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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

The following are by a Christian who believes wicca is an invalid and flawed path. Can you answer these questions for him?

Questions for Wiccans

  1. Do the gods and goddesses of Wicca actually exist?
  2. If they actually exist, how do you know they exist?
  3. If your tradition contradicts the tradition of another Wiccan, can they both be objectively true?
  4. How do you feel about believing in the religious system where you cater your religion to your desires?
  5. if you cater/construct your religion according to our desires, then isn't it nothing more than your own invention?
  6. Is Wicca able to be shown to be false or is it all non-verifiable ideas?
  7. If your spells and incantations produce results, how do you know that the power behind the results is good or not?
  8. How do you know that there is not something more sinister behind Wicca?
  9. Why do you think that rituals dealing with candles, knives, and such are able to affect nature?


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I think you should ask yourself the same kind of things

I was going to say - the same could be applied to Christianity.

How do you know YOUR God exists?  If you say it's because you 'can feel him', I can feel the Lord and Lady too

Can our beliefs be contridictive, and still be valid?  Yes, of course they can.  No one has the same path, and while I may or not agree with other choices, it makes their path no less effective than mine.  Where as in Christianity, if you don't follow a strict path followed by your church, it's flawed, wrong, sinful and damning. 

I personally find following my Spirituality a challenge, because despite what Christians like to think - we do have very strict morals - at least I do.  Yes, I have modified the traditions a bit to balance out my personal preferences, but everything is still there.  I make my own tools when possible (my wand, mirror, dreamcatchers, and working on a staff and besom).  I have spent over a decade studying, learning, writing, and sticking to projects that are tedious and worth it.  I am my own religious leader, and it's not easy, and no one has the right to invalidate my belief system or the hard work I've put forth.

Christianity is based on a book written by Man, not God.  The bible is extremely violent and terrifying and used to control.  If I "made up" my spirituality so I could have the freedom to be my own person, so be it - but I didn't.

More so than Christianity.  For example: most of us believe in Evolution.  Proved by Science. Lunar energy changes the tide, and the same part of your brain is unlocked when doing a Wiccan Prayer, and when a Christian recites a Bible Verse.  So yes, it's valid.

How do you know when you do a prayer, the results are good or not?  Ever say "Damn you!" to someone?  Ever say "Bless You!" to someone?  It's intent.

Your god has killed MILLIONS of people in his name for his jealously and rage.  He has condemned women, children, and the "lesser".  You really should ask yourself that question.  Is there anything sinister behind Wicca?  By it's structure and handling? No.

They give us focus on our intent.  They allow us to see physically what we want to manifest spiritually.  It creates the idea and has it stick in our brain, and our brain will find a way to get what it wants.  It's the same idea as a vision board used in therapies, where a person will take out pictures from magazines of who they are, and what they truly want, and they look at it every day, and soon, they start to change so they can achieve those goals.  Spells work in a very similar manner, and take practice to achieve that level of intent.

Christianity is a valid, and for the most part - positive religion.  I do not agree with the bible by a long shot personally, but I still volunteer at many local churches in my area, and do various community volunteer services.  They have all welcomed me with open arms, and helped me when I needed it.  I cannot agree with a religion that would tell me I am a sinner because of who I am.  Who I am is extremely unique, and wonderful and I see so much more of the world than just a book.  I see freedom, I see open windows, I hear birds, I howl to wolves - and that's magic to me.  I believe that the Gods are just as real and powerful as your one God.  The only difference, there's more of them.

Well said!

 So you believe the Source chose to come through a male to be known upon the Earth?

 How is Christianity positive? It says that violent and unnatural death is the way to heaven? How would that  ever be a positive in the sense of actual creative action in REAL awareness?

