According to NING policy (NING is the platform of this community), nude pics & explicit sex pics CANNOT be post!
I had several problems with some members here, that likes to be free to post anything they want like this being their own facebook personal page instead of a community. This is not possible. I don't make the rules, NING do. If I will allow posting nudity this community can be deleted by NING at anytime. Not respecting these rules then will lead also to profile deletion.
Finally, not for a moralistic reason, neither to be your censor, but just to apply to NING rules in order to keep alive this community, I invite all of you to help me, maintaining a minimum level of discipline not posting too much explicit pics and nudity in general.
Thanks. - Founder
from NING rules: "• No more nudity: We will no longer permit nudity of any kind on the Ning platform. A little over a year and a half ago, we prohibited the upload of adult content and pornography to the Ning platform. At the time, we said that nudity that wasn’t adult in nature would still be allowed. Unfortunately, many of the issues that caused us to stop supporting adult content in the first place are still arising on networks that post content with nudity. We believe that the implementation of this policy will further reduce abuse on the Ning platform and will create a clean, well-lit environment for Network Creators as well as the advertisers and partners you choose to work with. Network Creators and members will have thirty days (until August 20th) to remove any nudity they may have uploaded to the Ning Platform prior to today or to transition their networks off of the platform...."
To clarify what we define as adult content, nudity or pornography, networks that contain the following would clearly NOT be allowed:
I believe this was prompted by SOPA (or the fact that it was pending) and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. NING was a bit overzealous about 'what' to do, but rather lame about 'how' to do it.
Due to some sick and perverted people nudity is now being dumped in the ranks of pornography, yet there are many top photographers that do artistic work in black and white nudes. These pictures are of a true artistic nature and be picked the human form in all its true wondrous glory. BUT again Restrictions have to be followed to ensure we try have a free and open site (we all know this is not true). Wiccan is FREEDOM of thought and believes, GREAT, with a pair of handcuffs in Ning’s pocket and a HUGE scissors to cut you off their sites. Pornography is EVIL so I am not advocating it, I still believe in the FREEDOM Wicca brings to us…
Believe me: I understand all of you being really pissed off, since I'm the first one to be!!
Sincerely when I choose NING as the community platform, four years ago, NING rules where much more different and elastic about nudity etc...
I know that we WANT & DESERVE freedom! Obviously our love for nature, for our bodies, for freedom, for love & sex (call it as you like it..) is deep and stays at the base of our free and happy Paganic life.
But also, to be fast, efficient and practical as a webmaster here, I know that other aspects are also VERY important and I believe that NING still one of the best platform for a community like this one, especially in terms of reliability and delivery of a stable & fast interaction among members.
In fact my first intent, with this community, was to put in touch all the Free spirits & Pagans of this Planet!..
I didn't want to create a really focused community, like a 'Skyclad club' or a 'Sons of Isis'... with all the respect for any Pagan subgroups. This site, notwithstanding has many features and followers of particular paths & cults, WAS & IS in my opinion the site of reference for all the Neopagans of this Planet. In my sincere opinion and suggestion everyone of you that feels not completely fulfilled here, regarding some aspects of their preferred paths, rituals, etc.. are suggested to join also other communities, in addition to this community. New communities that are more focused on some particular aspect of the Pagan path you're interested.
Now in detail, besides this 'nudity issue', I'm quite happy with NINGs reliability (except for the high fee that I have to pay each month! Reliability is also a key factor for a community and NING is great for that!
Unfortunately, regarding this 'pathetic' issue of censorship, NING seems to follow the latest strongest US orientations about being 'problematic' about nudity & sex in general...
However, besides NINGs issue and generally speaking, today world is full of surprises, pathetic, contradictory, nonsense issues...etc...etc.. many of this issues (just to not talk about Politics and economic speculations...) and 'bullshit' are part of the game of modern life, whether we like it or not. Sometimes we just cannot change them, as we least not on the fly as a Magus will like to!...
I attach, again, below a link to NING rules about Nudity:
I can offer assistance in setting up somewhere that you could set your own rules... Just IM me
I agree, some people just like to go on sites like this, just to post explicit photos most are not really of the faith. They are just exhibitionists. I was on several sites where this was tolerated...I left. Some of these sites are no longer in operation. Lets keep this place clean ~
I understand that Paganism is, or can be, strictly related, among other things, to free expression of the body, tantric sex, sex magick etc... But it is also true that this is NOT our own facebook page but a social community for all!
Furthermore our provider NING is becoming really strict in accordance with latest requirements from high establishment planes (lol) about to forbid nudity. They warned me few weeks ago that they might shut down the whole community if the nudity pics posting will continue!
It is unfortunate then that our freedom is restricted and personally I'm not really happy with NING latest censorship as I also didn't like to choose, as the founder of this community, the 'photo approval' feature for members here. But is also true that when people is free to do what they want a big chaos inevitably happens, with annexed unwanted personal egotistic exaggerations with explicit pic postings & co...etc..etc...
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