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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

My name is Jessica. I joined this site in hopes of someone being able to help me find myself. I think I've had past lives, i'm not sure. I'm not sure of religion, though I would have to say i believe Mother Nature is the driving force in my life. Gaia is the mother of the Earth, she's to be cherished and feared at the same time. I see auras. I don't know why. It started when i was little. Things appear to have colored rings of lights around them. I also develop connections to people i've never met. I can feel what they're feeling. I can almost "read" them and it's how i pick out people whom I could start a relation with, not necessarily love, for i gave up on love long ago. Maybe someone here can help me find my path and the answers i seek.
Blessed Be to all, may Mother smile on you.

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hey, i also can see auras, though in my christian years, i saw auras as whether you went to heaven or hell. now, as a wiccan, i know that everything has a soul, and thus an aura. for instance, my dog used to see me as just an object in his life, and one day i decided to channel spirit, and tapped into my dogs aura. now, he loves me. when i am not around, he mopes around, but when i am near, he can sense me and gets excited. i also feel more love towards him as well. i now know that wicca is the path i shall take, and i will help you find your own way as well if you like. we have something in common, aura seeing, a gift from the goddess, so lets be friends.
have you tried meditating on where you should go on your path? alot of times when i am unsure about what to do about something i meditate and i just "know" the answer. if you would like tips to help you meditate, just ask. i know LOTS of them :)
also, have u ever thought that you might be an empath? empaths, can sence what others are feeling, and sometimes feel it themselves. i am one. it is VERY difficult to be around negative people because i get depressed easily. for some reason, usually negative energy is harder to block then positive. being an empath explains the connections you have with people and the auras you see. it also makes sense on why you 'gave up' on love. alot of times, empaths feel SO much- we start to block without really knowing what were doing. its like our defence mechanism. I know lots of ways that you can try to control this. its mainly exercises that help this gift.
any time you would like help with anything- just ask. i feel like i can help you. im not sure why, but i can.

i hope this helps! blessed be and merry meet!
Thank you so vey much. I beleive I am an empath. I'm not very good at meditating, my concentration is broken very easily. Any tips you might have would be great. Thank you so much and Blessed Be.

Jade said:
have you tried meditating on where you should go on your path? alot of times when i am unsure about what to do about something i meditate and i just "know" the answer. if you would like tips to help you meditate, just ask. i know LOTS of them :)
also, have u ever thought that you might be an empath? empaths, can sence what others are feeling, and sometimes feel it themselves. i am one. it is VERY difficult to be around negative people because i get depressed easily. for some reason, usually negative energy is harder to block then positive. being an empath explains the connections you have with people and the auras you see. it also makes sense on why you 'gave up' on love. alot of times, empaths feel SO much- we start to block without really knowing what were doing. its like our defence mechanism. I know lots of ways that you can try to control this. its mainly exercises that help this gift.
any time you would like help with anything- just ask. i feel like i can help you. im not sure why, but i can.

i hope this helps! blessed be and merry meet!
after reading your comment jade, i believe i too may be an empath. i tend to sense people. so if you could help me out i would appreciate it. read my comment in the talents and gifts discussion i think its called. is it possible these shadows are spirits? also, are empaths generally good at channeling spirit?
yes you are probably an empath to some extent. but you have also learned how to control your power. empaths are good at channeling spirits if they train thier power that way. you also seem to be a psychic medium as well. these talents together can make a very dangerous combo, or a very helping one. i recommend the helping kind. yes the shadows you are reffering to are spirits. mediums are able to reach the other plane( the spirit one) more then the rest of us. some can see, hear, touch, talk to them....ect. some spirits need help- some want to hurt. it is not like the christians version of heaven- thier are bad spirits. please be careful when coming in contact with them. i would recommend a cleansing of your house. let me know what your path is so i can recommend a way that fits what you believe. i dont want to offend you in any way by recommending what i would do, if it is against your beliefs. ok?
ok, thats fine jade. i am a wiccan, but i am only fifteen and my parents are hardcore christians, so i didnt tell them. it may be possible to cleanse my house when they arent home, but i couldnt use inscense. anyways, yes please help me, i would like to get rid of any negative spirits, and i have no desire to harm anyone or anything. you said i was probably a psychic medium, that is kindof a scary thought to me, like i said, i was raised a christian, but left it, so i have an inbred slight fear of the supernatural, but i can overcome it, just like i overcame my christian bonds. i think the thing i am most scared of is having a spirit talk through me at the dinner table, but i guess i can learn to control it with help. blessed be.
for meditating, i recommend putting on music that is very calming- loud enough to block out the noices of the outside world, but quiet enough that you can hear yourself think. prefferably choose a peaceful time in the house. like when everyone is sleeping or relaxing. choose music with no words! this is important because you do not want to be singing along or thinking about the lyrics when you are trying to meditate. you can also choose forest sounds, ocean sounds... etc..

