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Short and sweet, I would like to talk to anyone, man or woman who has had this experience and values it. What do you find most pleasing about it what do you find is difficult?
Blessed Be

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Hi Kayonna,
You are very brave to try to face the past life experience. I recently had a very hard time when we had huge electrical storms and tornado warnings going on for over a week. It triggered up a huge deluge of grief and fear. But I talked it out with my friend who does tarots for me and we found part of the answer which I meditated on later, the sound of large bombs ,the constant fear of annilation. Clearly, (too clearly) I had happened on a life where I was a woman in a gas shower room with children and women in a concntration camp, Hitler's insane genocide program. I seemed to know that we were all going to die while the others didn't believe me. I was hysterically screaming and then it all went black. I am sure I died there. Anothe pysic helped me to understand that It was a real past life experience. But she spoke of lessons which had to be learned then and now. The Nazis were living out their karma, too. A thing I find very hard to accept. They were monsters, not men and women. She said that I made the choice to come back from carnation, a state one with god, to reincarnate here once again. That I had come back early to right the wrongs done to me and the wrongs I had done.Pretty heavy stuff and I'm still afraid I'm going to walk into another time bomb.if I don't learn how to handle past lives. It was notheng I was interested in doing. It was nothing I wanted to do. But I must have been guided there somehow.
Just my thoughts.BB Lyn

Kayonna Ameana Strickland said:
reliving my past lives was most difficult. took me many years to see even one life i may have had. it takes alot of energy and you need to be strong, buliding my energy for such a practice was hard. was i successful?, yes my story was nothing i expected. take with Caution what you want to learn. cause they may change your life forever . my mother went through the samething, she was practicing way longer then i and foundout something she hated about herself, we can only grow from our former lifes mistake. she learned from it and grew from it, but we will both be forever touched by our past.
to be honest finding my goddesses inerstrengh and allowing her to work with me i have relied on my own magical abilites that she gave me at birth for so long and now it seems they are locked inside of me. so finding hers so she may help me break the lock on my own again....
wow your so brave yourself thats amazing. inmy past life i was a very very very important woman, even though my husband had many wifes i was subject to be the one who was first and over all the wives he had.it was a time when the egyptians where building the tombs of egypt. then the nation took in slaves i fell in love with one. i had a unhappy marrage with my husband and was even raped at times. i know it may not sound like rape but you can be raped by your own husband ina marrage. i went to go find the man i fell inlove with and was caught with him. of course i was tried and killed for my wong doing, i worshiped my goddess then and even now but the fact that happened to me was the reason im so scared to commit myself and fall inlove. even though i search for love, it never works out be cause i so blindly savotage my relationships with out realizing it. untill i get over that then i will never be able to find true love again.which is a battle.i keep looking up my past life but i guess they hid it . they were always good with that.

Lyn Moore said:
Hi Kayonna,
You are very brave to try to face the past life experience. I recently had a very hard time when we had huge electrical storms and tornado warnings going on for over a week. It triggered up a huge deluge of grief and fear. But I talked it out with my friend who does tarots for me and we found part of the answer which I meditated on later, the sound of large bombs ,the constant fear of annilation. Clearly, (too clearly) I had happened on a life where I was a woman in a gas shower room with children and women in a concntration camp, Hitler's insane genocide program. I seemed to know that we were all going to die while the others didn't believe me. I was hysterically screaming and then it all went black. I am sure I died there. Anothe pysic helped me to understand that It was a real past life experience. But she spoke of lessons which had to be learned then and now. The Nazis were living out their karma, too. A thing I find very hard to accept. They were monsters, not men and women. She said that I made the choice to come back from carnation, a state one with god, to reincarnate here once again. That I had come back early to right the wrongs done to me and the wrongs I had done.Pretty heavy stuff and I'm still afraid I'm going to walk into another time bomb.if I don't learn how to handle past lives. It was notheng I was interested in doing. It was nothing I wanted to do. But I must have been guided there somehow.
Just my thoughts.BB Lyn

Kayonna Ameana Strickland said:
reliving my past lives was most difficult. took me many years to see even one life i may have had. it takes alot of energy and you need to be strong, buliding my energy for such a practice was hard. was i successful?, yes my story was nothing i expected. take with Caution what you want to learn. cause they may change your life forever . my mother went through the samething, she was practicing way longer then i and foundout something she hated about herself, we can only grow from our former lifes mistake. she learned from it and grew from it, but we will both be forever touched by our past.
Michelle said:
I have started to practice Wicca about a year ago. I am still doing research for my book of shadows. right at the moment, I am finding that my research is very helpful. I found that I am very connected to Ancient Egypt. Ever since I was a little girl, I was interested. Now my spiritual path is now revolving around Ancient Egypt mythology and history.

