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Hello, just wondering if anyone here has ever had a child that has passed away. I myself had a sone in 2005 that passed away at the age of two weeks, named Taylyn. I still think of him and miss him everyday of life. I actually have a healthy daughter now that is almost two years old and I am pregnant now, but no one could ever take his place or heal my heart. Anyways just wondering if any one else knows this pain like I do?

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i had six miscarriages.i know it's not the same.i am sorry for your lost.
Thanks,Girl, Im sorry for your losses also. I think a loss is a loss no matter if the child made it here or not. Im sorry you had to go through that!
Yeah I believe the same I think the love and bond between a mother and child is so strong not even death could break it. I still feel his presense around me, I miss him like crazy and my heart and body aches I miss him so much. But I feel like he is with me daily and I still talk to him and I know he is with me. i wouldn't be suprised about your grandson, I believe that they can come back through other children, or maybe influence certain things about the child maybe personality traits, I have a daughter now and sometimes when she is sleeping I swear I see his face, and some facial expressions I see him in her. I don't think they ever completly leave us.

yes I have lost a son, many years ago you never forget them, however long they were with you my sister had 3 babies who died at birth some a week after birth it's been 20 years and she still think of them...they were boys also .....don't let anyone tell you to get over it that it's been a long time....it never goes away it does eventually hurt less humains are resillient...one day you will wake up and won't think about other days it will be as fresh as when it happened...just don't let get in the way of you being happy for the gifts life gave you, a daughter and another life who by now must be 2 years old ...xxx



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