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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

My name is Jessica. I joined this site in hopes of someone being able to help me find myself. I think I've had past lives, i'm not sure. I'm not sure of religion, though I would have to say i believe Mother Nature is the driving force in my life. Gaia is the mother of the Earth, she's to be cherished and feared at the same time. I see auras. I don't know why. It started when i was little. Things appear to have colored rings of lights around them. I also develop connections to people i've never met. I can feel what they're feeling. I can almost "read" them and it's how i pick out people whom I could start a relation with, not necessarily love, for i gave up on love long ago. Maybe someone here can help me find my path and the answers i seek.
Blessed Be to all, may Mother smile on you.

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jessica, i am really glad i could help. let me know if i can help with anything else.
ok, i was wanting to know what to offer the god(dess) and how to call the corners.
vovl, i dont know if i can explain calling the corners or invoking the elements better than Marian Green from her book A Witch Alone

"The simplest set of symbols of the Elements of Earth(north), Water (west), Fire(south) and Air(east) are the earth from the garden(rock, stick, dirt, from outside) water from the tap, a lighted candle (for fire) and something scented( or a feather for air) (place these at east west north and south "corners" of your circle according to thier element)..... These traditional four Elements represent the spokes of a wheel, which give it both balance and power. By calling upon these traditional Elements you create a kind of vortex which spins the energy you are drawing up from the Earth herself and mixes it with the power to move because in your ritual..... (you) can direct the energy where it is needed. As your psychic power improves you will actually be able to see the Elemental power as different colors, or as flows of rainbow light, or sence them as heat or coolness.
You will need to write little poems or invocations to welcome or recognize these forces.

'Earth beneath and Sky above, Bless me ever with your true love.
Power of Nature, streangth of earth, help me to find me own true worth.
Flow of Water, rain in Spring. Grant my heart the joy to sing.
Fire of summer, light of flame, Guide me to my lifelong aim.
WInd of autumn, breath of Air, show me peace beyond compare.
Circle round and Light within, guard me now, your human kin'

As you say each of these short invocations.... face up for sky, look down for earth ( in the first line), point to north for Elemental earth(second), West for water(third), south for fire(fourth), East for Air(fifth line) . ideally you will need to walk around the circle to each of these points in turn, if you do it just like that you will find you are going anti-clockwise, or widdershins as they say in scotland. now many modern witcheds do not like the idea of going anti-clockwise, not realizing that it is the actual direction the Earth herself turns, so it is up to you.'

after the ritual simply go backwards.
east, south, west. north. saying the line you said in the beginning while facing that way.
for instance:

Circle round and Light within, guard me now, your human kin'
WInd of autumn, breath of Air, show me peace beyond compare
Fire of summer, light of flame, Guide me to my lifelong aim.
Flow of Water, rain in Spring. Grant my heart the joy to sing.
Power of Nature, streangth of earth, help me to find me own true worth.
'Earth beneath and Sky above, Bless me ever with your true love.

As for an offering -herbs do very nicely. use whatever feels right for you. research the purpose of the herb. some herbs are good for certain deity- some are good for a certain purpose (strength, courage, wisdome, protection. etc. if you can bake something- like bread or a piece of a cake is good. those are always accepted nicely. i wouldnt reccommend ale or wine for an offering with you, you are a minor and if you get caught with those things i dont think you could explain that its an offering for the god and goddess to your parents, lol! i have planted a tree once as an offering- it was me giving back to the earth. as for how to do it. Do you have a place where you usually do your rituals?? like an altar? get a small bowl or cloth and place it on your altar or in the ritual area. remember you are giving with your heart, so it doesn't really matter what you give them. not really. after the ritual- i usually bury my offering, or if its an herb let it go out side. please dont throw it away, some believe that this is ok, but personnaly i think it is an insult to the god and goddess.

let me know if you have any more questions.

vovl-concisus-vita said:
thanks, but there are a few more questions i have to ask, what kind of offering should i give, and how do i call the corners?
ok, thanks, that really helps a lot. my usual ritual place is in my room or in the living room when my parents are gone or asleep. i guess i could use the coffee table as a temporary alter. say, i am trying to make a book of shadows, does it need to be a certain color? the only three ring binder i have is white, and that doesnt seem appropriate for a book of SHADOWS. sorry if it appears i am yelling, but i am just trying to add emphasis on the wors. i think white would go better as a book of mirrors if i decide to make one. what do you think?
white is a color that can mean anything. it is like the color of all colors. for instance if you need a green candle for health, and you dont have one, you can use white instead. its very handy, lol. white is perfect. a book of shadows is a great idea!
remember to write down, dreams, spells, ideas, deites you have connected with, meditations... etc.

vovl-concisus-vita said:
ok, thanks, that really helps a lot. my usual ritual place is in my room or in the living room when my parents are gone or asleep. i guess i could use the coffee table as a temporary alter. say, i am trying to make a book of shadows, does it need to be a certain color? the only three ring binder i have is white, and that doesnt seem appropriate for a book of SHADOWS. sorry if it appears i am yelling, but i am just trying to add emphasis on the wors. i think white would go better as a book of mirrors if i decide to make one. what do you think?
ok, thank you so much! you are awesome. you have really helped me out a lot. i just have to get my hands on some incense, lol. omg, your so awesome and nice. i look forward to having friendly relations with you in the future. just as friends though, as im still a minor, and your married, durr. lol. well thanks, ill talk to you soon hopefully.
i am happy to help. i wish i had somebody explain things to me- i studied solitary for three years before i was doing a ritual with someone else and they were so confused cause i was doing alot of things backwards and left somethings completly out. ( a runon sentence i know but i dont feel like rewriting) its good that you are actually asking questions. you need to. that is the only way to learn. and dont think that just because i am telling you things you dont know- that i know everything. not even close. the path for a wiccan is full of learning and that never stops. that, and it is pretty dangerous doing some of these things when you dont know what you are doing. for instance- always cast a circle when invoking a deity or spirit. if you want to know how just ask. but if you dont put a 'barrier' for these spirits they can escape- seriously. and there are ways to exit the circle without having to cast it all over again. there are ways to move around the circle. keep asking questions and i will continue to answer them :)

vovl-concisus-vita said:
ok, thank you so much! you are awesome. you have really helped me out a lot. i just have to get my hands on some incense, lol. omg, your so awesome and nice. i look forward to having friendly relations with you in the future. just as friends though, as im still a minor, and your married, durr. lol. well thanks, ill talk to you soon hopefully.
So... You said that you could see auras that would help you as a Christian to know who was going to heaven and who was going to hell... What was the difference in appearance that allowed you do distinguish between the two? What made you decide to become a pagan? Just curious... What you wrote was fascinating!
oh, thanks jooniper. well, i thought that if i could see a clear, or pearelescent white, spelling?, that they were going to heaven, but if they had a darker color, they were going to hell. however, if their aura was greenish, or bluish, or anything in between, they could sway eithervway. anyways, did i explain it? if not, just ask


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