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In Memorial for Joan of Arc. Burned at the stake for witchcraft. 1412-1431- Memeorial Day 2016

 It was said by these men of the  God declared  in Christianity that  Joan heard the voice of Satan and that she was of the devil. What is an angel heard?  Joan was burned at the stake as a witch in name of Christianity. Just where is Satan met? For your suffering in the fire Joan, Blessed Be  

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 An angel by any name may speak, and what you hear is always of faith as you listen. Do no harm and blessed be as we remember our sister Joan.

A flaming Joan of Arc? Whatever!

  Is that because she was a woman who went into battle and she did harm as she took up the sword? As she did harm did she get what she deserved in your opinion though the wiccan creed of harmlessness? Do you think her fate upon the fire was karma and did she create her reality through the violence she embraced?


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