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ok, so i have been thinking about this for a while, and am very curious, are animal transformations possible? i have always wanted to change into a wolf or something, but have always been afraid i would not be able to return back to human. well if anyone could tell me about transconfigurations i would appreciate it. if its not already known as possible, i will look into it when i am more experianced in the craft, maybe be the first to succesfully complete it. anyways, blessed be.

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Shape-shifting does not occur in the physical body, but in the soul during Shamanic journey. There is absolutely no way to 'transform' into an animal whilst you are in the flesh - and if anyone believes that this is possible, then they are suffering from some serious problems.
ok. thanks.
ok. thanks.
wow, you explained that really well. i agree, to a poin. i think we have many totem animals or spirit guides throughout our life depending on where we are on our path. i have found mine during meditations. i call upon them sometimes to help with things like tarot, and certain spells to gain concentration when needed. So far i have a Hare and an Owl, and they have both helped me alot.

Evenstar said:
Hi, it's Evenstar! I'd like to respond to your comment. According to the shamans, each of us already have an animal nature. Human beings might as well be called animal/gods. In fact, but rather depreciatingly, people in my neighborhood call me an animal, but I think they do that because I am different and Wiccan, and so "lost" from Jesus' point of view, and primitive and undesirable. However, I find that to be a compliment because animals have a lot of good in them. If I am different, perhaps that means I am superior in some ways.

Anyway, shapeshifting is more of an illusion than anything else. Taking on the personality or charism of an animal is always possibility for those who have a certain talent.

Each of us has a totem animal, according to the shamans, and this is an animal who takes us under its wing and educates about life and our own path in life. It is also an animal with whom we share attributes.

That is as much as I can say now.


Hi, Just to say that reading this topic reminded me of a group I was in using a native american view. We meditated on finding our toem animal, our guide throughout life. I have a jaguar who is always there in some form of a feline. The hindus have a goddess, Durga, who rides a tiger and is a fierce protector. Also the Egyptians had Bast a huge cat diety and protectoress. I don't feel that I am cat but I must be in some way. It isn't a shamanistic traveling for me most of the time. I'm very attuned to presences around me and in me. I do not fear this, it is the way of nature and being a mammal and not different from others who are sentient (thinking beings) like a jaguar, but do not speak 'human'. We all speak a quietness.


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