I am still quite insecure in trying a ritual. I am not quite sure what to expect. Honestly, I am not quite sure on how to cast a circle. Though, with some practice, I should get the hang of it soon.
I enjoy the most about being a solitary practitioner is the fact that i can have reflective/meditative time....difficult...hum....i guess that would be no others ideas on how to do something.
*Short and sweet, I would like to talk to anyone, man or woman who has had this experience and values it. What do you find most pleasing about it what do you find is difficult?*

Well, speaking for myself, I actually returned back to a solitary existence by choice, and by chance.
When my coven disbanded back in the early 90's after a decade old Circle that was eventually broken, we all went out separate ways, after our beloved High Priestess passed on. This is the Elder I briefly mention in my intro, who had initiated me into the path I still practice to this day, although I have leaned back into my family roots, of traditional folk magic, and witchcraft, which is neither neopagan, nor Wiccan, so let's be clear on that. Just as well, traditional Pictish witchcraft is not a Wiccan path either, although it has elements of the same rituals, deity structure, and the like. As it is a derivative of the Faery tradition, in which Starhawk gives a broader scope of in The Spiral Dance , both paths lean towards the ebb and flow of Nature, as opposed to the structure and ritual of Wicca. Sadly, I find that many Wiccan covens have let themselves, and their traditions fall into the same tar pits that many of today's monotheistic religions have, with their religious dogmas, and "rules". Therefore, I have yet to find another group I am able to let my guard down enough to work with.

After all, in my opinion, you can't simply meet a group of people one night, and the next, expect to engage with them in such a way that you are able to focus, create, and direct such a potent force of energy... for you have to have a level of ... intimacy ... if you will, with said group, before you really are all in tune with each other. Others may disagree, which is expected. But think of it this way: Them as opposed to a group of your closest friends. Just give it a thought for a moment. Right now. Think of 3 or 4 of your closest friends together, now think of 4 strangers, one being the leader, and you don't know her from "boo".

Notice how your whole body language instinctively changes, without your control. Your chest, and lungs tighten up, your whole body feels like it's being squeezed. Really focus on it. Notice the subtle differences in your body's reaction to your mental Circle scenario of your friends and strangers. This is what I would say, would be the most difficult, and why. For in order to truly be One with a coven, you have to share a bond of intimacy. The same if not more, than with your friends. For the way I was "raised", your coven comes first, before anything. It is THAT serious of a bond. If you do not share that type of bond with your group, then in my respective opinionated opinion, your collective work will not be as efficient as one who does.
The most pleasing thing for me would have to be knowing that I can do something. I started practicing Wicca when I was 11 years old. I had my aunt living near me then, and she helped me. Now I am a solitary witch. I actually find it peaceful. When I was about 9 or 10 started these visions that I couldn't explain, that would've been the most difficult. Just trying to control them.
For myself I like it due to the fact I am always away in remote locations and I fell I can still practice although it would be good to be in a coven for the learning aspects.
I really enjoy being a solitary practitioner but sometime I really need some one to help guide me or answer questions. I am also looking for some people that I can practice and socialize with. I don't have a lot of people in my life that I can share my true self with. Even those that are hard-core Christians, are somewhat fearful of witches and witchcraft.
I just started practicing and not yet started any rituals. What I have come to realize is that I have learn more and more about myself the more I study. I have begun to pick up things and develop my sensory skills. I do wish I had someone who has been practicing longer to talk to about stuff..
yea but yet, theres people on this site that claim they can keep a astral plain connection 24/7. Lol anyone claiming they are that good, is full of crap. It does take years to do the astral projection for short little time spands. Not constantly.... lol
I have been a practicing solitary Pagan-Witch for almost 9-10 years now. It is a path that has its pros and cons for sure. It tends to be difficult to achieve certain things without the help and companionship of others. I must say that I was originally a solitary out of necessity. But I have come to love the path that I am on as dearly as life itself. There is a freedom to it that you won't find anywhere else. There is nothing wrong with practicing in a coven, or as a solitary. I tried it myself for awhile. Unfortunately it just wasn't for me. No matter where your path lies, it is a blessing from the Lady and Lord. Remember that and be true to yourself and you will have a life and path that is wonderful and magickal.


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