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why are christians thinking wiccans are sinners

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Christians think that wiccans are sinners because we scare them ....they don't like the fact that we can take energy & direct it to a certain function...they don't like it that we are able to commune with our gods...when they are not listening to what their own god has been saying to them for centuries.......we can be at peace, send out love & lite, without stepping onto a so called church ...we can have our church outside under the stars ....ignorance will always make you scared of something that you do not understand .....cynful

Mr. Seth said:
I could go on and on about this one, but what it all comes down to is simple as fuck; Christians think that their religion is the right one, and that all others are wrong. Part of their mission is to convert as many sinners as possible to their faith, without ever realizing that their faith was stolen from pagans to begin with. They have a particular hatred for Wiccans because spiritual their ancestors fought very hard for many centuries to stifle the beliefs that Gerald Gardner revived with Wicca in the 1950s.

At least, that's the non-offensive company line I usually give to people curious about what makes Witchcraft so "dark and evil".

The reality is Satan, everyone's favorite red-skinned goat-dude from Hell, was lovingly crafted by the guy who wrote the Book of Revelations to resemble a multitude of pagan deities such as Loki and Pan; even Satan's horns are supposed to resemble the antlers of the Horned God. Thus, when crusaders swept across Europe spreading their religion at the point of a sword, would-be pagans came to realize that their gods weren't gods at all, but rather this "Satan" mother fucker attempting to trick them.

Of course that's a bunch of bullshit, but still at best we're talking about a bunch of invisible men in the sky here, and at worst we're talking about fictional characters. Quite literally, every religious debate there's ever been can be summed up by two dudes arguing about which is the better fantasy; Lord of the Rings or Star Wars?

Does it really fucking matter? Can't we be entertained by either one?
i think the actual translation of witch in that verse is crone or old woman.. and when it was translated into english by king james it turned into witch..

Jade said:
its true. im exudous 22:18 it says "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live". and christians still read this and believe it. now, most christians today dont start their very own witch hunt- thank goddess!!!- but some do believe out of fear and what was taught to them that it is not only at sin- but witches should not be talked to, touched, looked in the eyes, and so forth, because witches will hex them. or by talking to us, we will somehow make them sin because of our 'evil' ways. That and ignorance and close mindedness. they refuse to hear anything about what wicca is- so they will never learn.

Hunter said:
The bible is against witchcraft and that its the devil's work, and a lot of christians feel that if it's not Jesus its the devil.
Simply put, the christians and for that matter anyone else who does not know our ways or what we are, are basically scared shitless of us. It is human nature to be afraid of that which you do not understand. So therefore they fear us. And yes, they think we are doing the devil's work as well. But if you read the bible, and I mean the roman catholic bible, as i have, as well as countless others[it doesn't hurt to know what you are up against] you will find that these books are nothing more than fancy well hidden spell books. Everything that is written in these bibles are merely different forms of spells that they use to control their flock. That being said, if one were to rearrange and say these spells in the proper order they can be used against them. It really is quite simple really. I am surprised more people do not know this. But as I said I have spent extensive research into this and firmly believe that with a little creativity and understanding of what you are reading, one could effectively reverse anything that they can do. Does this come close to what you were looking for? Blessed BE...DW
I'll keep it simple for you. I've met many many many Christians. Their philosophy is this... Anything "non-Christian" is a sin. They don't single out Wicca (my path). In Christianity there always seems to be enough religion for adversity, but never enough for tolerance, acceptance, and love.

This is my personal experience.

Blessed be Sister!!!

Jinkn :o)
Hollywood backs up the Christian beliefs by creating movies where the Pentacle is a sign of devil worship. Many of the movies that are created for that rush of fear and exhilaration have Pagan/Wiccan symbolism dangled in front of viewers to elicit fear and loathing, those symbols are EVIL. People who are unfamiliar with a pentacle or altars with offerings to the Goddess/Gods will automatically equate these things with evil, based on a bias that Hollywood has encouraged.
chrisianity is fear based faith just like judism and islam
Fantastic! I love the way you think!
Mr. Seth said:
I could go on and on about this one, but what it all comes down to is simple as fuck; Christians think that their religion is the right one, and that all others are wrong. Part of their mission is to convert as many sinners as possible to their faith, without ever realizing that their faith was stolen from pagans to begin with. They have a particular hatred for Wiccans because spiritual their ancestors fought very hard for many centuries to stifle the beliefs that Gerald Gardner revived with Wicca in the 1950s.

