Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

my oldest daughter looked out her window this morning very early while it was still dark... to her amazment she seen a white glowing figure as she puts it.. was holding dead flowers and had black eyes.. had no hair so she was not sure what to make of it .. yet she sys it had the same shape as my goddess symbole just no swirl on the tummy since the dead flowers were in the hands...she was scared to look out her window again and her sister says she seen the same thing.. now she thought maybe these were the same spirits that she is helping cross over but those that have been comming to her are trapped in the angels that float above her bed.. they are there until the negative energy has been drawn out of them and then the angels will let them go ...so she is confused as to what was out her window... any suggestions???

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Hi Ixchel - Is this a dream or a real experience of your daughters?
this is a real experience they had this morning
thankyou for your responce rebeccai should have worded the title a little better sorry about that
OK, yes, it was confusing to have the title 'dream interpretation' since most people would consider dreams what happens in our mind when we sleep.

why don't you post this up on the group area, in a group that could help with this issue? maybe someone there can suggest something helpful.... Best !


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