if you burn incense or would like to, choose a scent like lavender, chamomile, vanilla. nothing to robust though and dont put the incense too close to you. the smoke will distract you.

choose a color that is calming for you or represents calmness for you. for me its light blue. ask yourself- if calm had a color what would it be. try to stay away from yellow, orange and red. usually those colors represent energy.

get into a postion that is comfortable for you. personnally i would lay down. preferably on your back. but make sure it is comforable.

close your eyes. breathe in through your nose and out your mouth. concentrate on your breath. breath deeply. when you breathe in feel the air fill your lungs. focus on that. do this until you are comfortable with it and it becomes natural.

then imagine that calm color at the tips of your toes. when it does this relax that area. every muscle. sometimes you dont realize you have a body part that is tensed until you consciously relax it. imagine that calmness slowly- VERY slowly moving up your body. sometimes it helps to tense up an area to release it again. when you do this it relaxs that area more then it was before. also be aware of that color, feel it. push away any thoughts other then that color and relaxing every muscle as this color travels up your body. dont rush it. take your time. dont move the color up unless you feel like it is completly relaxed.
when this color reaches your mind, calm your thoughts as well. simply feel how this feeling of relaxation calms you. do this until you feel like you are done. slowly turn to your side keeping your eyes closed, slowly sit up. then open your eyes.
you are done.

meditation is harder for some people because they cant shut down their minds. this meditation doesn't require you to turn off thoughts all together. throughout the entire meditation you are concentrating on something. breathing, color, relaxing.
sometimes, if pressed for time, or for the first time, you may want to only do the breathing. thats fine. just remember to not let other thoughts enter your head. try this meditation and see if it works for you. try a few times so that you really give it a fighting chance. dont give up just because it doesn't work perfectly every time. this is a good beginner meditation. let me know how it works out for you.

Jessica said:
Thank you so vey much. I beleive I am an empath. I'm not very good at meditating, my concentration is broken very easily. Any tips you might have would be great. Thank you so much and Blessed Be.
lol, wow. flashback. i understand where you are coming from. i was fourteen when i entered the craft as well. my parents werent 'hardcore' christians, just the kind that dont go to church but still are set in thier ways. ok. can u light candles? do you have access to colored cloth, sewing needle (for sewing only i promise, lol) herbs, oils, crystals and such?? if not that is fine- i CAN work around that- trust me.
i wouldnt worry about a spirit comunicating through you physically unless it has happened before. mediums usually are visual. i know you dont have any desire to harm- harm none- right?
also dont feel like you have to overcome your christian bonds all together. remember, you are still working with god, just with a goddess beside him, equally.
in love and light
blessed be

