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Following the amazing exact predictions of Paul the octopus I'm wondering if animals can beat humans in predicting events. If this is true then I think it's about time to "redeem", among many animal lovers, the infamous Roman Emperor Caligula (37-41 AC) that was using as favorite counselor his own horse called "Incitatus" that became also senator of the Roman senate. Maybe Caligula wasn't at all so foolish...!...lol

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*slight grin* Such is precisely why I prefer cats; they're much closer in intellect and behavior to humans than dogs, I've found.
Cats also respond to sounds ten times faster than dogs, but don't expect any help in a fight. What's your favorite breed, if I may?
my favorite breed is the Cheetoh. A hybrid of the Ocicat and the Bengal cat, the Cheetoh has the spotted look of its ancestors. they are sweet and gentle. ( they taste pretty good with a bit of goats blood.) *grins evily showing all fangs,*
sounds cute. I had a little stray cat. don't know her breed she was solid black with these gold markings around her eyes. They looked egytian. so i named her annie akhenum. She was an outside cat. No matter where she was she would come running when i played my flute.
humans are just as capable of predicting disasters as animals. The problem is they've become so dependant on technology that they forget they have the ability and are amazed when an animal predicts a storm. This dragon thinks that all humans need to spend two weeks in nature with no technology to get back the use of their long forgotten abilities. Humans however are to arrogant to accept that fact.
*chuckle, bows* Precisely my point, milady; humility is key.
I agree with all of you, but...for a short moment ( I will be more serious later ) let me just celebrate this wonderful clairvoyant octopus that is not just amazing but... also making me win a lot of bucks betting on the right team!...shamelessly...in the name of the Gods!!...lol..



Above: Octopus Paolo Talking about clairvoyance: I like to thank the octopus Paolo for his exact premonitions about soccer games...I'm sad for him because I heard that the Oberhausen Aquarium where he lives, will put him in a retirement. Instead would have been interesting to keep seeing this animal-oracle in action... However, Paolo, enjoy your popularity and be proud to have show to the world what animals can do!...Thanks. From the Founder, a real vegetarian that loves animals ( meaning No fish - No meat ), proud to be!

Many animals are psychic or sensitive, for example cats and dogs are supposed to be able to see and sense the presence of the dead, they react in different ways of course, why cats are more welcoming or proud of the ability, dogs are said to be more nervous or uneased by the gift. Some humans also have this gift and react differently to it, though most are young when they have it and lose it as they get older.  Like Caligula, there are many "horse whisperers" (people who believe they can talk to horses or other animals and I wont say if they can or not) perhaps animals have similar gifts that seperate them from others of their kind.


I wouldnt say animals are better than humans, or humans better than animals, for when it all comes down to it we are all animals just different breeds, shapes and sizes with different strengths and weaknesses.  I think as all humans have different gifts, perhaps all animals have different gifts as well, though each must learn the gift they have for themselves, and  choose if they wish to master or ignore the gift.

I would say they might know because these creatures are following the strings of fate and know any changes in the natural order in the world.

I agree that human can have similar abilities, but animals in general seems to show this abilities in a more 'naturally' and continuous spontaneous way....this is why I started this blog. As an example I was personal witness of a dog called 'Tocco' that was able to detect when people were close to death & more... At this regard, among big documentation at this regard, have a look at: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2975294/animals_with_extra...

At the end, seems to me that the ability of 'extra perceptions' is more defined in animals generally rather than humans.


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