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I think we should legalize gay marriage.I'm a straight person who supports gay marriage,but what do you think.

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I honestly think as long as a person or couple is happy , what right does anyone have to tell them that they are wrong . Happiness , love and inner peace is all that really matters .
I know thats why I love to quote "True in love ever be, lest that lovers false to thee" from the Wiccan Rede.
I am married, straight cause I am faithful, but I am Bi. I believe love is love. We should not be able to tell people who they can marry period. This is supposed to be a free country, right?
Right on I agree with everything you say, they should even legalize handfastings as a valid mariage, cause there would be a loophole. The church has a problem with being gay, not the pagan community. :) hehe i hope they do legalize it.
how sweet
uhmm... how would you react if a gay falls in love with you?
Personaly I wouldn't reallly be mad, I mean it's not like he's hurting anyone by likeing me.
Silverthorn, Gay marriage is a civil right that is being denied. We need to fix that. the people that I've noticed getting bent over this subject are the same people 50 ago years where trying to keep a couple of African American students from entering a white college in Alabama. & it is this energy that flows constant that prevents us as humans advancing, speaking in terms of evolution.
That make a lot of sense and that is the truth.


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