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Mine is Thor, but since I like runes I will probably go with Odin.

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My main choice is Thor,I have a connection with lighting. But on the other hand Loki is my close second there are times where I know better, but I do it any way. and let me clarify I have never hurt anyone or broken any laws.
Hail to thee great Loki!

I agree hail loki.

Of the Gods I would say Odin. He who traveled the world cloaked and hunched to hide His magnificence from the casual passer-by. He who sacraficed his physical beauty and perfection and hung between the Worlds to win the Rune Powers and Wisdom, He who's Thoughts and Memories took flight to find their home among the People of the ice and snow. I bow befor Thee Father.
Hail the allfather! Hail mighty Loki!
My son likes Loki...and this doesnt suprise me AT ALL...my daughter has yet to hear the call of the North
iris, your daughter will hear the North someday, and when she does, I know the Gods will welcome her quite marvelously. they miss their former Children (aka !00% of Christianity) and wish to tell them to hear their voices again. But too bad Christ's sheep will not listen to their ancestral parents...
Being runesters we connect well with Odin, and Tyr for magic aid but we Hold Loki and his brood in highest honnor and trust his friendship.Wonder why....? Contact me!
Loki's cool, even though he did kill his brother and we are on our way to Ragnarok.... But way he did save his fellow Gods on their adventures, and even then if he did make the problem in the first place. Do you see where I'm going here. Your Favorite Norse God is the crazist and well as the most genius God ever! He still owes those Dwarves his head though.
i love the all-father god odin and his many faces master of the runes and the mistress of the gods freyja lover and valkery mistress of the runes also i like the all-mother frigga for her compassion and understanding but in truth i love the gods and goddesses of the norse and teutonic to study the stories and of the northern mysteries opens a world all its own and although i am eclectic the northern tradition is a true passion `````light and blessings to you ````heilsa


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