I thought on your question about foundamentalism within Islam and as Im no expert on the subject by any means I asked one of the patients I have - he is HIAY so I share his answer with you. He said that it is stated in one of the Prophits sermins that the enemy will come from within that will bring the downfall of the people. As Ive stated Im no expert and living here drives me crazy with its laws that make no sence and intollerant attitudes towards most things that are not Mislem or "Islam" but his answer did make sence. If the fundimentalism continues respect and tollerance will suffer and lack of trust will fester which will cause strife and suffering which I think is being seen all over the North African and Islamic world already with the riots and wars.
personally, i believe that All religious organizations harbor their zelots. it is within their power to publically condem those zelots but sadly most do not. of course the outrageous actions of so many of these zelots are what continues to keep them in the spotlight. what i often ask myself is, why do the non-violent sects not publically decry the actions of a few? the muslim community, suffers the abuse by the rest of the world, yet doesn't get near as much press if they condem the zelots.
the same can be said for the westbro church, self described "christians" . nothing christian about them. yet i don't hear the vatican or the ecumenical councils of any of the other christian sects decrying the actions of these zelots.
so i blame the non violent branches for not publically confronting their murderous, vicious members and finding a way to reign them in. or at least making public their anger at the few who really give others a bad name.
I agree, this is why I think, as I said many many times, that a planetary summit of 'revision' of the so called revealed religion is more than needed, is a must. So that hopefully all the seeds of foundamentalism, intolerance, integralism, blind obtuse faith and spiritual arrogance will be removed at once from the doctrinal corpum of this religions.
Is time for people to finally realize that religions are just merely vehicles for our body and soul to reach higher level of spirituality, they are not revealed truth. Their value is then relative and do not possess in any way an universal value or, as for the case of Judaism as an example, the status of the 'only real religion' for elected people and other kind of similar absurde claims. Similarly, as another example, the claim of Islam of being a revealed truth coming immaculate from prophet Mohammed talking with Arcangel Gabriel is just dangerous. Then, the followed natural-innatural manipulation re-interpretation of Mohammed message, created all the premises for the errors and sorrow that are today contaminating our world with Islamic fundamentalism, holy wars, terrorism and other bullshit. Idem happened with the Catholic church of Rome at a more subtle level...
As we can easily see, so called 'revealed religions' are an excellent tools for unscrupulous, ignorant spiritual teachers, arrogant ayathollas and greedy politicians, to gain control of the masses, retaining power and lucrate on them!...etc...etc..
What about all these prophets then, getting revealed messages from Angelic sources?...this is just propaganda for ignorants at the level of fairy tales. I believe that also the masses have a big share of responsibility in keep accepting this absurdities in their life.
Real spiritual life instead belongs to the kingdom of real spiritual ancient traditions, and are never intolerant or violent...etc.. ancient Rome was a splendid example of this tolerance.
Nothing is perfect in this material world, but our duty is to lessen up the level of imperfection.
Since I keep hearing about being 'maybe' personally oriented against Islam or similar, I like to say, as I said already many times, ('Repetita iuvant' as for the old Roman Latin motto) that fundamentalism is just bad, from any source, whether Islam, Christianism or...Paganism...or others!
So that I like to be clear that this blog or this site is NOT AT ALL, at least for my personal vision, direction and perspective, an anti Muslim or Christian site etc... I'm just against fanatism, fundamentalism, brutality, blind credo-dogmas in general etc... And also against all the companions of all these elements of blind ignorance that are usually at the service of tyrants or tyrannic powers that are using them only to gain power and to control the submissive people-masses of this planet.
I hope to be clear to all and to be believed on my sacred words.
Maby humans in general should go back and reread the "holy Books" without any preconceved ideas or emotional entanglements. I was watching the court case on CNN of the Egytpian Presedent the otherday and could not help remembering some of the times he was lauded as a hero in the past. One woman was even in the crowd shouting for his life and blood. What happened to Islam (and others) being a "peaceful religion" and a forgiving faith. I guess its a thing of interpretation and believing the parts of the "bible" what you want to and ignoring the rest. Typical human behaviour Id say.
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