Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

I've noticed a lot of discussion about the intolerance that Pagans face, I'd like to take a minute to talk about how the Pagan community can also be intolerant. As the community as a whole grows, we get a lot of people that don't fit the traditional Pagan mold, you know, the Satanists, the High Magicians, the Chaos Magicians, that kind of thing, and they are (from my experiance as a few of these fringe groups) looked down upon, Has anyone else had similar experiances? or does anyone else want to cop to having done this?

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I have found in my personal experience, Ceremonial Magicians tend to Think they know how to do everything and it MUST be done EXACTLY.... That is just my experience. -Be Blessed
Ceremonial Magicians have one thing going for them, as far as ritual goes, they have a formula that works for things. For me, the reason I would insist on something, such as the LBRP before a ritual or something real specific and exact, is because, through repitition, the ritual itself changes my thoughts, puts me in a more magickal frame of mind. I do believe that if everyone would do the LBRP all the time, then the performance of it within a larger ritual would slip everyone into a ritual concousness. I will admit to this, that a lot of Ceremonials forget that it's not the ritual itself that has the power, it's the effect it has on their mind. I don't enter circle unless someone has done the LBRP, but I don't need it done within the circle, it is just as effective for me to do this myself somewhere else, before I enter circle. Now, in the same way that High Magicians think they know everything, I have experianced that Pagans and Low Magician types can know what works, but they don't know why. They can have an exellent relationship with the Gods, but have no clue about the workings of magick in general. I will say that the opposite of that is also true, that High Magicians can understand the metaphysics of working magick, but tend to have, at most, a passing relationship with the Gods.

Ffawn said:
I have found in my personal experience, Ceremonial Magicians tend to Think they know how to do everything and it MUST be done EXACTLY.... That is just my experience. -Be Blessed
The truth is that everyone is intolerant to something. Not all Satanists are something to not be tolerated but it is my experiance that theological Satanists are just fundamental christians angry at God and turned to Satan. If you want to know more about theological satanism go look up www.joyofsatan.com. they completely contridict everything they claim with everything that they teach. And they believe that all christians jews and muslims should be killed as enemy's of Satan. So no i don't have much tolerance for that. I don't believe in a difference between what an ex of mine called dirty magic and clean magic refering to low and high magic. I think to claim that there is a high magic is to be lofty to those who you claim practices low magic. Never really had any thoughts about Chaos magic though.. i do know that most druids and wiccans claim that heathens are barbarians and are rude and pushy and have a hard time tolerating them.
As a Theistic Satanist, I am not a Christian Duotheist and resent the generalization. The Joy of Satan website is NOT illustrative of ALL Theistic or theological Satanists period - full-stop.

Generalizations are what cause resentment - and even here in this topic it has been illustrated why I do not feel welcome in any Pagan community.


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