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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Recently I've been having "arguements" with another Pagan, not Wiccan, on another website. She claims that Wiccans must be in a coven to be real Wiccans. I'm not exactly sure if that is true. I know the 161 laws say that we have to be in a coven. However there a book such as, "Wicca, a Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" and I don't remember the name of another book that says it is okay to be solitary but you should try to find a coven. What do you think? Can Wiccans be solitary?

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Anyone can be solitary. Initiations, covens, ranks...that doesn't have anything to do with what you believe. Of course these things are important to some and if they are then that is the path you should follow. But for some their own body is all the coven they need. I myself am a solitare and am happily so. Not to say it doesn't get lonely from time to time, but I am more comfortable on my own and I have a hard time allowing myself to be part of a group. Too cynical, I guess. Point being, whether you're in a coven or alone, you are still a witch, Wiccan, pagan or whatever word you like best. It is made in the heart and soul.
Tell them to learn there own faith and history before they open thier mouths .
I don't think there is anything wrong with being a solitary wiccan or choosing to be in a coven. As long as you feel comfortable I feel the situation in which you practice should not matter. I am practicing solitary and have for about years now. I am comfortable doing me and would mostlikily feel somehow disconnected if another where to join me and my path.
I think Wiccans can be solitary, it doesnt matter who you are or what sort of magick or pagan/neo pagan path you follow. There are those who prefer to practice alone because they find it easier to concentrate and easier to practice, there is no one to slow down to help or no one to catch up to depending on if you are faster or slower at learning something. I myself wont call myself a pagan or Wiccan, I am sort of in between, I like parts of both though am closer to wicca, and I am solitary, it all depends on how good you work and if you can find other Wiccans near you to practice with and how much you trust them.
Then what of all those that came before and practiced their magic alone as others of their kind were scattered and far from each other before the advent of telecommunications. And I believe even if we practice alone our magic is part of the collective so we are all part of the same thread. We should be able to feel one another even when we are alone.
suggested reading for you is Solitary Witch by Silver Ravenwolf. A witch is not judged by who she is with but by the extent of her knowledge and passion for nature and the Lord and Lady. It doesnt matter if we practice alone or in a coven. Others believe that if you dont practice with others you are not a witch but when you practice alone all the work and words and feelings go straight to the lord and lady not passed around to person. I believe if you have the power to study ane and not listen to what others say os right then you are the bigger witch. Keep learning my friend.
Yes i have just started studying Wicca so i am solitary, but i do not believe that you have to be in a Coven to be a true Wicca. some Wiccans are stronger and focus better while being solitary, others in a Coven. its all based on who you are with in your Coven and if you are more focused in a Coven or not. to be able to do anything in Wicca you must be at a comfort zone and if being in a comfort zone is being solitary that is what shall be. )O(
Im solitary - and have been since I started on the path years ago. I tried a coven once but have never felt so uncomfortable as I felt isolated and restless. The only reason I whent was that it was Beltaina and my best friend was a member and was invited to share. I came to the conclusion that night that for some of the more outgoing it was ok but Im the type of person that I dislike crowds for any period of them so covens dont fit. Study is easier and I concentrate better on my own so does that make me a bad witch/pagan or just one that prefers to be alone and just be herself without the feeling of overcrowding and claustrophobia of being a number in a crowd. You are who you are and if you cannot be yourself then who are you really - Isnt that what the pash is all about? - being true to yourself
Of course they can! I used to have a book called "Solitary Witch" By Silver Ravenwolf that was for solitary wiccans. im not a solitary wiccan, im pagan, but I am solitary. NO one person is right about everything, they just think they know everything.
That is ridiculous. Why would there have to be more than one person with you for you to find yourself? So only a coven can communicate with the goddess and honor her? That sounds like a christian knockoff to me, i thought this community was open minded and accepting. I'm solitary as I'm sure many are. Don't fret solitaires She'll love you by yourself :0)


  I've been practicing since I was 23 and I'll be 50 this fall.  During that  time, I've been involved in a few covens, but mostly a solitary practitioner.  My personal experience with covens has been less than stellar, and as such, I have chosen to be solitary.  Occassionally, I gather with like minded friends for holidays, and my husband also holds the holidays with me when he can, but I don't believe anyone can decide for you whether or not your status as "wiccan" hinges on you belonging to a coven.  Magic is used in everyday life and a coven can't live in your back pocket for daily living of your beliefs. 

Blessed Be!

Not true you can work as a solitary Wiccan, ask your friend who initiated the first one ....yes Wiccan can be solitary 80% of them are...


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