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I'm not sure if you should have only one animal spirit, or do people have more than one? It seems at the moment that there are four with me. Is there a reason they come to you? Can someone answer this.....pretty please?

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hey its me  dont be afraid to ask i do know alot even tho im young

yes you can have more then 1 spirit animal  some of the most powerful high priests or high preistests (oviousley spelled wrong)

have more then 1 

from what i have reasearched they come to you to teach you a lesson that you havent learned or to be a protector

they can come and go but the first one usually stays

they all have similar qualities to the person that they are attached to like my horse  i feel like i have a connection to water and according to you horse is for water i would also say they are for pride also

if the owl does come back wich i hope he does they stand for wisdom

something i seem to have in spades

anyway i hope this answers your question/s

blessed be and talk to you later

thanks Jonathan. I'm so pleased u found ur horse. And ur right about having more than one, i did some research too, as u know....lol. The ones i have seem to be permanent....and as i said, i'm no priestess. Lol. Talk to u in a bit. And as always, Blessed Be.

from my experience a person can have more then one spirit guide. sometimes through the hardest times in your life you can have a bunch, other times just one. The spirit guides come to you as you need them. Generally one of them will stick by you through thick and then and be your consistent guide. I have two that are my consistent spirit guides, one is a dragon and the other a wolf. I have a few others that come around when I need the extra help. 

well I hope this helps and makes sense. Sincerely, Candice

Yes we can have multiple. Everyone is different.

Lots of people have multiple spirit guides. I have two, but one is...stronger than the other, I guess you can say.


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