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Ok, I belong to another site. Maybe some of you have heard of it. It is called VampireFreaks. If you haven't heard of it, it is like myspace, only for another type of audience. (goths, emos, etc.) Well I read somewhere on the net that the site is now considered bad. That supposably a couple of girls got raped because of the site. I heard from members of VF that there was an older male there that was "making friends" with those girls and then they decided to meet in person. Now, would you say that it is the sites' fault? Or the girls' fault? Or the fault any site, not just vampirefreaks, but others as well? What are your opinions?

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both. i think that the site has a responsibity to monitor dangerous comments, blogs, messages... etc. BUT- they can only go so far and do so much. Everybody has to keep a watch for suspicious activity and people. I dont blame the girls that were raped, although they probably should have been ALOT more cautious. I blame the sick people that take advantage of others. Pedofiles and Rapists that find thier victims on the computer are very cunning. They know what to say and when to say to make themselves be trusted. I blame them!
I agree with Jade. People can only go so far on-line. I also think some blame falls on the parent. Be involved!
I definately agree with the other two people, it's not the fault of one person but everyone involved's fault (to a degree). The parents should have been watching their girls or at least made sure that they knew the dangers of online communities. The girls should have used their heads a little more, but mostly I think it's the guys fault. Unfortunately there are some real monsters out there, and while victims and other people can do things to prevent attacks, these people are usually very smart, very alluring, all making them very dangerous. No matter how he did it, the point is that he did it. If anyones to blame it that horrible man for his darkness, but still with a little common sense we can make preying on the innocent just a little harder for those sickos.


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