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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

I am Owl, a newcomer to this particular site. I thought I would fly in and spread my wings out a bit here. I'm a member of many other pagan/wiccan sites across the Net, and I've decided to add this one to my list. ;)

I suppose you could consider me to be a "traditional" witch. I do not consider myself Wiccan, for I do follow a much older, oathbound, initiatory path, known as Traditional Pictish. I was initiated and trained in the priestess-hood on Imbolc (Oimelc) of 1985, after I decided to pursue a broader path of the one I was born into, which essentially was a hereditary path of traditional witchcraft and folk magic, passed down in my family for generations. Like many other Hereditary witch families, mine consisted of wise women, fortune tellers, diviners, and herbal craft, as well as folk magic. Only the women are passed down the oral family tradition, much like many others, as it was then, as it is now. My late sister and I were born with what my grandmother called "The Sight", my older sister, although quite proficient at manipulating things around her, as we were, became frightened of it, and has since renounced it.

My grandmother and great grandmother were quite instrumental in my first 'baby steps' into the world of magick as we now know it, although then, to me it was simply everyday life...herb-craft, spellworking, and manipulating the energy all around us that we define as "reality". As a little girl I thought everyone could do what I could do. At first it was quite akward, so I can tell you first hand, that being who and what I am comes at a price.
I would say growing up was very much like the movie, "Practical Magic" with Nicole Kidman, and Sandra Bullock. Looking back, my family was very much like theirs, and my sister and I, with our grandmothers, as well as aunts...

When an Elder I had pursued had decided I was "of age", she allowed me into her coven, and I was then initiated and taught was is now known as Traditional Pictish, with elements of Victor and Cora Anderson's Feri teachings.

Now, over 20+ years later, I have decided to stop, turn around, and take in what I have learned over these years, and share them, teach them, as well as learn from others. After all, if we stop learning, how then could we ever possibly teach anything?

Now, I am a Solitary, by choice, and as I'm sure there are many layers to all of you who are reading this, there are many layers to me. So with that, I bid you Merry Meet!

The Owl

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Hi Owl - Merry Meet... thank you for this bio.... glad you have joined this community!
Welcome to NeopaganWorld solitary soul Owl, we have a solitary path in common ...
luv & lux !
Rebecca H said:
Hi Owl - Merry Meet... thank you for this bio.... glad you have joined this community!

Thank you, Rebecca~ :) Looking forward to more discussions in the future!
Paolo R. said:
Welcome to NeopaganWorld solitary soul Owl, we have a solitary path in common ...
luv & lux !

Thank you, Paolo...You have a very nice forum here. I must say, I like the feel of it very much. It's why I decided to perch here, and tell my story. I must admit, it took some time for me to open up my life at a first intro post, but I figured, it's better to simply get everything out in the open among peers, and possibly kindred souls like myself, rather than wait months down...
I look forward to visiting here more...again, thank you...and it appears there are many Solitaries like us here, but it seems to be the norm in this new generation, yes?

The vertical flight or the ascent of the soul its a .. solitary path!! Let our soul fly higher and higher ...

luv & lux
What no male witch teachings? Thats just wrong. lol always trying to keep us male witches down I tell ya. he he
I think you have posted one of the most interesting introductions/bio that I have ever seen on any of the boards I have visited. I look forward to talking and hopefully learning with you. I am also new to this board and have been practicing solitary wicca/witchcraft for a few years. but I must say my introduction is nothing compared to yours. Merry Meet!
Thanks Hunter!

I really respect female witches, but I think that teaching, if we need some genuine, needs to come from advanced souls, whether woman or man ...
During my life, I studied and practiced Magic a lot and I will try to make my knowledge availaible, if it can be of any help to the world!

Sometimes hard confrontations, starting from my sometimes "unique" perspective, ( especially with closed minded thinkers ) are kind of unavoidable ...
What is important, are the final achievements of our spiritual trip ....

luv & lux
Merry Meet and welcome!
Thank you Fawn...I've enjoyed my stay here as the welcomes and the jokes are coming in. Granted I'm sure there's plenty that we don't argree with on, the Fourm here as a whole I mean, as far as authors and subjects, but as long as we can respectfully agree to disagree, then I'm sure we come to a respectul impasse, or find common ground to agree to disagree on. This is quite a phenomenon that I have yet to see on mny other Board, MINE INCLUDED! LOL...
My path is much like this one.I consider myself to be able of all types of magick.I have travelled the world many a time in my search.I only care for two things in those travels.One,the many friends I have made,and two,the nexus of all possible worlds.You will find me a very likeable person.My path has guided me right up to this point,and probably led me to you.My path has no name.My wisdom has made me a very competent solitary witch.Like I said,I am a likeable person and very fierce when it comes to my friends.You will like me.


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