At least, that's the non-offensive company line I usually give to people curious about what makes Witchcraft so "dark and evil".

The reality is Satan, everyone's favorite red-skinned goat-dude from Hell, was lovingly crafted by the guy who wrote the Book of Revelations to resemble a multitude of pagan deities such as Loki and Pan; even Satan's horns are supposed to resemble the antlers of the Horned God. Thus, when crusaders swept across Europe spreading their religion at the point of a sword, would-be pagans came to realize that their gods weren't gods at all, but rather this "Satan" mother fucker attempting to trick them.

Of course that's a bunch of bullshit, but still at best we're talking about a bunch of invisible men in the sky here, and at worst we're talking about fictional characters. Quite literally, every religious debate there's ever been can be summed up by two dudes arguing about which is the better fantasy; Lord of the Rings or Star Wars?

Does it really fucking matter? Can't we be entertained by either one?
Personally, I have always believed the bible to be a book of spells....to Christians, we as Pagans represent a part of themselves that they have been conditioned and brainwashed throughout the ages to reject. ( Spells of the bible takes credit for that one). There are those of us that have the old ways coded so deep within us ( carried over from our past lives into our present lives ) that we have been able to break away from from their intolerance and judgemental teachings of who we all really are and where our true roots lay. ( We have not lost ourselves). I am not trying to be harsh here to the christian people, but they are definitely afraid of us and unwilling to show the least little bit of knowledge and understanding of who we are. ( Their intolerance of us shows that they do not even follow their own teachings, oh.....unless you are willing to become a convert!). The weak vs. the strong? We are the strong ones. Do I hold a grudge against Christian Folk, absolutely not...I do however tend to stay away from them....blessed be to them and theirs.....and blessed be to us and ours....As a Wicca....and a Pagan....I am very blessed to be here....with my brothers and sisters....
Love and Bright Light to all of you....
Blessed Be

Dragons Warlock said:
Simply put, the christians and for that matter anyone else who does not know our ways or what we are, are basically scared shitless of us. It is human nature to be afraid of that which you do not understand. So therefore they fear us. And yes, they think we are doing the devil's work as well. But if you read the bible, and I mean the roman catholic bible, as i have, as well as countless others[it doesn't hurt to know what you are up against] you will find that these books are nothing more than fancy well hidden spell books. Everything that is written in these bibles are merely different forms of spells that they use to control their flock. That being said, if one were to rearrange and say these spells in the proper order they can be used against them. It really is quite simple really. I am surprised more people do not know this. But as I said I have spent extensive research into this and firmly believe that with a little creativity and understanding of what you are reading, one could effectively reverse anything that they can do. Does this come close to what you were looking for? Blessed BE...DW
I haven't read all of the posts on this, but to a fundmentalist christian, since we worship anyone other than their "God" we are sinning. (Thou shalt have no gods before Me) And we are of course, encouraging others to sin. There are lots of the more closed minded ones who believe that since we do not follow the rest of the christian sheep, we are in league with satan. It is a case of either you are with them or you are a satanist, a sinner, and going to hell. I have even been given some of the little tracts that show us as being misled by "coven leaders" who are "serving" satan. Somehow we are no smarter than them, we follow our leaders (as if!) the way they follow preachers. They really do not know or understand us at all. Nor will they make any attempt to.
Christians believe Wicca is a sin because they don't understand any religion not like their own.
Wow. So many replies. So much info. All I can think of is the bible says "suffer not a witch to live" and the Christian pastorate tells them it is. Along with Mason's, The Eastern Star, Muslim's and just about everyone that is not christian. Oh well, screw them. Let's forget the christians and talk paganism.
Most Christans say that Wiccans/Witches(Spelled wrong I think Sorry) And just magic/magick in genrule is a sin because they beleive that all magic/magick comes from the "Dvil"(If you believe in him) There for any one who practisis any form of Magic/Magick buts be "Evil" but then we (I say we because I my self am christan) Beleive that god made man in his immage and that we're all his children so by that logic alone we should be open to the fact that even is the devil was the sorce of this power God would never allow one of his children to weild it with out reason and only if there was need for such a power.

Post note: I am christan as I stated in my replye but I for one do not beleive Wiicans are evil not completly any way. I amd a firm beleiver thats there is a little of both good and evil in every one and that it just depends on the choices we make that defines what side we're on. Also I appoligize if I insulted any one with my mention of god and the devil.


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