  • Do the gods and goddesses of Wicca actually exist? Dependent upon the path chosen, yes and no. Just as you use ceremony to represent elements of your faith, we use imagery and personas to connect with our world. We are not as different as you think.  I like the phrase "All gods are one god and all goddesses one goddess"
  • If they actually exist, how do you know they exist? How do you know your God exists? Long before yours was documented anywhere, the rituals that formed the religions of the Earth were being practiced. 
  • If your tradition contradicts the tradition of another Wiccan, can they both be objectively true? Individuality and paths are not absolute. If one Christian is Baptist and another Pentecostal, who is to say who is right? The bible was written by man.
  • How do you feel about believing in the religious system where you cater your religion to your desires? Yours does the same, though we believe in the celebration of life. Why should I feel guilt for being me? My rede states HARM NONE above all else. Though I live under a code that warns me that ill action leads to a 3 fold penalty, I am highly moralistic. In essence, I depend on ME believing to be good because it is good, not a book imploring me to be good.
  • if you cater/construct your religion according to our desires, then isn't it nothing more than your own invention? All of us follow our own paths. Why must religion be strictly governed in all cases? I feel that leads to wars, or has, in the past.
  • Is Wicca able to be shown to be false or is it all non-verifiable ideas? Sure. It is what you believe it to be, but nature is real. Believe is real. My belief is real. Much as atheists discount the notion of a God. For them, there is no God.
  • If your spells and incantations produce results, how do you know that the power behind the results is good or not? Intention. A question for the Witch.
  • How do you know that there is not something more sinister behind Wicca? See above.
  • Why do you think that rituals dealing with candles, knives, and such are able to affect nature? This is a question lacking education. The tool is not the main element here. But on that note, Christians have used candles in mass for as long as I have seen ceremony exists. Chalices, symbols...is there a difference? Why do you use them?
  • Blessed be dear.

 What I read is continually  more of the God and much, much less of the Goddess. That mind set is out of balance  with the Earth. All in Source is of balance in equality in peaceful creation, God and Goddess in complete equality. You still speak of a god as source of our existence; that is not of  truth or of  balance. Reach and speak as Goddess from your HEART through the SOUL in the Source of Continuance.

Thank you for all your intelligent replies. Although it unfortunately may be futile to convince a fear based religion and it's followers to let people believe what they want to believe. Wicca is an amazing religion, one of the greatest, and sorry for such a late reply. Proud to be a witch.

      What you believe of the source of your CHRIST you must also believe of the devil. Simple spiritual logic.

 So what do you believe of the enemy of the male god who is Christ or the source of Christ known as FATHER? who is also known as the creator of the Devil, his enemy.In both Old and New Testaments this is glossed over. A FLAWED God Created an enemy known as Satan as is spoken in the BIBLE. Answer in SPIRUITAL TRUTH, where is HIS purity if he in his perfection is the ULTIMATE source of the DEVIL.

   How do I know of something sinister behind Wicca? that would be Satan created by YOUR God from the beginning. The Father of the Son is the SOURCE of SATAN.

1.  My Gods and Goddesses show up when I call Them and I have had experiences that I consider to be incontrovertible evidence that They exist.  Many times.

2.  See 1.

3.  A Tradition is a set of liturgies, not dogma.  They can't contradict because Wicca is practice based, not belief based.  Beliefs arise FROM experiences in practice.  

4.  Um, you're confused.  I don't cater my religion to my desires.  My Tradition of Wicca, Blue Star, and ANY legit Tradition of Wicca, is very well-defined with solid parameters.

5.  It would be if I actually did that.  Your sources clearly suck.  No offense.

6.  Wicca isn't "true or false," because it's a set of liturgies that are practiced.  We practice, and our understanding of the Gods is derived from experience in practice.  I don't believe in anything I have not experienced.  I have plenty of experiences that are enough for me to understand that I'm interacting with the Divine. I am not, however, in need of proving squat shyte to YOU.  I don't care if you believe, don't believe, or whatever.

7.  There is no "power behind" my rituals other than that of my own will and the Divine Beings with Whom I work.  Wicca isn't spell craft, but if I were to do a spell, I would gather, focus, and release energy for intention.  Energy is all around us.  I don't believe the Universe is divided into "good and evil."  That's a Christian belief, not a Pagan belief.

8.  Oh, sweetie.  Gosh you're just cute as a button.  Lemme see...I've practiced for almost 20 years and Wicca has brought me nothing but blessings, love, community, prosperity, and absolute spiritual joy.  Christianity on the other hand brought me nothing but negativity.  

9.  I don't.  Nice chat.  Why do you believe that a dead guy can take your badness away?


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