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RE- INCARNATION, and they Gay, Lesbian, Bi continuance..

  The old testament spoke of  the evils of same sex love. What if we are re-born and meant to be in different physical bodies, to understand each other in equality in time through re-birth through Ones plan? A man becomes woman, and  a woman becomes a man? as long as there is HARNLESNESS, why not bind to someone of the same sex? what do you think?

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I am new to this site.But I want to put in my two cents worth to this question.If we as Neopagans believe in reincarnation.Is it not possible that in previous lives that this way of sexual orientation was not frowned upon.I mean look back to the Greco-Roman belief systems.They were  into all sorts of different lifestyles.It wasn't until the Christian beliefs came into being that that question even arose.It was the crusaders that planted that belief system into practice.AND let us not forget that the same individuals also tried to wipe us off the face of the earth as being evil as well.They didn't want to hear that the very essence of what we stand for has always been questioned by accuminical society.Now more than ever they are fighting the Supreme Court decision about same sex marriage.In that I feel there is going to be a lot of difficulties that are going to arise from this.Just like the days not too long ago with civil rights,Dr.Martin Luther King,Abraham Lincoln and so forth.I being Gay myself do feel that what a person chooses to do  think or say unless it isn't hurting anybody else should be.I mean isn't that what we as Neopagans  never mind a nation are supposed to believe?

    I believe in our Source, and as a Wiccan I know that source is of balance of masculine and feminine. I also believe that our Earth is a classroom where we ARE REBORN to experience each other, as men and women in those bodies. Also reborn to know of the different races for hateful separation to end. If I was for instance born of  a different  skin color two lives ago and the memory was kept how would that memory end separation and hate? I believe that reincarnation is the truth and the Earth is a classroom given by our Source where we are to know in truth that we are forever a human family.

Blessed be sister Laura,And thanx for the input from a new age perspective Its like a breath of fresh air to read what you wrote.


There is an old saying; that we are all Brothers and Sisters under the skin.

Yeah this be true sister,Blessed be to you as well.How I missed the days when I used to converse with like minded individuals.I currently live with a pair of unenlightened individuals at present.But,its okay because I don't impose on them and they don't impose on me.I am thankful that you all have created this website.I feel honored to be in your presence sister.


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