Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Now I am not going to go into detail in the doomsday senario, which hopefully if any of you have any questions on it read Revelation, look up Ragnarok, Judgement day, Armmaggedon(or watch it), The day the Earth stood Still, Independance Day, Rapture, and all the hub bub about it online or on tv. Its all interesting, but there are other things like massive earthquakes, Yellow Stone volcano eruption, crackes in the magnetic field, tsunamis, and other modern day worries that I would rather deal with then meeting the four horsemen, fighting the antichrist, or being judged by God almighty.

Its not my style and I would rather live in the present, not 3 years, 2 days from now. So please stop worring about some supernatural event that might not even happen. Personally I don't care about that, all I care about is graduating from high school and getting an education,
but if your one of those worryworts and want to be safe from the natural disasters coming in 2012, I hear Sask, Manitoba, and AB Canada are safe from most of the disasters. But there may be and Ice Age so bring warm clothing and lots of food. CD out.

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There are two prophesies that have any validity to me. The Mayan calendar and the one concerning the I Ching. Both of those involve an ending in the year 2012. However, neither one is involving doom. In both situations, it is referred to as the end of the world. If there is an ending, that is not necessarily a bad thing. It could mean the beginning of a new one, a world in which the Earth is honored, where people have an open mind to the concepts and interconnectedness that we (for the most part) profess. It could be the end of Christian domination, of divisive religious thought, of racial and species superiority, of stupid and senseless wars. Those are things which the human race could do without that from the standpoint of many religious "leaders" both from today and the past, would be Armageddon to them. I do like the connectedness of the internet, that we can keep.

As far as "natural disasters" go, there is really no evidence that they are more or less likely to occur in 2012. Anything less than an Ice Age is manageable if we work together as a people, and forget the nationalistic crap, the racial crap, the religious crap. There are brilliant minds, loving souls, and caring people all over the world. If the "Leaders" would get out of the way, the rest of us could overcome most anything.

Just my humble opinion.


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