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Hello everyone...i just joined this site & i need some real help ...i have never run into a gray wizard...this man told me that they do not committ to either the black or the white ....it was a little scary in the fact that he told me 3 different things that i never said to him & he knew......i would really appreicate any knid of information someone may have out there on gray wizards .......thanks cynful

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thank you so much for your response ...i have been practicing along time & had never run into this ...this man is riding the fence as you put it ....he said he is non commital to which i KNOW that you need to choose the white or dark ....the thought that he was picking up on my vibes & thoughts crossed my mind to but then i have never claimed to know everything about magick...i wa told yesterday that this man is probably causing harm & havoc in my life ....i not quite sure what you mean as far as someone who knows me using a different account to mess with me....i was in St. pete, FLA & met a woman who did an aura reading on me ...she said my aura was brighter than nuns she had read ...she took a photo & it was complete white lite w/gold surrounding the white lite ...i have been told by many that the dark seek me out cuz i am so lite & white ...could that be part of what your telling me ...thanks cynful
Gray magick is acknowloging the dark and light aspects of magick. Not commiting to either but knowing that both aspects are important to complete the whole. Just as day and night, male and female, white and black, One can't exist without the other. I don't feel that magick is black or white its neutral and the acts are within the practioner.
For someone that has been practicing a long time, I have found honoring and working with both aspects brings me to a more balanced state in my magickal workings. I am not sure if that puts me as a gray practioner as I too do not committ to one or the other.
hi raven...i do see your point on this matter...but i am just not sure on how far you can ride the fence ....since i am white...i was taught as i'm sure you wre to harm none...now should that still apply when me & mine are hurt by someone do you still go along the lines of ye harm none or do you use the rule of what you put out you will bring back 3 fold ...can you then do a "spell" that may cause grieve to someone that has hurt you ....so then are we back into what you said of being grey.......the bottom line of my question was is grey alright because this man seems to be a little more scary than the norm ......his eyes are grey 7 he seems to put me at ease but then i feel almost a fear ....thanks for your help raven...by the way the grey wizard asked me if i was truly a White witch or was i a sorceress???
dark knight you are a very enlighting soul ....i did not meet this man on the internet ..i met him the old-fashion way ...i went out on a date & was brought to a house party where i met this "grey wizard" .....he plays electric guitar & is into hevey metal .....i book parties at a resort & wanted to check out his band for biker week at the resort i work at ....at the party he invited me to see him play ...i did that went to the bar he was out ...watched him play , spoke to each other on all his breaks .....then he emailed me to go out on a date w/him & then that is when all this "stuff" happened ....you made i point that i was taught a long time ago ...that when some one invades your thoughts or is picking up on vibes & tell you things that you shouldn't know that was a big no no unless asked by that person ...i forgot that lesson until you just said it ....thank you for all your help ...later cynful
DragonKnight said:
Cynful said:
thank you so much for your response ...i have been practicing along time & had never run into this ...this man is riding the fence as you put it ....he said he is non commital to which i KNOW that you need to choose the white or dark ....the thought that he was picking up on my vibes & thoughts crossed my mind to but then i have never claimed to know everything about magick...i wa told yesterday that this man is probably causing harm & havoc in my life ....i not quite sure what you mean as far as someone who knows me using a different account to mess with me....i was in St. pete, FLA & met a woman who did an aura reading on me ...she said my aura was brighter than nuns she had read ...she took a photo & it was complete white lite w/gold surrounding the white lite ...i have been told by many that the dark seek me out cuz i am so lite & white ...could that be part of what your telling me ...thanks cynful

That’s a possibility, however, I do think that anyone whom says that they will not commit to the light or the dark has already done so by making that statement alone, they just aren’t willing to admit it. I do know that to most people of whom do readings, that picking up on or reading someone then telling the individual that they are picking up from without asking their permission is dark in itself.

I no longer read people, nor allow people to read m, this is just something I have transcended. Most folks who seek readings will not be satisfied until they are told exactly what they want to hear, this is and can become a dominant process in their life to not make decisions on their own and seek others help in it.
It then becomes rather pointless to read or be read on a daily basis, just the un-assuredness of this type of person will keep them in a constant state of unbalance, thus making each person that reads them pick up on things that may only be out of the one seeking the message they want to hears own paranoia. I hope that makes sense, but them again with this individual seeking you (I assume) out, this alone could cause some paranoia in and of itself.

I would not let what is said to you via the internet disturb you too much, unless they describe where you live and your address etc. I would definitely notify the police in that case. Not everyone is who and/or what they say they are on the internet.
I have known people to use multiple accounts to sit in on conversations in chat rooms, blogging sites and the like and then gather information into files and use prior knowledge to do an extremely well done reading.
I am not wiccan as I do not follow the rede of Harm None. I believe if someone is doing something negative and you send negative energy to stop that person then it equals out to bring a positive return. Kind of like math when 2 negatives equal a positive.

In the recent years I have met many people who claim to be "white" spread more negativity than someone who is "dark", so I think labels aren't always what they appear to be.

If this man makes you uneasy, I do suggest distancing yourself now rather than trying to later. It seems your instincts have already told you what to do. Keep yourself safe!!!!

Cynful said:
hi raven...i do see your point on this matter...but i am just not sure on how far you can ride the fence ....since i am white...i was taught as i'm sure you wre to harm none...now should that still apply when me & mine are hurt by someone do you still go along the lines of ye harm none or do you use the rule of what you put out you will bring back 3 fold ...can you then do a "spell" that may cause grieve to someone that has hurt you ....so then are we back into what you said of being grey.......the bottom line of my question was is grey alright because this man seems to be a little more scary than the norm ......his eyes are grey 7 he seems to put me at ease but then i feel almost a fear ....thanks for your help raven...by the way the grey wizard asked me if i was truly a White witch or was i a sorceress???
Sounds to me more likely this one is just a strung out hippie that has done his homework. This has all the makings of a stalker. My advice to you is to stay away from this one and anyone who associates with him. There are such things as grey wizards. But, and this is a heavy but, if one is to practice this form of magick one must be VERY well versed in all aspects of what one is doing. I only know of a very small grouping of these types and they are very well spread out. There are many ways to accomplish what you want to do. There are in essence three forms of magick. Black, White and Neutral. We all know of the first two. You make the choice and stick with it. The third is more complicated. It combines both forms to accomplish a goal. For instance. If someone who is good has done something and it needs to be reversed then one would cast a dark or black magick reversal spell to correct it. If someone who is bad has done something and it needs to be reversed one would cast a white magick spell to reverse it. Keep in mind if one does not fully understand what they are doing, serious consequences will follow. As with all things there must be a balance between good and evil. Otherwise the grand design will be thrown out of balance and then the shit hits the fan for all of us. I for one do not want to be in that path. There is always a reason for everything. Once you know the reason, you can deal with it. Good luck with this, I hope this helped somewhat. As always, I remain-WAITING IN THE DARKNESS-Blessed BE...DW
Dark Knight you have been a great help to me....everything you have said has made good sense with everything that i have learned over the years...i have been pretty much solitary but have family & some friends that also practice white & earth...some kitchen witches.....I was always taught ye harm none, 3 fold over....White Light ...you really have give me wonderful insights & a remembering of lessons from when i was 17 .....so mote it be & blessed be always ..cynful


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