Wicca has the same beliefs as the " others ". While in your heart you could " Self Initaite " yourself and commendable too, I will add, but like I've said in another discussion, Christianity took from US. Cloaked their religion to " appear " like ours. So, in answer to your question, someone has to Declare you a witch. In your heart, that's GREAT, but the Wiccan Community does not see it that way at all. They may not want to hurt your feelings, nor do I, but I was asked and I tell it like it is. One MUST " Work At " being a Witch and this MUST be documented by the mentors. I once thought it to be a slap in the face, but after ALL the hard work I've done, I now understand it. You cannot be a Christian without a Priest saying you are... This is only one thing stolen from US.
Bless Be )0(

Ok.. I think. LOL You are talking about Wicca specifially. I misunderstood and thought you were talking about Pagans in general.
It's a bit controdictory I think, but maybe Paulo ( sorry if I mispelled your name, as it was not by intent ). I believe this was " slated back " to perhaps Gerald Gardiner, but not sure. If we are to be free thinking and all, as well as free will, I don't totally understand the " why ". Understood to a point only, and I do hope I did not offend you ? I think nothing less of anyone, as I converted a very long other lifetime ago it seems to Catholic for my childrens' sake, then stayed away due to non beliefs in their rules about confession and birth control. So, I base my thought on what I once knew. I saw soooooo many go to confession, only to turn around and do it again. I always thought there was " something very wrong with the picture " and they were getting a " get out of hell card ". To that, I always questioned the belief system. If it comes from the heart, what better place could there really be.
Be Well,
you will jest know when
The word Pagan is simply any belief outside of the Judeo-Christian belief systems... but most peoples "idea' of pagan can differ.
You can call yourself whatever you want, if you so wish. If you know that you want to fallow the Wiccan path, call yourself Wiccan, and so on and so forth. I have only actually been practicing my personal religion, and still truly discovering all that I have as my own personal truth, for these last three months. I call myself an ecclectic pagan, simply because I do not fallow any specific religion. I could call myself "spiritual", but I choose to call myself pagan, because that's what is the right title for me at the moment.


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