vovl-concisus-vita said:
ok, thats fine jade. i am a wiccan, but i am only fifteen and my parents are hardcore christians, so i didnt tell them. it may be possible to cleanse my house when they arent home, but i couldnt use inscense. anyways, yes please help me, i would like to get rid of any negative spirits, and i have no desire to harm anyone or anything. you said i was probably a psychic medium, that is kindof a scary thought to me, like i said, i was raised a christian, but left it, so i have an inbred slight fear of the supernatural, but i can overcome it, just like i overcame my christian bonds. i think the thing i am most scared of is having a spirit talk through me at the dinner table, but i guess i can learn to control it with help. blessed be.
wow, nice. anyways, i do have access to candels, herbs, and sewing needles, but i dont have access to colored cloth or oils. sorry about that. and yes, i did mean harm none, lol. blessed be.
well i would start cleansing the area around you by:
calling the corners and invoking the lord and lady for a ritual. ask them to help you in releasing negative energy that flows around you. an offering would help. Light a black candle. then sit in meditation position and imagine all of the negative engery around you as a light. imagine that light being absorbed into the candle. do this until you feel like all or most is absorbed into the candle or until the candle burns out. then thank the lord and lady for aiding in your ritual. then call down the corners. bury the remenant of the candle somewhere. make sure it is not in a place you visit often. an abandond field is a good place.

also, every morning when you wake up- create a shield of white light and energy around you. this is a simple thing and should only take a couple minutes. simply stand and imagine a white bright shiled of energy form like an egg around you. imagine that it is unbreakable- immune to others feelings, thoughts, spirits.. etc. imagine it being indestructable. then continue with your day. throughout the day when you feel that it has disipated or its not as strong. imagine it again. this is a good techinque that alot of empaths use to keep others out. the more you do this exercise the stronger it will get and the more it will work.
let me know if these help
blessed be

vovl-concisus-vita said:
wow, nice. anyways, i do have access to candels, herbs, and sewing needles, but i dont have access to colored cloth or oils. sorry about that. and yes, i did mean harm none, lol. blessed be.
Oh my Mother thank you this has helped soo much. i've become so much better and i'm not getting so depressed! thank you thank you!

May Mother Bless you and keep you safe.

Jade said:
for meditating, i recommend putting on music that is very calming- loud enough to block out the noices of the outside world, but quiet enough that you can hear yourself think. prefferably choose a peaceful time in the house. like when everyone is sleeping or relaxing. choose music with no words! this is important because you do not want to be singing along or thinking about the lyrics when you are trying to meditate. you can also choose forest sounds, ocean sounds... etc..

if you burn incense or would like to, choose a scent like lavender, chamomile, vanilla. nothing to robust though and dont put the incense too close to you. the smoke will distract you.

choose a color that is calming for you or represents calmness for you. for me its light blue. ask yourself- if calm had a color what would it be. try to stay away from yellow, orange and red. usually those colors represent energy.

get into a postion that is comfortable for you. personnally i would lay down. preferably on your back. but make sure it is comforable.

close your eyes. breathe in through your nose and out your mouth. concentrate on your breath. breath deeply. when you breathe in feel the air fill your lungs. focus on that. do this until you are comfortable with it and it becomes natural.

then imagine that calm color at the tips of your toes. when it does this relax that area. every muscle. sometimes you dont realize you have a body part that is tensed until you consciously relax it. imagine that calmness slowly- VERY slowly moving up your body. sometimes it helps to tense up an area to release it again. when you do this it relaxs that area more then it was before. also be aware of that color, feel it. push away any thoughts other then that color and relaxing every muscle as this color travels up your body. dont rush it. take your time. dont move the color up unless you feel like it is completly relaxed.
when this color reaches your mind, calm your thoughts as well. simply feel how this feeling of relaxation calms you. do this until you feel like you are done. slowly turn to your side keeping your eyes closed, slowly sit up. then open your eyes.
you are done.

meditation is harder for some people because they cant shut down their minds. this meditation doesn't require you to turn off thoughts all together. throughout the entire meditation you are concentrating on something. breathing, color, relaxing.
sometimes, if pressed for time, or for the first time, you may want to only do the breathing. thats fine. just remember to not let other thoughts enter your head. try this meditation and see if it works for you. try a few times so that you really give it a fighting chance. dont give up just because it doesn't work perfectly every time. this is a good beginner meditation. let me know how it works out for you.

Jessica said:
Thank you so vey much. I beleive I am an empath. I'm not very good at meditating, my concentration is broken very easily. Any tips you might have would be great. Thank you so much and Blessed Be.
thanks, but there are a few more questions i have to ask, what kind of offering should i give, and how do i call the corners?


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